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december 5, 2009 (0102us)  

I am a penitent... even a joyful penitent (Rev of Arès 30/11)

le pénitent joyeuxWhen it comes to dream, I am a dreadful rationalist. I am not interested in the dreams people tell me about and even less in my own dreams. But, in the night of November 28 to 29, an exception irrupts! I have a funny dream. There's me in the Vatican along with some unspecified people. In the anteroom of the pope's private oratory a voice tells us, "His holiness is going to hear your confessions and give you absolution."
From the back of his oratory the pope — an unspecified one — notices me clothed in white (probably my tunic) like him, he identifies me, his gaze turns scornful, looks as if it means, "That guy's got the nerve to come to my place!"
Now a blur...and then I can see the unspecidied people that came in along with me coming out of the papal oratory, one after the other, without a glance at me—not likely! how to regard a guy that disdained by the pope!—, with their hand together, somewhat in a daze.
When I'm the last left in the anteroom, the pope throws open his door to me. He is no longer a scornful pontiff. Respectful to me and even moved, he welcomes me with open arms, he tells me, "No fuss... no confession between us! Only penitence saves. You sublimely lucky have been sent by God to revive penitence, the very simple path to salvation. I unfortunately have been appointed the top of an organization so complicated that no one on earth can bring back simplicity in it. You call on the world to enter upon penitence (Rev of Arès 8/6, 33/13)!"
I say, "We I and my fellow Arès Pilgrims have constantly done so thirty-six years, but if you want to give us a hand , you'll be welcome to the assembly!"
He says, "Gosh! Can I be both a pope and an Arès Pilgrims?"
I reply, "You can, indeed! There have been plenty of rascals among us, already, some bank executives, magistrates, military guys, cops, politicians, businessmen... so why shouldn't we receive popes at the assembly? We all are sinners."
I wake up.

On December 25, from time immemorial man has celebrated the rebirth of the light; penitence — that's just what The Revelation of Arès calls the inner death of evil and the inner rebirth of good — by harvesting itself from penitent man to penitent man will rekindle the world's original light: perpetual happiness (Rev of Arès 36/23 xxvi/12); therefore Xmas is the celebration of penitence!

Penitence has given me everything. It has given me all a man can't buy or steal or inherit, that is, my soul, my salvation, the strength to love and forgive, peace, intelligence after my own heart and absolute freedom, that is, it has made me free from the prejudices and fears that has kept me from changing my life (Rev of Arès 30/11) and helping change the world (28/7). Penitence has been my guidance about wisdom, freedom, balance, fortitude and character.

Being a penitent comes down to loving. All of my life change (Rev of Arès 30/11) follows on from it.
I love
my neighbor — each fellow creature — in the absolute sense, that is, I do not love him or her from emotion, but from reason and a sense of duty, from wisdom all in all. Only wisdom unties love, let it run free, universalizes it, deifies it. So it is going back to its Beginnings.
So I have to love too much like the too much loving Father (Rev of Arès 12/7), therefore love even my enemy and pray to achieve (31/6) without hate and with moderation (7/6, 25/9, 35/7, 39/3) my defense against my persectors (Matthew 5/44), because—O penitents' dilemma—I have to defend myself as well, since I do not have the power to resurrect myself (Rev of Arès 29/5) from social death or bodily death and I have to last in order to achieve Good.
Emotion-love may lead me astray, but wisdom-love (or duty-love) keeps me clear-headed.

But my penitence does even more. It solves an insolvable contradiction within me.
It intermixes my human root with the universe's sacred root, it makes the genesitic sap rise to my heart and the Creator's image grow green again (Genesis 1/27) within me.
I a penitent am the saint of saints (the holy of holies, Exodus 26/33) of the undestroyable Temple next to whose outer walls I am molded (Rev of Arès 1/11-12).
The Jerusalem temple was destroyable and was destroyed. It's of no importance! No cage (Rev of Arès xxxvi/3) but the Universe can hold the Father (12/4)—You shall not make this place a sanctuary (40/2).
In the Jerusalem temple the saints of saints (the holy of holies) figured the Maker's presence-absence contradiction. Our Jewish brothers were aware that the Father could not been held in a stone and tile cage any more than John the Baptist's baptismal water (Rev of Arès 20/3-7) held the holy spirit, but John the Baptist himself preached the solution of the contradiction, "Be penitent, for the Kingdom of Heaven, which is near, will enter you! (Matthieu 3/3). Of this The Revelation of Arès has reminded me and so has it led me to penitence. I as a penitent have a soul, within which the Father is not, because even a soul can't shut him up, but he is within it as well, because it is his image.
Whenever I pray, I realize more consciously, more objectively, the to and fro motion between the Creator and the creature within me. In praying I utter the Word that I in daily life continually forget about, but that I choose to achieve (Rev of Arès 31/6) unlike ancestor Adam who chose to disown it (Rev of Arès 2/1-5). He generated unhappiness and death. I help to generate happiness and Life. All I'd have left of the living God that spoke to me in Arès, if I would not achieve my penitence—my spiritual rebirth—would be a paper book censurable and disguisable, flammable and putrescible.

Penitence has woken me up to my existential self. Penitence, the only passable climb toward de Light, has helped me out of the dark metaphysical grave of the man spiritually dead.
I found out then that I was not subject to trial in a juge's court heavenly or earthly. Penitence once gave me inner eyes, so that I saw that I carried my own judgment, my own court, with me.
Now I know that, through penitence, I can get out of sin and justify myself all on my own. I bring fantastic hope. By multiplying myself I make the race (Rev of Arès xii/) that will change the world for the better (Rev of Arès 28/7).

No more virgin space, not the least chink anymore in the modern social fabric likely to let Eden settle again. The law of the rats (Rev of Arès xix/24) controls all geopolitically. Only through penitence a redeeming people, whose love and wisdom will be stronger than the system, will be able to form without a territory of their own. Because absolute freedom (Rev of Arès 10/10), that such prospects require, can only be produced deep in the soul. Henceforth it is you penitent, only you, you multiplied, multiplied by the harvest, that will keep the sin of sins (38/2) from plunging mankind into darkness.

Penitence has made me aware of time. Just as the grub is transformed slowly, I am to achieve my time (Rev of Arès 24/2) — The Father alone is outside time (12/6).
Penitence makes a penitent aware of time, but this does not keep him or her from joy and festive life (30/6).
Quite the reverse, it makes them even more delightful by breaking them with times of exciting inner vitality, that is, spiritual life. No masterpiece is a masterpiece if it lacks a right balance of contrast.
Religion is on the way to failure, because it makes the dead speak. It always refers to dead people, whether people of History or of the afterlife, and it prepares the living for death. But penitence makes life speak. From it Life reemerges. As long as you fail to feel that, you are not an all-around penitent. The bolder your quest for the living image of the Saint, the righter your penitence.

O exquisite Friendship of the Breath that caresses you, of the Gaze that looks toward your penitence and of the rich and diverse ressources of the Intelligence that goes with them and spreads to you!


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