The Americans have elected, by a landslide,
their first colored president,
and, what's more, a man with considerable intelligence and sensitivity!
We, the French, put on airs and give the world humanity lessons, but are nowhere near making such a passage.
American people have shown that they are as capable of making mistakes,
like the past eight years mistakes, as capable of overcoming some of
their prejudices by electing Barrack Obama.
Only men of quality know how to reconsider their mistakes. This is the very quality of penitence!
Obama is a politician, he unquestionably has got all the failings of
any politician, and we Arès Pilgrims are well aware that the world will
not ultimately change for the better through politics or black king any more than it will change through religion or white king.
But no man on earth is completely good or completely evil, which explains why the Father never despairs of his Child
(Rec of Arès 13/5).
Now, it seems that for the USA as well as the world very dependent on it Mr Obama is on the good side.
So it seems clear that the Father has given Mr Obama's providential election his blessings!
The Arès Pilgrims, whose eldest brother (Rev of Arès 16/1) I am,
give you Mr Obama their brotherly greetings,
their greetings filled with great expectations,
and urge you to read The Revelation of Ares.
Mr Obama, I am personally and permanently at your disposal to
travel to Washington D.C. or Chicago, your city, and give you any
explanation of that great Word you may be asking for.
Father of the Universe, You are the Only Saint... (Revelation of Arès 12/4).
