God mourns prophet Jesus murdered.
But God can't be shown.
He can only show his Sadness
(13/5) by mixing
his unseen Tear (xxviii/17) and Mary's visible tears.
I pray to Mary? ” some ask me ?
I reply, “Yes, you may. The Revelation of Arès says
“Therefore, Mary exists and can answer a prayer?”
I reply, “No, she
exist. ”
Some inquirers glance at me, as if I were mentally disturbed.
Then, I explain: When I was given The
Revelation of Arès I was a cleric of the orthodox church,
which is Marian
like the catholic church. My Marian culture, which the daily meeting of
my eyes
with the word Mary in The Revelation of
Arès (9/6, 11/2, 12/12, 30/5,
32/2, 37/6) used to fossilize in my very poor thoughts took
years to vanish.
My mind kept God masculine and it was all because I had believed before
1974 that
God incarnate was male Jesus ; God as a male, therefore split
from Mary, a
female. What’s more, the name of a prophet’s
mother, to me then the Word’s mother
of Arès 11/2), which the Wise one
aware of my cultural detention and the time needed to free myself from
it, used
to name His fondness and pity size.
Since time immemorial, because of the huge
weaknesses (Rev of Arès 36/5) into which Adam
(2/1-5) had thrown mankind, the Creator had told His Father
side by naming Himself God, Yahweh
or Allah, Brahma, etc., from His Mother
side by naming Himself Mary or
otherwise, so He used to present Earth’s children
(33/9) with a reality they could only find unintelligible:
God is not sexed!
It took me twenty-five years to feel Him as the All Other, altogether
feel Him
as the infinite Being, whose spiritual image
and likeness (Genesis 1/26-27) I had,
but whose nature identity I did not have, at all.
Even today my mind cannot, but like an axiom way too highbrow to be
expressible, imagine a Supreme Being who is far beyond Father
and Mother. A
Being admittedly material as the Maker of matter, I cannot conceive His
and way of functioning, because He can both narrow to the size of a big
nail (Rev of Arès ii/21) and
He more
than huge, infinite, can continuously create an infinite universe (xxii/12).
How and why is that Sanctity, Might and Light
(Rev of Arès 12/4) interested in humanity, a minute fluff of
dust under His
or Her boundless bed, and in me or you less than infinitesimal and so
much numbed
by sin that it takes us twenty-five
years to understand that He or She can be Lord
and Mary at the same time? I do
know, but that’s how reality is and, what’s more, He or She couldn’t
care less
about your way of praying (Rév d’Arès
,25/6), provided you are penitents.
Performing the real piety is not
glorifying and not beseeching, but it is achieving
(Rev of Arès 35/6). You are not forbidden to glorify and
beseech nevertheless.
If you beseech—which irresistibly is only humain in extreme pain or
days—turn to the Mother’s or Mary’s side
rather than the Father’s
side, but never forget that humans has besought for millennia almost
unsuccessfully, because the small remnant
of penitents (24/1, 26/1)
of forging the link between souls
Heaven, which The Revelation of Arès
polone (Rev of Arès xxxix/12-13) —something
like a collective soul, another thing that we cannot conceive yet.
As to me, I stopped praying to Mary
years ago, when I grasped that there was one Strength
of Good only, whatever
offshoots It might have. I take no more than great care to do
penitence, harvest
utter the Word to achieve it,
but I
understand that some people need the motherly side of God to feel
cherished and
A few worshippers of Mary ask me, on a distrustful tone, “Had Mary
existed, who might be the Mary that appeared in Lourdes, La Salette;
is the Mary, I reply, who likewise appears in Orthodox countries (but
it’s the
real one then, but not the fishy peaky Catholic ghost that showed in
This is the one known as Fatimah, Muhammad’s daughter, who appears in
countries. This is the one who appears in India and who is called Kali,
Usha, etc. a whole slew of goddesses. In short, this is the apparition
of everywhere
in the world under myriad names, only because we biological beings are
not the
only living and that the invisible life all around manifests itself
but that goes for it just as that goes for Mary, man wants to shut in
apparition—nothing but non-physical life—in a closet and put a name on