Penitence has happened on us just
as the apple had happened on Newton.
Penitence like an apple which goes extinct in
the ground or the stomach is nothing, people our
missionaries talk to think shrugging their shoulders.
Yes, but it's not the apple, it's its motion from the
tree to the ground that we have to see, just as Newton
saw and comprehended it.
Just as the fall of an apple reveals a force:
gravitation, penitence reveals a force: Good.
Let's plant the apple trees of penitence!
Penitence just as an apple cannot keep its mass
and its distance from Earth forever. It hangs from its
branch while it ripens, but it will by falling reveal
its gravitational force sooner or later.
The potential gravitation energy of a body of a mass m
(the penitents) at a distance r from a body of
a mass M (the wicked) that creates the
gravitation field is :
![\Delta U_{\text{potentielle}}=\int_\infty^R \vec{F}\cdot\vec{dl} = \int_\infty^R\frac{-GMm}{r^2} dr\cdot\vec{u_r}\cdot\vec{u_r}\ = GMm\int_\infty^R\frac{-dr}{r^2} = GMm \left[\frac{1}{r}\right]_\infty^R](
How labyrinthine!
No, it's not.
Penitence will cure the world of evil
with a force directly proportional to the product of
the masses of Evil and Good and
inversely proportional to the distance that we penitents
will create between them.
I just as Pythagoras thought think that all — even the Father,
Truth and Life — may be said in figures
like in words. and that on the Day (Rev of Arès
31/8), we will raise from the dead and be aware
of formulations that are today hidden from us under the
unfathomable ignorance that evil has thrown us
We know that the mass of penitents (Rev of Arès
8/4, 13/4, 27/7,etc.) is to stay a lot weaker —
hence its name: small remnant (24/1) — than
the mass of the wicked (xix/1-4-23), even
though we are unaware of the value of the latter, which
may be more impressive than important within the huge
vacuum of the apathetic people and the skeptics. So we
have to keep the distance between penitents and
the wicked as short as possible, proportional
to out visibility which will be bigger and bigger with
the saints' help and under the Father's
Protection (Rev of Arès 37/7-8).
I am going to undergo a heart surgery and
there is every chance that it will cure an aortic
stricture that has turned hazardous, but the surgery is
not completely safe.
I will continue my mission, if the surgery is successful,
but if the Father decided that my mission stops now,
before I leave I have strongly to stress that penitence
is fundamental in our faith and therefore in our mission.
It's a plain fact that we are penitents by changing
our lives (Rev of Arès 30/11) into good,
by harvesting penitents who in turn
will harvest penitents, who in turn will
harvest penitents, and so on, so that in the end
we will give shape to the Truth, that is
that the world has to change (28/7).
How to changer one's life?
I insist that this consists in loving,
forgiving, making peace, setting oneself free
(Rev of Arès 10/10) from all prejudices against
anybody and rekindling one's spiritual intelligence
But how will this change the world?
I lay stress on deculturation, which we will be initiating
to get man out of the traditional concept of good
and evil.
All has been given mankind once and for all. Within this
whole lot Good and Evil are
potentialities that belong to man, but not to the Father.
The Father does not ask us to reinstate Good on
earth, like He were His Creator — He is much more than a
limited creator, He has created the life energy, but it's
man that makes it evil or good —. He
asks us to reinstate Good, because He loves
us and is upset (Rev of Arès 31/2-5) to see
His Child suffering from Evil, which
Adam had chosen (2/1-5).
Evil can be perfect just as Good can
be, Spinoza thought, who added that every reality is
perfection, so the perfectest something is the realest. It
is the perfection that common people perceive, so that
they have ended up telling evil for good
and are now very hard to evangelize. Let's make Good
real, just as the Sermon on the Mount tells us
to do, so that the realest it becomes, the realest
existence it has and its Victory will come up on
the Day when eternity is back. We as images
and likenesses of the Creator can recreate Earth,
the minute part of the Universe that we have been
granted, Such is the hard labor the Arès
Pilgrims have agreed to achieve.
Spinoza also wrote, "Man has preferred order to confusion
like order might bear relation to anything real in
nature." So man imposes upon his race what he calls order:
government, law, repressive measures, religion, etc.,
because he has a passion for Evil, which he
compares to our passion for Good, which we have
regained. We can thereby realize that penitence
is going to change all this too and do much more than
create good humanity beside an evil one, it will change
the planet from top to bottom (Rev of Arès
---> Copyright Michel
Potay 2014