Such misrepresentations of
God have demonstrated the incapability of religion to escape from
primitivity and superstition and
keep atheism from spreading. What’s more, here (Sixtine Chapel,
Michael-Angelo, Vatican) we wonder whether God is creating Adam or Adam
creating God.
somebody speaks to me through Jesus
(2/15). In 1977, somebody—he
introduces himself as the Return
(I/1), so he can't not be but the same—speaks to me directly;
it'll be thirty years come October. Somebody that has fathered all of
Earth, all of life, all of man (4/10)
and even the universe (12/4,
not to mention his fatherhood over me reduced to nothing by him
(40/6) so as to cleanse my heart (L/1) !
Somebody that doesn't trouble himself about being mistaken for anyone
else, at all, so that he names himself simply I or Me
(2/13, XXXVIII/3, etc.). This is
God, yes...and no. Whenever human words emerge, notably the word God,
all gets into a muddle: Jesus was
made a God (2/13), but he is
not God (32/2), and then all turns vaguer… This a Christ who is
God born to Jesus, which,
when taken literally, sounds as if it meant that God sprang from the
imagination of a man, Jesus,
born to a woman called Mary (32/2).
Indeed, these words have quite another meaning, which man's spiritual intelligence
reduced to a dull candle end, cannot understand (32/5).
Sensible, therefore,
were the
early Christians as they used to know by intuition that Jesus had got
something to do with God, but to see to it that it remained an
intuition. Senseless, accordingly, was the church as it changed the
intuition, where the Truth
could swim, into a dogma—the trinity (23/7,
XVIII/1), the redeeming cross (XXXI/1)
—, where the Truth has
been a wreck awaiting refloating. The refloater, The
Revelation of Arès, has come
in. If the church, which was God's grand
crop (14/3-4) before God began getting in the Arès Pilgrim harvest,
can hear the Call (4/4) and doing so it will
take to slowly pulling up to the surface the intuition, the faith of
Abraham, of Jesus, the faith in the Good
(XXXIII/1) and its maidservant: beauty of words and actions
(12/3). We believe that the
Creator did not speak to no avail in Arès, and that religion is to open
up somehow or other to the thousand suns of the Breath that melt
(2/14) the obscure
dogmatic language (2/14) into
an intelligent language (23/4), the Life that for the
being is still hiding beneath the desert
of words (24/3-5). The very
concept of God, which most men keep on disproving, is in the greatest
need of refloating. Meanwhile, we'll see below that it is not always an
error to say that God is a product of imagination, but that for all
that God is no less real.
1974 I couldn't imagine being unaware of what and
who God was.
But ever since I was given The
Revelation of Ares I've been broadly unaware of it. All I know
now, using my poor spiritual loaf
(32/5), is some things he says like: Truth is that the world
has to change
(28/7), and some things he makes like to love man too much
(12/7) and
create the universe uninterruptedly: I
(am still) run(ning and while running) I make a thousand new suns
(XXII/12), but I suspect he is and can make and can give us a
lot more.
Revelation of Ares often says
God with the religious pomposo or a skeptical sotto voce, so as to
reproach us for blathering about God . We can easily understand why The
Revelation of Arès likes the
term Father better: Father of the universe, You are
the only
Saint (12/4). God sometimes refers to himself as I have, I am
(II/1)… it is I who is speaking (XLVIII/3),
which are good matches for "You
shall tell tehm that I-am sends me to you (Exodus 3/14)." Some
people ask me, "Where in his Word has I-have-I-am
put the list of all he has and all he is, so that we may definitely
identify him?" I reply, "There is no list, because the Father as
an absolute owner and
being has and is absolutely." The reply, I know, sounds like
argumentation rather than insight. It is a reminder of the ontological
or teleological arguments of the theists and deists. For instance, this
argument as flimsy and barren as it is famous: "God exists, because he
is necessary," which I thought was false in the days when I was an
atheist Communist, and then true after I converted to Christianity
around 1962, and which I think now is both true and false, as God has
become necessary to me, since I saw
him (37/3), but has remained
unnecessary to those in large numbers who contend that I must have seen
As regards atheist Communists,
lately my children recalled me as a young man being fond of René Char
(a French poet who died lately) and gave me his complete works (La
Pléiade) as a present for my 78th birthday. When I find time to reread
Char again, I will for sure find his professions of atheism, which I
used to share. This I can quote from memory: "Men have cooked God up
and garnished him—rather badly, he added—with their human phantasms."
Atheistic Char was a great poet, however, he had intelligence and
sensitivity of high quality, living proof that an individual can be a
good man, even though he does not
recognize the Voice of God (28/1-12).
and Sartre, whose
existentialism The Revelation of Arès
has decisively added its own existentialism, were they atheists?
"Yes," a priest, a pastor, a rabbi, an imam would answer. "No," an Arès
Pilgrim answers. Heidegger and Sartre disproved the God of religion,
but The Revelation of Ares,
which is nothing atheistic, not by a long way, disproves the God of
religion even more. Heidegger mentioned a reality ultimate, but
reachable, the Being. Sartre, even though he considered the concept of
a God as the ruler of man and his destiny as impossible, because it
denies man's free will, which is quite obvious, would not have disowned
the God that insists on man's obvious free
will, when he says, "Adam
chose… (2/1-5)." Neither is The Revelation of Arès at
with Sartre's idea that essence cannot have been created before
existence—"Existence comes before Essence"—, because a man can at any
time decide on his "fundamental project," which for us Arès Pilgrims is
individual as well as worldly salvation, and can even "decide on his
own character," which we Arès Pilgrims strive to do through penitence.
Hegel said—in his "Little
Logic," I think—that the finity of things and beings is that their
existences are distinguishable from their notions, but as regard God
his notion and his being are inseparable. By this, I think, you can
tell God and you can tell God by this in man himself. Hegel did not
produce proof of God, but he gave what I believe is the right way of
spotting him, his right image
(Genesis 1/26-27), the indivisible Whole which God's being
thinking make up, the whole that a penitent
recovers while recovering the image
of his or her Maker. It culminates in God's being experience.
is experience for me, the
witness of The Revelation of Ares,
but he has been, he is, he will be experience for a lot of people in a
lot of ways, whether prodigious or very private. The snag is that most
of those people have kept their experiences hidden (2/16-18)
from a world
ruled by psycho-socio-political received ideas where free speech about
God is considered as "totally irresponsable" and "unbearable" as free
speech about love between men or absolute freedom. This is why The
Revelation of Ares states in
substance that it doesn't matter whether you fail to prove God, because
the objective is Good.
Besides, whoever seeks Good
seeks God, even unconsciously. The Arès Pilgrims seek Good
through penitence, but apart from them
myriad people pay no attention to it and the believers among these
people do not even realize that so doing they have got more than
dangerous gaps in their knowledge of God, they live in emptiness—Hence
a need of the theater of religion in order to fill emptiness and men's
anxiety before the emptiness of death— It's pointless explaining and
proving God to people who ignore Good. The small remnant
of penitents who are harvesting new penitents
cannot carry out their
mission, if they are not testing people for their interest in Good.
Only later will they grow
conscious of God and still later will they get knowledge of God.
