Existence is routine: You
exist like rocks, trees, mice,
but you cannot find Life if you do not choose
between good and evil, yes or no.

Destiny ! A word unseen in The Revelation of Arès,
that however gives a clear exact meaning to the Way
that leads to Life and that defines our destiny.
This is an item you can't dodge when you choose to
desanimalize so as to humanize yourself.
Destiny is life chosen against existence which is life
endured. So it was that Adam chose (Rev of Arès 2/1-5)
to give up the Maker's Plan, and so we choose
to go back to His Plan (28/27).
Nowadays most of humans' existence is a stereotype, that
of animals capable of thinking indeed, but blind to
the destiny of deliberate self-re-creation, which cannot be
but spiritual. The human being has not said to himself a
long time, Just be one in yourself (Rev of Arès
xxiv/1). He says to himself: "Just be like everybody
in yourself." He lives according to this fate. We shall help
him to get away from it.
An Arès Pilgrim has set himself or herself a destiny, which
is not decided by politics, or religion, or widespread
common opinions. He or she has decided to drink from the Source
again (Rev of Arès 24/4) and get his or her
descendants to drink from the Source.
Before Jesus appeared to me I had had only an existence laid
down by the circumstances of my birth at such-and-such time,
under such-and-such culture, in such-and-such country,
having got such-and-such health and trials and states of
uncertainty, but this context was going to disappear after I
decided to abide by the Father's Will (Rev of
Arès 12/4). Ever since then I have had a destiny that
I know in advance, which is not the case with my fellow
creatures, whether dominators or dominated
people, who are just existent. I am a penitent, a man
of the coming time (30/13), a free
(10/10) soul, because the Father put me forward for
being so and I wanted to be so. As for my fellow brothers
and sisters in faith it is the same.
Penitence is the
destiny that an Arès Pilgrim has willed.
Is there anything seductive about The Revelation of
Arès? No, nothing seductive. Only those who see the Light
(Rev of Arès 12/4) in it realise that it is a great Word.
The countless who trot along in the good old routine
darkness or dance within the fireflies flock of their ideas
cannot see the Light, they consider The
Revelation of Arès as something biblical, tedious,
obsolete. This is proved by the difficulties in reading it
met with by those to whom we lend the book.
I did not change my life or find my destiny,
because The Revelation of Arès had seduced me
(Rév d'Arès 30/11). First it plunged me into despair;
I felt like I in alarm was thrown into the furnace of the
Divine judgement. It was actually a See (18/4) of
Life (24/5) and Light (12/4) ! There
I heard a Call which was as unexpected as new. In
the foaming wake of my thinking I rose to the bait which the
line was dragging astern of the Vessel (17/4,
18/4), His Will became my will to change
my existence into a destiny, when I understood that I and
the world (28/7) behind me we were able to return
to Eden some Day (31/8) but that the
potential of it was dependent upon my choice. I a fish
(xxx/16) all at once aware that I concealed the power
to create vomited my own humanity restored (Jonah
2/1-11) and activated from then on against billions
of fellow men unaware that they were dehumanized.
The Revelation of Arès calls on us to set up a small
remnant (Rev of Arès 24/1) of penitents
whose destiny will be to save the masses from the sin of
sins (38/2), the human masses which the political,
religious, ideological dominators (27/9, 28/21, 29/2)
have for centuries packed like sandbags against the flood of
Evil, but that dike is not Good in spite of
its heavy materiality, so it is continually submerged. We
could say that The Revelation of Arès calls to us,
"Flee fake good ! Get free Life, Happiness back,
because you've been created to enjoy them, but you've had no
idea what they are for millenniums; they are very different
from what you call happiness these days!"
From the day that a human being, whether an Arès Pilgrim or
otherwise, makes himself a penitent, Good is his
destiny, even though the world can't just imagine it
benefits by it, and even though a penitent is not
completely spared the necessity of determinism to some
extent — For instance, he dies, which is bound to happen in
this generation —. Penitence cannot completely
escape the causes and effects of bad mood or weakness
(36/5), but the right way to self-re-creation and the
world's re-creation into Good totally results from
penitence, even though it's a bit up and down.
Adam chose (Rev of Arès 2/1-5) to desert the Maker's
Plan, but we choose to go back to it.
We are still a feeble minority, but we as a field of
energy are growing, like a butterfly wing flapping we can
unexpectedly bring about a hurricane of Good.
We have quit the existence of minerals, vegetables, animals
and masses who are passive servants of determinism.
There are people who do nothing to make Evil fade,
but choosing to do nothing is no more than existing and we
can see the consequences of this in the world.
We are well committed in choosing to build Good
for Good's sake decisively.