English Comments of #151us
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december 22, 2013 (0151us)
we are all Jews

Silver coin of the Persian era (4th century BC)
a falcon bearing the sign YHD (Israel Museum, Jerusalem)

Faucon marqué de YHD Prophets preach the universal Creator and the princes and their doctors enervate Him, freeze Him into dogmatic superstitious forms of piety. The congealment, which religion is,  had affected the Jews — ashkenazi, sephardi, hassidim —, the Christians — orthodoxes, catholics, protestants —, the Muslims — sunnites, shi'ites, druzes, alawites.
But in Arès, France, the Creator comes back down, re-energizes his Word, reminds us of his perpetual Wish again : An only people free with an only real piety, an only faith and only Good regained by an only plain means : penitence ; the chosen people is the whole mankind, the promised land is the Earth all over.
This refers us to Abraham and Moses (Rev of Arès 2/8), but a Moses without the heavy torah mainly made up of men's books (Rev of Arès 35/12) just as these jam up part of the Bible and Quran in which some hadiths (Muhammad's personal comments) are erroneously thought as God's Word.
The Revelation of Arès
is the only Word that I can testify it is absolute divine purety to. The Arès Word is the Truth cleared of all that has veiled and confused it: religious doctrines on which the power of princes, kings and their rebels (Rev of Arès 3/5-6, 36/21): gray backs, etc. have been based.
If you lose interest in religions, what do you have left? Hebrews, whose type Abraham is.
But the word hebrew describes a Semitic nation of the Near East, which name themselves עברי (Ivri) from the root of עבר (avrar), a verb that means to go past, get around. This in one respect pleases us, for having faith means being penitent to us, that is, going forward, forever moving towards Good, which we will not rich until the Creator's Day (Rev of Arès 31/8). In another respect the word wears a really too definite ethnic uniqueness. This is why I prefer to say jew rather than hebrew, because jew makes me think of a spirituality from which we monotheists have resulted.
We are all Jews without the torah, without rabbinism, without judaism, without synagogues, simply Jews.
The Revelation of Arès is all about resurrection, in fact. We are ticketed by it for a monumental oblivion, because we have been oblivious of a faith left stillborn for four millenaria, which we have to resurrect and help live: the faith of Abraham.
It is Abraham's simple humble faith that mankind should have focused on instead of following the ambitious people who have made up idols of the mind to stun the weak, make the weak tremble at their oracle, decide on the Father's Pity and Punishment (Rev of Arès 23/7-8), the inventors of religion and politics, the little sister of religion. The Revelation of Arès tells the story of mankind since Abraham's days like that of a never-ending auction during which the white king and black king as auctioneers and the public contend for the world and ruin it at the same time to end up making it what it is today, a world at an exorbitant price where everything has turned hard to obtain and huge loans are taken out and are impossible to repay.
Bringing back the Truth, which is very simple — Truth is, the world has to change (into Good, Rev of Arès 28/7) —, to its origin is a matter of Life (24/5) and death  — death = the sin of sins (38/2) —, so we with no regrets are to get over forgetting the forty centuries between us and Abraham's time, the vanishing of the museums of Florence, Paris, London, New York, Moscow, etc., whether they are art or science museums, for our paunch (pant) will be worth much more than them (xxxvi/23). To resurrect Abraham among us, within every one of us, is to get rid of the pitfalls of the system of Adam (Rev of Arès 2/1-5) ; it is to make the image and likeness of the Creator (Genesis 1/26-27) live anew.
We have to regain the spiritual fluidity and fertility of Abraham's faith. That's what we are all going jewish towards, or simply becoming just believers following a just prophet (Rev of Arès xxxvii/2).

I wish you a Happy New Year 2014.
copyright 2013

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