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june 25, 200X (0062us)
the Arès pilgrimage (a duplication of #0031us)
The Saint's Word HouseAfter leaving the reception house the pilgrim walks right along the gallery up to the "déchaussoir" (le room where pilgrims get unshod) where they put on a tunic and leave their shoes or sandals. Then they go through to the room where the Creator manifested himself in 1977 (The Saint's Word House with a belltower) where he prays or meditates freely.

Every summer in Arès, France (33740, Gironde),
46 avenue de la Liberation,
from June 21 to July 4,
from July 12 to 25
and from August 2 to 15.

Opening of the Theophanic place (where the Maker manifested in 1977):
on Friday, 08:30 am to 11:30 am,
on Saturday, on Sunday, on July 14 and August 15 (except when they fall on a Friday) 05:30 pm to 09:00 pm,
on other days, 06:00 pm to 09:00 pm.

Every pilgrim prays and/or meditates freely without disturbing the others.

Who goes in pilgrimage to Arès?
First of all people at the age of free (Rév of Arès 10/10) conscience,
who have welcomed the Word (Bible, Quran), who know their recalcitrance to and infringement of Good, that is, that is, who know good from evil, love from indifference and hatred, forgiveness from the spirit of judgement, (36/16), peace from conflict, spiritual intelligence (32/5) from intellectual intelligence,
who have heard the Father's request and converted to The Revelation of Arès, the Light that dispels the darkness of religious interpretations,
who have decided to stop sinning and enter upon penitence, that is, practice good and not act evil,
in short, men of the time to come (Rev of Arès 30/13).
But also anybody else, even a nonbeliever, provided that he does not come just out of curiosity, and that his visit makes sense, if he states his respect for The Revelation of Arès, the Bible and the Quran, and states that love of all men and forgiveness of all offenses constitute the key to global happiness.

What does a pilgrim come for?
He or she comes to take the Fire from the very Hand of the Maker, who manifested and spoke The Revelation of Arès on that very place in 1977, and who has never left it (I am here... Rev of Arès XLI/1-8, XLVIII/9).
How to take the Fire? Every pilgrim goes about it in whatever way he conceives or feels deep down, provided it is a dignified and discreet one. Usually, a pilgrim strikes with his forehead (XLI/4) and kisses (his lip takes... XLVIII/9) the spot, marked with a plain elliptic wooden frame, where the central Light rose and stood on the five 1977 theophany days, and then he goes and sits down anywhere in the hall to kindle or rekindle, by praying and/or pondering, every reason he has and his willpower to bring humanity, first of all his own humanity, to recover its spiritual source (Rev of Arès 24/4).

Why is each pilgrim advised to take off his or her shoes and put on a tunic?
Whoever has no personal tunic can be lent one, if some tunics are being available.
One takes one's shoes off just as Moses did where the Maker was to speak to him (Exodus 3/5). The tunic screens the sexes, the richness or cheapness of clothes, the fear of the judgement of others and generally the fears of all that makes people giggle or be impatient, which divides and breaks up society (Rev of Arès 10/13-14). The tunic, which will turn into the coot or kitoneth when used as one's shroud, is also a reminder that one has to die as long as a small remnant have not defeated sin (28/12).

The pilgrim's thought:
The Abrahamic religion by becoming judaism, christianity and islam has changed into noise substituting for God's Word in Jerusalem (Rev of Arès XLVII/2). Hence the Father's moving house to France. The loving Father (Rev of Arès 12/7), however, does not doom religion to hell (For all that don't gather that those men have met perdition... 16/2), but he is harshly critical of it. Notably, religion has distorted the concept of salvation. Religion has preached personal salvation, while in fact it is inseparable from global salvation. Religion has preached salvation as if it was dependent on Heaven's judgment, while in fact it depends only and existentially on man's behavior. Only penitence (the practice of Good and refusal to sin) saves and, just as the Father cannot live without his human creature, his son, no penitent gets saved if he or she does not strive (as far as his or her circumstances permit) to save other men, his or her brothers and sisters (Save! Do not judge! Rev of Ares 27/3). Each penitent is a harvester of penitents, as The Revelation of Arès says. The pilgrim deep down undertakes or re-undertakes to awaken spiritual life, that is, Good, in himself or herself as well as in others.

One does not go to Arès to beg for a miracle, which occasionally happens to occur without being sought for, anyhow.
Quite the contrary, one goes there to give himself as a miracle, the miracle of one's faith in the self-redeeming effort (penitence), which The Revelation of Ares calls on man to make. Any man can be made a God, just as Jesus was, only by setting his steps in the Steps of the Father (Rev of Ares 2/12-13). This spiritual rerooting is growing more and more necessary in the early 21th century. Problems, which man recently still thought had been left behind after the struggles, wars and hardships of the 20th century, are re-emerging ahead of him, whether social, political, economical or only human. The Father came back to speak to men by the end of the 20th century, because he was well aware that perils: rivalry, deception, hatred, violence and war, would be experienced again. The Creator came back to remind man that man is the Creator's image and likeness (Genesis 1/27) and therefore can generate his own grace, his own miracle, if he wants to. The pilgrim asserts that he wants to.

If I had not seen the Pilgrimage to Arès re-open every year on June 21st ever since 1974, a feeling of failure might have eventually overcome me. For 32 years I have seen thousands and thousands of believers come to Arès filled with hope, but not hope of strengthening their faith. Those do not come back to Arès disappointed to fail to find "something fantastic" there and failing to admit that they had never put their faith in the spiritual properties of effort (penitence).  Those are unwilling to understand that the one answerable for evil is man, but not God, and that they only make matters worse by leaving it up to a few ambitious powers to rule the world. I can also see numerous men elsewhere, jews, christians, muslims, humanists, who expected Good to establish itself on earth at last, and who now give up hope that the world could draw lessons from the horrendous 20th century, ever. I can see a lot of silly and unfair actions taken by the men that claim they are capable of ruling the world, in short, I can see so many things likely to bring crowds to think that evil is to remain strongest ineluctably. Yes, I would suffer from a terrible feeling of failure, if I couldn't go on Pilgrimage to Arès, the place where I reaffirm my faith and hope every year. I know that the world of tomorrow has already been born into the square foot where the stick of light rose and stood in 1977.
Evil will never grow stronger than Good and will eventually be conquered. Violence, injustice, domination and despoliation will not stay perpetual. Yes, man will some day gain perpetual happiness. This is the profound meaning of the Arès Pilgrimage.

copyright 2007
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