Overpopulation results
impoverishment and
Poverty and even more its prematuration: fear of poverty,
that underlies
the causes of social unrest like that in October, 2010, are two
elements of the
huge weakness, a cause for materialistic hardening, that our mission
to confront and shall never disregard (Rev of Arès 36/5).
I had this point in mind before, between 1974 and 1977, when the Father
waiting until I understood what Jesus had told me before He Himself
came down and
spoke to me.
I have been dogged by this point, notably now that I have heard that
of the most impoverished countries has doubled ever since 1970, and the
of destitute individuals, all countries taken together, has also
doubled ever
since 1980 (UNO’s Report, 2010).
Just look at Haiti! A Haitian brother has nearly twenty years tried
hard to
make known The Revelation of Arès as
the Light and solution.
Why? "My fellow countrymen, there are way too many of them,
think of
nothing but surviving like animals." that Haitian told me,
once at the
At an amazingly high birthrate of 28 versus a mortality
rate of 9 there
are currently 9.500.000 Haitians in a country twenty times as small as
France. It
is like France had to house, feed, teach, 1ook after, in short support 190.000.000
people in its narrow hexagonal area, the population of Brazil! Survival
France—as it is in Haiti—would be so essential that the existential and
spiritual would be impossible; people would live by their wits, their
expectations reduced to a quest for some rod of iron and their
concern would be reduced to superstitious and pagan hopes.
If some tell me that the French, only 63.000.000 of them for the time
being, have
already shown despiritualization, due to materialism, but not due to
poverty, I
reply that I have observed History and well seen that a continuous
change has always and everywhere on earth first set up materialism
overpopulation and poverty appear. Then poverty hardens materialism in
the remains of existential and spiritual powers under a heavy urgency
of surviving.
Besides, let's keep in mind that the feeling that one is poor and even
more one’s fear to
become poor
are relative to an imaginary standard of shortage (a Frenchman feels
poor where a Haitian feels well off), a cause
concern which reduces until it eats up (sin
of sins, Rev of Arès 38/2) the Creator’s image (Genesis
1/26-27) inside man.
Overpopulation and its plights are setting in all over the world
What’s more, mankind manages to accelerate and perfect its
selfdestruction : Family allowance, etc. — Oops !
Abuses like
"you old fascist fogyish" are only just beginning
—. I understand
large families’s trouble due to the high cost of living, but can I
wondering how to spiritualize men who, as they are profilerating in
progression while their resources are just increasing in arithmetic
and so are despiritualizing?
Is this an aporia ? Would the Father have been wandering when
issueing his
Call in 1974-1977? Yes, Ianswer, whenever I rationalize. No, I answer,
my faith prevails. Faith like Einstein extrapolates and achieves
which absolute Truth is. This is why no utopia has ever been solved but
Now, it’s no small utopia that I had to ponder and accept after I heard
fateful words,"From now on you’ll
be My Messenger, you’ll no longer be anything for yourself (Rev of Arès
13 April, 1974)," when the Creator stopped sending
round his
Messenger Jesus to me; I would catch sight of Jesus only once later,
lit by
flashes of lighting in a night thunder storm on July 5th, 1977
Piliers de la Pénitence", Le Pèlerin d’Arès n°1 1978, p.53).
From April 13th, 1974, to October 2d, 1977, I was having no spiritual
or moral
help but my conscience. That was the most tormented time of my
life :
Forty months of inner struggle and a repeated following up of
and decisiveness.
My torment was not one of fundamental doubts : The 1974
supernatural event
had been way too real, I had understood its meaning and published
Golpel Given in Arès" no later than September, 1974.
My torment was of renunciation of all that I had believed in and that
had made
me awfully lucky, but it was far more one of self-criticism, of
assessment of
my poorness and mediocrity and my ridiculous means in the face of that
hydra-headed monster of a mankind in fast proliferation sociological
technological. Nevertheless, I guessed that the Father couldn’t send a small
remnant of penitents,
little runts (Rev of Arès 23/1, to attack the worldly citadel
and have their chances of Victory,
if that citadel
had not a weak point. I was searching for that weak point the
world in reading and rereading The Gospel
Given in Arès and its complete context eventually spoke to
me. Just as
famous Pastor Thomas Malthus, that as the year 1800 drew nearer had
that mankind would be sooner or later subjected to poverty and plights
and moral, because population was increasing in number much faster than
resources, I understood that the Father in person appealed man for penitence
as the year 2000 was
because evil would be worsening
quickly owing to overpopulation resulting, but would conversely bring
about in a weakening of
political, religious, economical safeguards.
Then I realized that the intensity of my faith in the Word that
Messenger Jesus
had given me and the quality of my penitence
were going to matter more than every reasoning based on numbers and
forces, because they all things considered had never succeeded in
resolving the
problem of evil as long as the earth had been little populated. I
that evil would not been conquered
sacraments or the law, but in man’s heart and first of all in my heart.
My penitence then became stronger
stronger, deeper and deeper, because I had at last taken it that there
was only
one human heart and my own heart would be just a molecule of it.
Not only are all men brothers, whether they know it or not, whether
they like
it or not, but also, in dissension and inequality as well as harmony
equality, they make up a one and only flesh—Just as Adam and Eve were one
body (Genesis 2/23-24) and this is
why adultery breaks much more than
a couple,
it breaks humanity, just as a murder killes much more than a man, all
That is Truth, even though to remind the world of it is not a lesser
challenge for
our mission.
If at least a small remnant of penitents first
become one
body, and then one soul,
the polon (Rev of Arès xxxix/12-13), they
will make up one heart. They
will conquer evil, then, the very evil
that overpopulation makes worse day
by day, and they will make the great Day (Rev
of Arès 31/8) break when Good
is restored.
This will require more than four
generations of penitents (Rev of Arès 24/2), because mankind
has to come
back from far away, from the dark dregs of sin,
and we ourselves Arès Pilgrims of the present generation are more than
imperfect, but it is the penitence as
transformation and unification force used without despondency
(Rev of Arès 13/8) that is our characteristic.
I understood it all early, between 1974 and 1977, and the torment that
it all
was for me, notwithstanding, I set about gathering
a small remnant of penitents
(24/1) at
the foot of the ramparts of the overpopulated