may 7, 2007 (0058us)
a new black king in Paris
men, even the men that lose their way, are children
of the Father (Rev of Arès 13/5). In his own image of a
Creator he makes them all cocreators of themselves and of the world,
which they can be masters of and subdue
(Genesis 1/26-28). Some men sadly subdue the world so
much that they subjugate their brothers. This just goes to
explain why Heaven's dwellers aren't feasting today.
The loving Father (Rev of Arès 12/7),
who has never weighed anybody down, even if it has meant being
forgotten and letting atheism emerge, laments the fact that the
ambitious man weighs heavy on his own brothers, so that the
night lies on them (Rev of Arès I/7-8). He bemoans the system once
created by Adam (Rév of Arès 2/1-5) based on religion and/or its
profane imitator, politics. The white king (religion,
ideology) and the black king (politics, law, money, industry)
a one and the same thigh (Rev of Arès XXXVII/14). The
Revelation of Arès tells men in substance, "As you've been able to
create evil, you can re-create Good, but creating Good
takes absolute freedom (10/10), love, forgiveness, peace,
confidence, long-suffering, replacing the law of the rats
(XIX/24) or the law that has been with the law that
will be (28/8), the Word of love and truth, which requires no
decreer, or judge, or power whatever: You shall not be a ruler
over anybody (16/1).
have been told that, a short while before the presidential election,
former president Valery Giscard d'Estaing said to a newsman, "France is
a house with the doors locked, where people discuss in separate groups
ignoring the other groups and even more whatever happens in the world
outside the shutters closed." But this is, I guess, the situation all
over the world, particularly over the Field (5/5-7) to which The
Revelation of Arès sends us to remind men of the necessity of changing
Enclosed partisanship has sadly remained a chronic evil. This may be
why realistic Nicolas Sarkozy, on the evening of May 6, had an impulse
to launch into an enthusiastic hymn to the expectations that great
changes are opening up before France now, while in fact they are
obviously not. Great changes will be opening up before France, I am
very positive about it, when we Arès Pilgrims actively carry out its
spiritual rearmament. Even an economic disaster, not really implausible
as yet, will not bring about a spiritual renewal, unless we fulfil an
ample harvest of souls.
Just a week
before the 6th of May's final election we sadly saw half France curdle
around Mrs Royal and half France curdle around Mr Sarkozy,
notwithstanding events and speeches that for a few weeks earlier had
brought us to think that a fresh, fluid, enriched milk, was likely to
pep up this old French people hardened by their inner adversities.
Their distinctive political identities had sounded like they had faded
after the topics of pluralism and fraternizing were expanded by
François Bayrou and echoed by Segolene Royal — unfortunately too abrupt
an apparatchik in her conterspiritual manner to prompt us to vote for
her — , and I felt intensely interested in this move, because it was
proving to me that not everything had got lost and that the Father had
reasonably come down back to earth, in Arès, to call on men to change.
But the political hardening shortly before May 6 showed that the French
would never regain brotherly love through political ways. They will
regain it only if they are spiritually stirred. Mr Le Pen, as he was
lamenting his defeat on April 22, said, "I thought that the French were
unhappy. They are actually happy to be misgoverned, happy to be put
into heavy debt..." But Mr Le Pen should have said, "...Happy,
strangely, antinomically happy (the French are) to live in divisions
which are just what politicians need, because politicians can't exist
if they can't oppose other politicians, but which men do not need,
because they will never gain happiness as long as they fail to gain love,
forgiveness, social peace, spiritual freedom
and intelligence.
So we have to grow more and more careful to all the events. In 2007,
the legislative election is to be more important than the presidential
election. François Bayrou, albeit a politician and albeit we Arès
Pilgrims are not expecting any ultimate solution from politics, will
give the opportunity to elect a third political force to all the men
that have long understood that making it emerge in Parliament is a
matter of urgency. I have never stopped stating that, had the French
Parliament really mirrored the French people's pluralism, the law that,
in 1996, created the "Parliamentary Observatory of Cults and Sects"
could not be decreed. That third force, if we help it appear — which
will be difficult due to our electoral system —, and if it acts as real
complementarity, will be likely to urge the power to stop ignoring a
number of currents of thought, of faith and of various expectations.
The Revelation of Arès
states that politics cannot lead mankind to global happiness. Just take
a look at contemporary history. This is corroborated: The 1914-1918
war. The cause of it? Politics! The 1917 Russian revolution and the
tragical end of this 73-year experience. The cause of it? Politics! The
1938-1945 war. The cause of it? Politics. The attack against the New
York World Trade Center, September 11, 2001, and the wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq. The cause of it? Politics! Of that I will remind
every politician that regards politics as necessary and even
Be that as it may, we know that it will take more than four
generations to change
everything, so we wish the new president of France a succesful future
leading the country through the less unsettled ways possible, although
we are aware that they will inevitably be unsettled. France's people
will be in great need of all of the consciousnesses in the midst of
them, notably the Arès Pilgrims' consciouscnesses, who are preaching "A
Different Destiny" — The name of a spiritual mission of ours for
non-politicized public life.

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