Just as a seagull does not make a sea, a stigma does not make Jesus, a fiend does not make sin,
Mary does not make salvation.
2009 edition of The Revelation of Ares
has aroused some readers' doubts about my honesty. In connection with Mary, the fiends
or the tempter,
the stigmata, and that's not all! For instance, some have found it
that the Father sent off Jesus to a witness that heedless of the places
of his
In 1974 I referred to "stigmata in the wrists"; in 2009 I refer to them
"in the middle of the forearms". This imprecision means I am accused
of suspicious mistake, accordingly a few readers suspect that The
Revelation of Ares may well be an inaccurate or even
inauthentic material.
Here is the answer I
sent to one of the
suspicious on August 22d:
I know how great is the schizophrenic modern world's taste
for geometrism, how
inflexible its way of thinking, how stringent the importance it lends
questions devoid of essentiality, and conversely I know how little I
whether the world is unhappy with my vagueness, so that I tell the suspicious that my
lack of
worries about other's demands for pieces of precision which look
unimportant to
me is the only explanation in this particular case.
I admit that I did not take special care to describe Jesus' bodily
details in
2009 any more than I had done to describe them in 1974. What has always
given every care and attention by me from 1974 to 2009 is the
itself, the only important point, because man's salvation is dependent
on his
achieving God's Word, but is by no means dependent on Jesus' anatomical
Jesus' stigmata were neither "in his wrists and in his feet", as I
had written in 1974, nor—although less inaccurate—"in the middle of his
forearms and in his mid legs", as I wrote in 2009.
A lot of people know that, after I had written "the stigmata are in his
wrists", I had been scolded by physiologists and medical people, who
stated, "That's impossible! Man's wrist is a complex joint which would
burst open when transfixed by a big nail…Which would end up in a
point…The heavy body would drop down…Etc." I had written "wrists and
feet" in May or June 1974 (when I composed the 1974 introductory) from
force of ecclesiastical habit, instinctively, as I then was a priest, a
theologian, who like all of Christian clergy used to go by Luke 24/39
and John
20/25-27 and said "hands and feet" just as people say an ambulance
man need a strong stomach while he only needs a strong pair of arms.
It's just
a figure of speech. Nevertheless, by saying "in the wrists", even
though this was inexact, I focused the readers' attention on the fact
that the
Gospels (Luke 24/39 and John 20/25/27) were wrong. Jesus' hands were
The day I set to write the 2009 introductory chapter I said to myself,
"Well, I'll take advantage of this new edition to make up for my former
I recalled the medical people claiming, "That's impossible ! A
is a complex joint a big nail can smash to smithereens," and I recalled
roughly delineating on my left
arm with
my right forefinger the area where Jesus' stigma had lain, and the medical people exclaiming,
"But this is not the wrist. It's the forearm!"
I said, "Yes but even so it's close to the wrist."
They replied, "Even so this is the forearm!"
I said, "Therefore, I should have said, In the forearm closer to the
wrist than to the elbow?"
Accordingly, while composing the 2009 introductory chapter, I wrote
"One (stigma) in each arm clearly above the wrist." Alas! The edition
had been determined not to have more than 160page. As I should take
care of the Revelation itself, I not so much preoccupied with
everything else
in the book cut paragraphs and parts of sentences out of the
material so as to save space. I reduced the sentence to "One (stigma)
the middle of each forearm " meaning the scar was neither in the wrist
in the elbow. Which seemed satisfactory to me.
Whoever could meet damnation because he or she would be unaware of the
place of the stigmata on Jesus' limbs? Nobody. To me only one
thing will
be perpetually considered as cardinal in The
Revelation of Ares and that will be The
Revelation of Ares itself if it is achieved,
notably, if it is achieved
by penitence and
the penitent harvest
Lo and behold, the beard hunters are succeeded by the stigmata
beard hunters? I remind my readers that as soon as 1975 I was
visited by suspicious people that were worried by Jesus' outward
appearance as
described by me the witness. Among a few questions—the color of his
eyes, etc.,
about which they considered my answers as regrettably poor—they used to
this, "Was the beard of Jesus, whom you claim you witnessed, long or
short?" As I had not measured off or even scrutinized Jesus' beard any
more than his stigmata, because I had been far more impressed by the
stature, noble eyes and bearing and above all the Message of Jesus than
details like his hair or beard, I used to answer in all sincerity,
"Neither short nor long" or something like that.
The suspicious ones exclaimed then, "Considering this man doesn't even
know whether the apparition's beard was short or long, he has not seen
(or he has seen Satan)" and they convinced that I was an impostor (or a
Satanist) went away from me.
There are points of Truth you
decide on. Only the spiritual intelligence
(Rev of Arès 32/5), which you ought to rekindle, enables you
to know better
than imprecision, contrast, dichotomy.
I was hanging on Jesus' every word, but not on his stigmata.
I saw them,
but I didn't watch them. The only Truth worth considering was that
there were
such things as stigmata, that is, Jesus had really been killed by
nailing to a
cross and therefore had really risen from the dead, so that any human
that likewise
through penitence will set his steps in the steps of the Father
(Rév of Arès 2/12) will end up
from the dead, as well.
As for the equivocation in Mary all
along The Revelation of Arès, it
not matter whether you see her as a woman that travels
the breadth and length of the earth (Rev of Arès 33/13) begging for pity on men or whether you
see her as the Creator's motherly aspect. The only Truth
worth considering is that the only strength that works
miracles is the Creator's, for a miracle, whatever, is always a
creation or
recreation and originates in the Father
of the Universe (Rev of Arès 12/4), the Miracle Source
through whom all
exists or re-exists.
You can say the same about the fiends
or demons. It does not matter
the tempter comes from the outside
whether it is simply the man himself, the Truth
is that you have to resist temptation
wherever it comes from, to be a penitent.
This is the only path to salvation.
It's time for us to overcome the old superstition (Rev of Arès 21/1) and
stop being spiritually immature.
If Jesus in his transfigured flesh were sent to you by the Father, I
assure you
that you would not rationalize the event. The driving energy of Truth,
that sets your spiritual humanity and heart going, does not originate
your fishing for details, your dissecting mysteries and measuring by
centimeter, in short your filtering off gnats
(Matthew 23/24).
The pressure put by Jesus with his thumb on my lips—I can't even
whether it was his right thumb or his left thumb… an unlikely witness,
suspicious sigh—created a more lasting, deeper and stronger, more real
between him and me than my visual recollection of the thumb, which I
recall being short or long, well manicured or not. I only caught a
glimpse of
the lines upon the thumb, so I knew the only Truth
worth considering, notably that Jesus was a person in the
flesh, and that I in turn, some Day,
a long time after my death, will recover my own flesh, too.
