The Attali committee's 41
important persons and experts do not plan to change France as
The Revelation of
Ares plans to
change the world (28/7), but their
314 proposals will help toward it, if Mr Sarkozy can have them
The economic rescue plan by Jacques Attali — his intelligence and
courage I salute — involves restoring some freedom to set up and
enterprises and to have possessions, which certainly sounds merely
materialistic, but whatever sets man materially free helps set him
spiritually free, because life is a great whole, because
there is
only one global, absolute freedom,
all sides of which are linked to each other, the Maker's Word
implies (Rev of
Arès 10/10).
I as an Ares Pilgrim can't help but be in favor of a France — The
Revelation of Ares speaks
French, doesn't it? — which would some day realize that security
and happiness do not lie in a life off grants, subsidies and benefits,
but they lie in a life of free
development and creativity, because only freedom can revitalize real,
natural kindness.
Now, only natural kindness
will do better than social laws, which cannot be improved on.
the Ares Pilgrims have understood for 34
years, from the spiritual angle, in the Light of The
Revelation of Ares. This
is why they have acted spiritual at the risk of putting themselves on
the fringe of society ideologically and metaphysically by making
themselves penitents
and penitent harvesters, as
prompting people to change
their lives into good (30/11)
amounts to leading them to global happiness and even, in the end, to
the disappearance of death, but let's not go beyond the scope of this
For the time being, measures have to be taken to pull France out of
disguised communism, terribly ossifying. Measures have to be taken so
that the French can work freely, set up businesses freely, and
gradually drawing near to the ideals LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY,
which have been derived from the Father's Word, whatever rationalistic
French republicans may say about it.
The Attali committee's 314 proposals are bound to arouse vehement rows
between policians, ideologists and unions. However, the
politicians and unionists, that have for decades with sincere feeling
demanded laws to shackle and milk dry management and all sorts of
creators and sustain workers and those intitled to state benefits, have
to admit with sincere feeling alike that their demands have paralysed
economy. The French manufacturers, who are not "saints", have been
moving away and craftsmen becoming rare. France will be gradually
deindustrialized, so that within 20 or 30 years it is to fall into
I am not detailing the 314 proposals. I only lay stress on the fact
that Jacques Attali and the committee he has been chairing have
realized that, in addition to the necessary restoration of freedom to
run businesses and have possessions without being overtaxed, the
restoration of benevolence as prevalent mentality, too long vanished,
is likewise necessary.
Says Attali, "I dream of a France where the scandal of poverty would
substitute for the current scandal of wealth. I dream of a France where
jealousy would no longer prevail against noble feelings, and where
everybody would be aware that, like in any fotball team, it's in
everybody's interest to see others be successful! I dream of a France
that could change its culture of the annuity into the culture of risk." Just
as taking economic risks pays off, taking spiritual risks pays
off, the risks of love,
forgiveness, of peace,
intelligent kindness and of total freedom. There
no other way for spiritual life to come into existence, the only key to
Good and global happiness. When is real
Christianity to start?
