God’s Word does not talk about God or
God’s Word talks about the man of the time to come
(3/13) and Life (24/3-4).
The Word may be released from the lips
of Jesus in the year 30 or in1974,
or of Muhammad in 700,
or from a light in 1977,
it’s nowhere two men who understand It in the same way.
Hence the significance of Pilgrimages as times of
of eternity before due time,
when the manners of understanding disappear below Life.
(Michel Potay to a newsman, 1989)
The Arès Pilgrimage is based on The
Revelation of Arès’s verses XLI/1-13:
1. I am here.
2. You come here, the brothers come here.
3. The lip takes the Fire from My Hand.
4. The forehead burns.
5. The Fire goes into the man.
6. Might the arachnida [spider] suck the Fire?
7. Call out the brothers and brothers: "Come 'n take
the Fire!
8. "When your foot goes down, your call will rise
9. Forty footsteps tie up My Strength and My Favor
around where the brow hits the flagstone, where the
eye weeps just as your eye is weeping,
10. where the picks of My Fire gash evil
11. My Hand hurts the man, [but] the man lives,
12. his hand stretched climbs My Arm.
13. Here man’s hand seizes hold of My Hand.
What is the
meaning of the Pilgrimage?
to everybody :
The Arès Pilgrims do not jealously guard their sanctuary.
Their great expectations are stamped with The
Revelation of Arès’s Spirit of openness. They have
not developed a religion; they work within themselves
through penitence and within the world through the
harvest of penitents for the restoration of Life
(24/5). They want themselves to be as friendly as
the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew ch. 5 à 7)
and the Father of the Universe (12/4): Truth is that
the world has to change (28/7) for the better.
Truth is nothing else.
The place where Jesus came in 1974 and the Theophanies en
1977 occurred in Arès (Gironde, France) is the property of
the Œuvre du Pèlerinage d’Arès (An Arès Pilgrims
Association under the 1905 French Act) under the
trusteeship of The Revelation of Arès’s witness (11/1,
37/1) >and prophet (34/8, 36/17,
xxxvii/2), but the Œuvre du Pèlerinage d’Arès
welcomes whole mankind at whom The Revelation of Arès
is aimed.
Each human is the Father’s Child (13/5) and is called
(4/4), provided he is not a stubborn sinner
(36/7) who comes to the Arès Pilgrimage as a
troublemaker or a nosey person, and provided he states
that he has respect for the Saint’s Place. Once he is
there he prays or ponders according to his own habits.
Nevertheless, he is asked to abide by the ways that the small
remnant (24/1) of penitents (12/9, 30/11, 35/2, 37/3,
etc.) gathered by the eldest brother (16/1)
monitor the Pilgrimage and provide it good upkeep,
reception, respect and peace.
In the Theophanies hall, which is the Pilgrimage prayer
place, all the pilgrims have the run of The Revelation
of Arès, which consists of The Gospel delivered
in Arès (1974) and The Book (1977), along
with the Bible and the Quran . Other kinds
of revelations, considering their variousness and
unpredictability, are not available on the spot.
to the small remnant of penitents (24/1)
usually dubbed Arès Pilgrims :
An Arès Pilgrim is different from a traditional believer
who seeks salvation matching his conduct to his religion
or cult’s dogmae, rules and prejudices. An ArèsPilgrim is
a free (1/10 conscience; he or she contributes
toward the world’s salvation or change (28/7)
by being a penitent, that is, someone practicing
love, forgiveness, peace, intelligence and making himself
or herself free from all prejudices and by harvesting
more penitents. His faith is conscienced
(xxii/14), that is, just based on the awareness
that The Revelation of Arès, the purity of which
is claimed by the witness, explains all of the
Historical Scriptures which are defiled with books
(or interpretations) written by men (35/12). He
works toward giving rebirth to the original christianity
of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew ch. 5 to 7).
The Fire of the straightforward spiritual life,
which consists in looking for Good, is what Arès
Pilgrims come ‘n find at the Pilgrimage.
There is no compulsory ceremony or rite at the Arès
Pilgrimage; only respect is laid down. An Arès Pilgrim
reads The Revelation of Arès and the Bible
and the Quran as well, because the True
(XXXIV/1-4) is wherever the Breathe rises
(2/14) and at any rate you do not get salvation by
reading words, which form no more than an aide-mémoire,
but you get it by practicing Good or penitence
A believer in religion has circumspect cautious
relationships, if any, with other religions. An Arès
Pilgrim Is not in a religion, he or she is a good man or
woman, who do not differientiate between penitents,
whatever metaphysics they may follow personally. An Arès
Pilgrim comes to the decision that he or she belongs in
the small remnant to integrate well into the
mission of The Revelation of Arès’s witness and
prophet, but not because he or she thinks he or she
is above all men. The Revelation of Arès brings
back faith to a quest for Good, the restoration of
the Creator’s image and likeness (Genesis 1/26-27)
deep down any creature by loving (2/12, 25/2-7, 27/4,
28/10-15) even too much (12/7) if
necessary, forgiving (12/4), making peace (XXV/11,
13/8, 15/5, 28/15, 36/17), rekindling good-hearted intelligence
(32/5) and becoming free (1/10) from
prejudices whatever. Such is the road to the Day
(31/8) of happiness (26/23).
What gathers the Arès Pilgrims together is not a register,
or a dogma, or a visible sign; it is the belief that only
Good will conquer Evil and save individuals as well
as the world. It is not even at the Pilgrimage that you
can pick them out, since they share their tunics, bare
feet and even prayer or meditation with all of the present
By going on the Arès Pilgrimage I can live again what I
lived through in 1974 and 1977 when Jesus and then the
Father spoke to me. My brothers and sisters in faith, the
Arès Pilgrims, experience the same, because they witness
me so that they in a way are witnesses of The
Revelation of Arès.
The Arès Pilgrimage does not do away with the other
pilgrimage on earth. It gives them an ultimate meaning:
There is a sole Creator, the simpliest Father of Good,
whatever name and whatever look He is given, whatever time
and whatever place He has manifested Himself, a Creator
above History which is just man-made. The Arès Pilgrimage
reminds humans, whatever religion they have, whatever pack
they belong in, that they make up one species which has to
change for the better, so as to avoid
falling into the sin of sins (38/2), that is, sink
to evil for ever.
Note that the Arès Pilgrims are under no obligation to go
on the Pilgrimage. It is just up to them to go there, it
is as free as praying. The Pilgrimage is just a
personal necessity as conscience dictates. Only continuous
penitence, the practice of Good
and apostolate (harvest), is an Arès Pilgrim's
basic achievement, reason for existence, logic.
The Arès Pilgrimage, where and when?
In summer at Arès, France (33740, Gironde),
46 avenue de la Libération,
Three phases:
from June 21 to July 4,
from July 12 to July 25,
from August 2 to August 15.
The Maison de la Ste-Parole (House of the Saint's Word,
where the Creator spoke in 1977) is open
on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 18:00 to
on Friday 08:30 to 11:30
on Saturday and Sunday, also on July 14 and August 15
(except when they fall on a Friday) 17:30 to 21:00
Each pilgrim prays and/or meditates freely and is
careful not to bother other pilgrims.
When entering the Arès Pilgrimage premises a new pilgrim
is not asked for name or religion. He or she is just asked
two questions, "Do you believe that The Revelation of
Arès, the Bible and the Quran have been revealed by the
Creator?" and, "Do you love all men and forgive their
If the new pilgrim answers yes to both questions he or she
is hosted by brothers or sisters who remind him of what
the Pilgrimage means.
If he or she answers yes to either question, he or she is
hosted more attentively.
If he or she answers no to both questions, he or she is
told in substance, "We cannot understand the reason why
you want to visit this place. If you are here as a
troublemaker, you can’t prevent The Revelation of Arès and
the Pilgrimage from being forever, and you’ll be ejected.
If you are a nosy person, just be aware that there’s
nothing special to see or hear." All the same, he or she
is asked a third question, "Do you think that something
important and respectable has happened in this place; do
you come to ponder it and do you agree to stick to the
habits of the Pilgrimage?"
If he or she answers yes, he or she will be hosted in an
especially attentive way by brothers ans sisters, and then
he or she is showed to the exedra and the prayer hall.
If he or she answers no, he or she is forbidden to enter,
