july 10, 2015 (0166US)
penitence will disband the masses
"The greatest thing
on earth is to know how to belong to oneself"
(Montaigne, Essays).
"To belong to oneself" is to be individual and free.
Individuality and freedom are nowhere in the masses; there
are just citizenship and permissions.
Now, Life (Rev of Arès 24/5) is to be individual
and free.
Penitence, which leads to Life, is
individual and free. Salvation is
individual and free. There is but one way for
man, as he is social, to regain complete individuality and
freedom, it is to live among a small number of free
These birds
can't live but in multitudes and under
the law of their species.
The penitent man evades animality,
he can decrease in number and live in small free
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The world's people have very fixed
ideas. They say, "Man cannot change." A few however
tell, "Let's say man can change himself
individually, but he can't change society, at all!"
Nevertheless, the world has to change (Rév of
Arès 28/7) and it's through penitence
that man will change the world by changing
himself, says the Father.
So we Arès Pilgrims are penitents though we do not
try to please the concepts of the world, which
considers us as cranks.
The Right Path sounds like we and the
world had a misunderstanding; the miracle of a changed
world will result from this misunderstanding
one fine day, but the world cannot acknowledge it or
does not think it possible, if it thinks of it ever.
It's this long laugh or sigh of the world that
allows us to act unnoticed.
We have started the phenomenal work — phenomenal
because it is supposed to be unfeasible — to
introduce the spirit of penitence (Rev of Arès
28/25) into the world. As the Creator
is with us, the plan is feasible; it's an act of
faith. Never better faith is to become reason.
We are preparing the land of the states, little do
they know, to be swallowed up as in a fog, erasing
theirs borders, dispersing their masses and getting
them studded with countless small units in the image
of the soul space. This will get done
little by little, but is sure to get done, when man
realizes from place to place that masses life makes
him a slave. He will understand that only
small self-managed units of free (10/10)
penitents away from multitudes can live in Good
Only small units (xLv/19) can live in the
Creator's image of Unity (Deuteronomy
6/4). Individual salvation has been
provided through penitence a long time,
but love, forgiveness and freedom can socially
speaking be fertile and creative only within small
units. Man can live under the Voice (vii/4-5)
and undo the knot (xLii/13) of the law
(xix/24) only within small units.
Then the world, irrelevant to the number of its
people, will be a Garden (xvi/17) again.
Evil keeps on spreading, it is coming close to
irreversibility. Man is free (10/10) to go
back to animality and make no bones about it. But he
is also free to revert to spirituality
before he ends up in the sin of sins (38/2).
This is why the Creator through The Revelation
of Arès gathers clear and white
(xvii/12) humans, penitents (27/7)
together and send them out to harvest more
penitents in order to change the world
(28/7) from Evil into Good.
Good is the Fire of spiritual Life,
it is the only force able to conquer evil, which is
gradually casting a shadow over mankind and freezing
it (freezing darkness 16/15, 33/33).
Come 'n take the Fire! is synonymous with Come
'n take Good!!
Man's science has forsaken Wisdom, which is
deprived of science (33/6),
so it sees evil as normality today. This is the very
worst point of History.
Evil is noxious in many respects and subjugates all
that it affects, notably it groups the multitudes
together and holds dominion over them, the masses.
It puts them under the political rules of the
powers, which have become stronger and stronger and
have systematized the masses.
Now, The Revelation of Arès, which is the
manifesto of Good, reminds us of the
sacrosanct value of free individuality,
the exact opposite of the masses. Around the
nucleus, which the small remnant of penitents
is, the masses are going to disband into small unit.
The more developped the small remnant, the
less slow the dissolution. Each man will be a person
again, a child approved by the Father, one
of free genius.
There is no masses penitence, no masses good
therefore. Only a free man can restore the
image and likeness of his Creator within
himself (Genesis 1/26-27). It is in
small social units that the sacrosanct ferments of happiness(36/23)
will reappear, thousands of Gardens
(35/2), the nations that are to set
themselves free and go
back to the Creator's Plan (28/21).
The persons that listen to our appeal for Good
and the individual's way back to the
personal power over himself or herself are not
against us, but they think we are ultra-utopian
daydreamers. They do not think so stupidly; they say
the world is manipulated with an iron hand by a few
inevitable cliques, religious and/or political
permanent fixtures.
People had believed that they would set up democracy
and happy society by bringing down monarchy. When
democracy proved to be less overbearing than
monarchy, but as nasty and incompetent as it,
they thought that they should bring down capitalism
so that global happiness might come into existence.
Nothing of the sort has happened. USSR, huge masses,
collapsed, but the powers' hold over masses remains
and looks more and more unsettling. Now people do
not believe in anything.
In "Who will rule the world tomorrow?" Jacques
Attali writes : "The world will be less and less
controlled by empires and more and more
controlled by the market, " but The Revelation
of Arès in substance says that the market is
as unable as the empires to make men good and happy.
"A worldly government will be essential... the whole
of the world will be one state under one law,"
Attali adds, who thinks it an inescapable advisable
necessity. Attali — a man I like and hold in high
regard — really stuns me there, fails to see
humanity the way it is. Hasn't Attali learned that
the fig alone already has nine hundred species and
that each fig species has its specific fly? Spinoza
in getting God and Nature mixed up, except that
Nature can't think or speak whereas God thinks and
speaks, at least realized that God is the Source of
infinite diversities. Attali fails to see that the
very range, which is wide and extreme, of human
beings' vocations and needs shows that men are
creatures made to be free, who can't restore Good
as long as they are not free. The prison of law has
broken men's kindness and made most of them wicked
already and may well make them even more dangerous,
if the prison grew in internationality.
We are not sent out to awake sleeping Christianity,
because social Christianity has never come into
existence yet; there have been just a few Christian
individuals here and there — the gander
(xxxvi/3) —. We are sent out to found real
social Christianity, that which The Sermon on
the Mount advocates. We are aware that most
of people are not ready to disrupt their usual
points of view; they take for granted that the
masses are going to increase and that the law which
rules them will increase likewise. We never stop
echoing the Father's Word, that says all the
opposite; we patiently teach that the masses are
going to disband and the law is going to disappear.
We are to persuade men that they have been following
the specter of false rationalism, which has been
preying on their minds until now, just as they were
preyed on by the specter of religion lately, but
they are wrong.
Twenty-seven centuries ago, a short time in the
world's history, Jeremy (4/7) stated to men
that the Father warned how disastrous would be the
conquest and compression of small nations
or social units into big masses by the inventors of
huge countries : A lion has come out of
its lair, a destroyer of nations has set out... to
make your land a disaster. The Father
advocates all the opposite: the nations
(small social units) shall come back to Me
(28/21). The masses are to be broken and
dispersed and man is to be given freedom back. A
great deal of nations, small social units,
will reappear in adopting a sole principle:
self-management in love as they go along. Eden will
not be restored by the law, but by Life.
Has Eden ever been depicted as an abode all in one
piece? Never. A thousand, ten thousand, hundred
thousand Edens make no more than one Eden, because
it's quality, but not quantity, that makes it.
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