"Poppy" by Sister Pascale
first two-week time of the Arès Pilgrimage and the seven days
preparatory to
the next two-week time are behind me. Since June 19 I've not spared the
time of
getting my breath, as they say. In my EmailBox a hundred or so comments
Entry 118 have been lying since mid-June mon EmailBox. I will never
find time
to read them and get the most interesting ones ready for publication. I
have to
make progress, never stop. Dear commentators, please forgive me!
Just as my study clock and both my arms unfortunately cannot extend to
the 48
hours a day and the 2 hands to an arm, which I need, my penitence
cannot be quicker. It has to
never stop, therefore.
And yet not much is needed to be a good penitent:
Faith in God and in man, loathing of evil
and a joy (Rév of Arès 30/11) to love,
have an intelligent heart and be free
(10/10) from all prejudices and
fear of the world. These are the penitent's
needs and accordingly his or her strength incomparable as he or she
will never
need anything else to make his or her soul,
save himself or herself and help save
the world… act as if to recreate the universe, considering God
sees the minute
spot of evil, that men's earth is,
looking like
it defaced or sort of jeopardized the destiny of the space immensity.
You needn't bear hardships to reach that enormous purpose. All you have
to do
is be good and to this end stop the
mollycoddling of and pity on yourself, let the wind
of inner good free
of charge take away your selfishness and moans.
Lenin, who imprisoned Russia even harder than the czar had done,
mumbles when close
to death, "What to do?" If I were beside his bed in that fateful
instant I would reply, "Do
penitence. Forget about the world's reasons, all of them
being conflictual
and rival, and melt into the One,
upper Good! Love everything and all
men! For the last seconds of your life be the absolute brother
man (Rev of Arès xLiii/8)
and you'll get the salary of the
eleventh hour worker (Matthew20/9)."
The Father makes me live on. How long ? I don't
know, but I'm aware
that I do not have anything but penitence
as the driving force behind salvation,
that is, as the driving force behind all I do? In two seconds, like
Lenin if I
could have spoken to him, or in two decades penitence
dissolves the poisons that granddad Adam
(Rev of Arès 2/1-5) and the world after him have made us
I know… I know… I am a fool… The Arès Pilgrims are fools. Having
standing gazing at the large brilliant murals politic, religious,
commercial, artistic, which embellish the walls of our earthly prison,
we Arès
Pilgrims are escaping running away over the roofs under Heaven of The
Revelation of Arès' Heavens, which
is our only balance force along those slopes.
God— the world echoes, Hullo ! Is that guy still
the dregs
of human destiny in order to re-energize them. Against that the
prisoner of the world reacts saying, "We don't give a damn about it!"
In here we are well sheltered, well fed, left free to moan and we've
TV. Evil? We dig that !
entertains, that's interesting. Good's
a drag and by the way there's none on TV, which proves that no one's
in good."
This is why the prison of evil imposes
its standards on man. Prisoners can even play at getting cross or at
heartily. As long as they don’t smash anything and they by the billions
to their cells every night, all's fine. Evil
has even its music. Its melodic line is one of highly moral notes (Dare
say that evil isn't moral?), while its descant titillates stomachs with
all of
the virtuoso eighth and sixteenth notes of evil:
lying, murder, sex, war, swindle, slander, pettiness,
nasty tricks between rivals, stupidity. Its
figured bass in long slurred
wholenotes plays solutions no
less titillating: lawsuits during with all's displayed, sentences,
shameful dismissals, expulsions, police raids, army interventions,
speeches, etc. Dare someone say that the prison of evil
is not a place of well-ordered life? What can the boring poor
recital of God's Word against that exciting rich music ?
"God suggests being free (10/10), but
what to be free from?" do they
ask in the cells. "Free to make
a soul for oneself, free
to love detestable people and give
up all of the world's nervous pleasures in store for us when we go out?
When we
go out, but not on the roofs!" The whole prison laughs, cons male and
female, screws male and female.
But where have all those laughing people read that God confiscates all
of the
world's pleasures from human
beings ?
Haven't I given them to all men already (Rev
of Arès 26/8-9) ? And even on the roofs penitence
gives happiness and permits you
to see Eden,immortality,
from afar. "That's crap !"they echo loudly from cell to cell.
Oh dear ! I am well aware that what the multimultiplied
prisonner looks
for is not being free to work in
own depths to restore God's image and
likeness (Genesis 1/26) and Life
but it's a quiet day-to-day existence that he looks for. Its'
not always
fun-fun-fun whith that sort of existence, the prisoner thinks, but
better be
under the roofs than on the roofs; that's for sure. But does the
prisoner think
so really ? I mean, Does he think, period ? No. He
actually does not
make fun of experiencing a different life through penitence,
because making fun of it would be thinking of it. He
can't even hear the word penitence. And does he really make fun of our
faith in
God, our love for the neighbor, our
forginess of offenses, our concern
the soul, spiritual freedom
and salvation? But no. He doesn't
even know what we speak about. To
him the existential is less that the
rubber extraterrestrials in movies; to him The
Revelation of Arè is a film of white pictures on white
backgrounds, an
invisible film just as the world is invisible to him behind the prison
But the penitence I do for me I do
for him too. My life up on the roofs will some day stream down through
drainpipes and, either in a hundred years or tomorrow, awaken his life
there in his dark cell, because God has sawn
himself (Rev of Arès 5/1, 6/2) in
obscure depths, so the grain once sawn
within him will sprout wet with my water, which is
God's Water,
of which the prisoner is no more
conscious than of his own blood. I am certain that the multimultiplied
of the world will change and this
certainty is the driving force behind my penitence.