"We have to
decipher what has already been within ourselves in a
primary shape,
which others can't decode, in what I call the
place of passion"
(Marguerite Duras)
Man, whether active Cain (a terrorist) or passive Cain
has to stop hesitating over the passion of Good
or the passion of Evil.
He has to be ahead of them.
("Caïn in torment" by Joao Maximiano Mafra)
Ever since Jesus' visits in 1974 I
had constantly read the Bible in the Light of The
Revelation of Arès. But even today I keep on opening
my eyes more and more over the Bible like Bartimaeus
(Mark 10/46 52). In December 2014, being laid up
because of an open-heart surgery, and like I was aware of a
tragedy just about to occur in Charlie Hebdo's offices and
in a kosher supermarket at Vincennes Gate (Paris), I reread
Genesis for the umpteenth time in my hospital
bedroom and realized that people never read it carefully
So I looked at Genesis 4 with much more piercing
eyes ; even though I had read and reread the much
talked-about passage. I was aware, but had not sufficiently
noticed the fact that not only the Creator had failed to
convict Cain and his grandson Lamech of
murder, but he had stated that Cain should be avenged
sevenfold and Lamech avenged seventy-sevenfold.
What a puzzling contradiction!
Did the Creator show any unfathomable leniency toward the
murderers? We might well think so, but The Revelation of
Arès advertises the fact that the Creator never sees a
criminal situation in the earthly judicial colors, but sees
it from the angle of Good destined to conquer Evil
through love.
This is why the Creator keeps man free (Rev of Arès
10/10) to agree or disagree with His Genesis Purpose,
therefore free to do good or/and do evil
(2/1-5), because man is not man if he lacks absolute
freedom and he cannot successfully be back to Good once
and for all. If man is not absolutely free, he
cannot rekindle the image and likeness of the Father
(Genesis 1/26 27) inside himself, he cannot enter
onto penitence (8/6) in the strict sense of
re-creating himself and re-creating the world.
Here is the rabbinical translation of the massoretic
4/13 Cain says to the Eternal, "Tremendous is the murder
I have committed, so people can't bear with me... See, you
ban me today... but can I evade your Face ? I am
going to flee... but the first who will encounter me will
kill me... 4/15 The Eternal told him, "Yes, but whoever
will kill Cain will be punished sevenfold." And the
Eternal put a mark on Cain so that he might not be struck
by anyone meeting with him… 4/23 Lamech (Cain's
grandson) told his wives : "Ada and Silla, listen to
me... I have killed a man who had struck me and a young
man because of my injury. 4/24 If Cain had to be avenged
sevenfold, Lamech will be evenged seventy-sevenfold."
Here is a modern translation of the material (by Emile
4/13 Cain said to Yawhe, "My punishment is too hard... You
have driven me away today... I have to hide. I am a
wandering fugitive... and whoever will encounter me will
kill me." Yahwe told him : "Well, whoever will kill
Cain will be subjected to revenge sevenfold." "And Yahwe
put a mark on Cain so that he would not be struck by
anyone meeting with him... 4/23 Lamech told his wives,"Ada
and Silla, listen to my voice! I have killed a man because
of my wound and a child because of my bruise. 4/24 Because
sevenfold Cain was avenged, but Lamech will be avenged
Just listen to the powers, whether political, or military,
or religious ; they say, "We have not wanted wars,
despoliation, misery, injustice, poverty, death. No, we have
not wanted them." In the face of the world's sufferings,
love's collapse, all of powers refuse to shoulder
responsibility for misfortune. They state that misfortune
results from others' actions, but they can't see that they
themselves are the others. They claim that they had to stand
up for themselves, respond to attacks, fight hard for
survival. All men consider themselves as being in
self-defence definitively, they think that evil is
continuous and unavoidable, injustice and hatred
ineluctable, lex talionis (an eye for an eye) dreadful
indeed, but the only solution.
For millennia men have brought about storms and storms, have
said, "Let's have done with it!" always thinking that the
clouds will be be dispelled afterwards, humanity will be
remolded and peace prevail and turn permanent. "We don't
want to wage war, but we'll go to war, so that we may have
done with it," general Moltke, the German Army's head stated
in 1914. French Republic President Raymond Poincaré replied
to him : "We can't be peaceful, unless we keep ready
for war." So men have been continually warring somewhere on
earth though weapons or through economy; they for millennia
have had each other in a stranglehold, each human group
convincingly thinking that they have a right to champion
their cause and seeing others as evil and harmful.
So evil has dragged on in evil all over the world from time
immemorial. Mankind has got bogged down in endless fits of
accusation against each other and have swallowed up lives,
riches, respect for other humans so much so that they think
it impossible to change course.
Between 85 and 90 per cent of people, whom our missionaries
call on to gain love, forgiveness, peace, are skeptical of a
possibility that good might replace evil ever. Men and even
the worst ones of them : the politicians in whose care
they leave their destiny, probably do not want the world's
tragedy, but they do not think that it can stop, either.
This is the dilemma that we Arès Pilgrims have been called
on to solve. But we are going to solve it.
We are aware that we all are responsible for evil and that
the solution to evil does not lie in condemnation,
punishment and war, because this amounts to condemn
ourselves, punish ourselves and wage war againt ourselves
endlessly — the endless revenge (Rev of Arès 27/9) —.
The solution lies in unconditional love, unconditional
forgiveness, unconditional peace, wholeheated intelligence
and freedom.
We will stubbornly be busy bringing Good back as
long as mankind is doggedly busy not believing in it.
