Watching the demonstrators
procession through my window I wonder,
Is this the sublime rationalism, loudmouths and even a few full of
whose fellow I used to be, now opposed to my "laughable false"

Coming January the 15th it will
since Jesus appeared and spoke to me, on October 2d it had been
years since the Creator manifested himself and spoke to me.
I have found an account of mine. It goes back about twenty years, but
perpetual value:
"One always gets caught and
astouned by the
Supernatural. Even a
mystic that has continuously hoped that It would visit him couldn’t
help but be
and astouned by It, because none of men can ever imagine what the
is. Now just imagine me a non-mystic guy that had never hoped for it…
"On January 15th,1974, the Supernatural lent me a soul,
so that I might be capable of seeing and hearing It.
Forty-four months later, on October 2d, 1977, I was having a soul, I guess, to see and hear It, as I
had meanwhile been a penitent,
otherwise It lent me a soul again.
1974 and 1977, anyway, the Supernatural acted as if It transshipped me
to a
ship of emotion and fright on the Sea
of the unknown so impressive that I burning with an alarmed but extreme
curiosity managed to endure emotion and fright. As long as the
lasted: 88 days in 1974, 51 days in 1977, I had the earthly in mind no
than something like the floor of the Water
over which I sailed and to which I leant down at times.
"On April 13th, 1974, the Supernatural went away and abandoned me. On
November 22d, 1977, novembre 1977, It went away and abandoned me once
and for
all to the tremendous problems that Its message let me solve. I sank
then, I
began to crawl like a crab again on the earthly floor. The soul that the Supernatural has lent me so
that I could see and hear
It and even travel space (Rev of Arès vi/1-5
resorbed and ever since then I’ve had to create
develop my own soul through
"At the very least, this soul of
my own I hope I’ve had. I’ve had doubts about it in rare, though trying
of criticism or relativism. Then I had doubts not about the Surnatural,
is manifestly visible, sonorous and tangible, but about Its knowledge
earthly realities. I have sometimes thought that the Supernatural for
sure is
as real-life a fact as the earthly, but that Its ideals sounded like
big waves which
the ark of humanity can’t navigate
of its complexity and poor knowledge of God’s Wind.
Whenever I went through those anxious doubts I thought that
only a few souls can roll and pitch
on that Sea like sails
(Rev of Arès 17/4-5, 18/4-5, 20/4) too scarce and scant to
make up the King’s fleet (Rev of Arès
18/4, 19/2); I thought that the small
remnant of penitents
supposed to
prompt the world to change (28/7) would
be forever smallish-smallish and
never influential enough.
"Nonetheless, my bouts of criticism and relativism have never lasted
enough, because The Revelation of Arès
has continually caught up with me. Doesn’t it make itself very clear?
It does. A
penitent is any human that changes his or
her life (Rev of Arès 30/11), but not in an ashram, a
monastery or a
hermitage; a human changes his or her
life in the hurly-burly of the world given to contradiction
and brutality to
prompt it to change too (Rev of Arès 28/7) by gradually
permeating it with a penitence spirit.
A human reaches personal salvation
if he or she is concerned for general, social salvation.
This is a great paradox: Penitence is
not a refuge like religion, ideology and even politics,
but an exodus. A spiritual exodus! The Creator sends us into the
huge desert of sinners so that we
love them even though they are dreadful, forgive them even though they
are mercilessly
harsh, make peace with everybody, be free from the worldly prejudices,
look for
and use heartfelt intelligence.
"In the world the Supernatural does not appear
fleetingly, but the earthly is as fleeting as the Superfnatural, there good and evil
alternate with each other unpredictably. It is in this paradox
that man recovers his sacred nature. It is in instability that the small remnant of penitents
(Rev of Arès 24/1), the salvation
engine, has to go round, it is not in isolation and
elitism religious or ideological, which give but the mistaken belief
that they are
enduring and promising, because they make people mistake inertia and
for enduringness."
The path to the garden of
and eternity is plain: penitence,
which simply consists in loving, forgiving,
making peace, being
spiritually free and intelligent,
that is, supernaturalizing yourself, but oddly
supernaturalizing yourself is impossible if you do not alternately swap
surpernatural with the earthly and a feeling of the possible with a
feeling of
the impossible. O the fleeting supernatural, o the fleeting earthly!
years after Jesus had spoken to me I a mole
that has grown wings still feel unable to stay stable in the air like
the Eagle (Rev of Arès 23/2). I
fly up and
down. I am forever facing the unexpected in my life.
Luckily, taking a closer look at the paradox, I
realize that the Supernatural is more favorable than the earthly.
The earthly is
more fleeting, so much more so that I feel sorry for the rationalistic
who believe only in it and rely only on it.
The Surpernatural
materializes and
dematerializes, but It quenches my my hope without a break; its
fleetingness is
just apparent.
The earthly, when it materializes, is a shimmering
water, but it
does not last. It evaporates and leaves a desert behind it, a ground
and cracked by all the problems it has caused, it leaves man thirsty
for gains,
for which he yearns more and more, and ideas traced on the sand and
dreams, disbelief, dissatisfaction, demands, death.
True, the
Supernatural has
been absent from my eyesight thirty-three years, but It has not been
from reality; It proved me that another Life
is accessible, is worth climbing its paths, making an ascent difficult
likely to save me from dying bestial, beastial,
as a Beast (22/14,
Bestial or beastial enough I’ve
been as
it is, whenever I’ve told myself, “If I hadn’t let the Supernatural
upset my
life en 1974, if I’d kept it hidden, I wouldn’t have undergone the
in 1977, I wouldn’t be laughed at, I would have neither enemies nor
that cause as many problems to me as enemies do, I’d be pigeonholed
people worth associating with.”
Poor me! Would I for fear of looking
for real happiness (36/23, 37/9)
choose the
trompe l’oeil of social happiness? A trompe l’oeil, indeed, as I can
see only people
criticizing, reviling, attacking or avoiding the world, the only thing
believe in. A trompe l’oeil that we have difficulties banishing from
our minds,
and that we I and you Arès Pilgrims have still more difficulties
humans from.
Bestial or beastial enough I’ve
as it is, whenever I’ve been in anguish, without even hiding from the
world, asking
myself: « How can I present the world the Supernatual
unprovable, but which,
even if It was proved, would be rejected, because people don’t like its
message? Will I translate it but into terms that the world likes just
as the
hypercircumspect ones do forever careful not to
climb onto the Parvis of the
Father (Rev of Arès 2/16-18), that is, passing on his Message
only from
angles sociologically and culturally well-received? No, I won’t.
I have overcome my fear of the earthly, because I have understood that
fleetingness of the Supernatural is just caused by my blinding sin, whereas the fleetingness of the
earthly has been demonstrated by History, the events of mankind, which
has chased
after a kind of happiness it has never found, perpetually dissatisfied
disappointed, perpetually aging and dying, but not yet conscious that
its pipe
dream is what it calls rationalism, which had proved to be more
fleeting than
the Supernatural. I have overcome my fearful earthly stupidity and
taken to penitence and the harvest of penitents and I will forever
be sticking to that.
Brothers and sisters, even when you think you aim too high, you won’t
be up to
what the Father expects from you. Help
men to cope with real expectations!