How lovely our display window in
Paris is (Raymond Losserand Street) !

the left :
To all of men we whish
a Christmas of hope ! To us Arès Pilrims just as to
you all Christmas brings to mind hope that
all of men will some day do only good
— just what we call penitence
in joy and festivity*
which merely consists in:
loving, forgiving,
making peace,
being free from prejudices and thinking everything over —
a world where no one savior,
but billions of saviors, billions of fine souls will come into existence !
On the right :
Father of the Universe, You are the only Saint. Let your Sanctity prevails over us So that we may do your Will, So that we may get our food, So that we may forgive and be forgiven, So that we can resist temptations And the devil will be brought down, So that we may be forever ruled by Your Sanctity, Your Might and Your Light !**
* The Revelation of Arès 30/11 ** The Revelation of Arès 12/4
