since Adam
made himself the prodigal son, he
has not come back
to the Father's yet, but he has been pretending to : He has appropriated
the Creator's Word and
made it into religion and by-products which all have
jealously guarded their powers and proved ossifying :
politics, law, army,
allegedly necessary, but all the more unnecessary because they have
caused a deal
of misfortune and because Happiness
will occur but free from their domination.
Our Father has helped me escape
dominating prisons, but it has not been without a long inner stuggle
that I
have made my way, as a penitent,
myself gradually free from all of the harnesses,
that had domesticated me, until the shores
of the Sea of Good.
am building my soul
there by the Light
and I save myself
from darkness.
only thing is the Truth
is not just salvation of the individual, but of the world. From these shores
it is a Fleet
of souls, numerous strong
ships, that will have to launch to
save the world, change it into a
Who can judg? No one, as we all are sinners; however, any one awakes
spiritual intelligence can notice
Evil has kept up in the world. Religion has failed everywhere. Its
daughters, politics and law, even the less dogmatic one, are bound to
fail too.
Religion, politics and law have housed and managed evil inevitably, as
they have
originated from it.
Each religion forgets about the Father's infinite love and claims to be
the finite
and final truth and path to salvation and each policy or law claims to
be the
final truth and only solution. The good
relations between religions, policies and laws
today spare
the world
wars whether armed or ideological or economic, but reinforce their domination.
This is why the Father, who had seen that men were going to
be even
dominated in a state of globalization than they were in a state of
religious, political and economic, came back down to speak to them in
1974 and 1977.
Mankind, said he in substance, will not set itself free from the
coating of
evil that is going to shut it in but by exploding into spiritual
individualities... Exploding by spiritual life.
We know that only individualities can take their destinies in hand, and
we know
that there is no such thing as mass spirituality the way there are mass
religion, mass politics and mass law, over which the dominations
have had ea hold, the change of the world
will be the explosion of the world through
individual penitence, that is,
love, forgiveness, peace, big-hearted intelligence
and absolute freedom put into
practice by each one.
Humanity was created strong, intelligent
and free and can be so again, if a sizeable number of
individuals — the small
remnant —set themselves free
from the harness of ideas and fears with which they have been
The individuals can re-create this world, as
every one of
them is
made in the image and likeness of
Creator and so is a co-creator of the world.
The Revelation of Arès sets us free
from all the inevitabilities considered as impassable by the
reason and reminds us that a penitent
does not only find his or her salvation now, but also contributes
general Salvation to occur at the
of time, when evil and death itself disappear, because Life
will be restored, Life
is beginning with each spiritual
life today.
Penitence is renunciation of evil,
but not renunciation of earthly possessions and pleasures ;
science and
technology belong to penitents just as they belong to rationalists.
Faith and
prayer do not keep us from belonging in this world so that we can save
it from within.
The penitent is the only savior
advent we can celebrate at Chrismas. Jesus is but the most illustrious
of all penitents, the reference
Christ for all
of the christs that good men are.
Merry Chrismas !

sign in the window of the
<paris mission at Xmas, 2010

window of the Geneva mission, Xmas 2010