november 12, 2006 (0050us)
tom paine and I
New York in 1998 somebody told me, "Brother Michel, the creative energy
one draws from you and The Revelation of Ares is reminiscent of the
social energy that Americans drew from Tom Paine and his manifesto
"Commen Sense" in 1776.
The likening came as
a surprise. I had had a vague knowledge of the character, Thomas Paine
(his detractors called him Tom), one of the founding fathers of the
American independence... I couldn't see any similarity between him and
me. Whats' more, I thought he was an atheist. I knew that he had been a
rough, coarse, unkempt, man unlike me. Admittedly I knew that General
Washington had ordered Tom Paine's words read to his exhausted,
frostbitten troops so as to inspirit them before he launched a surprise
attack on Trenton, but I also knew that Tom Paine would get on the
wrong side of most of the great Americans of his time, probably, I
imagined, because he might not be as praiseworthy as he had once
seemed. I was unconscious that the 2d president of the USA, John Adams,
when he had called Tom Paine's great manifesto "Common Sense" "a poor,
ignorant, malicious, short-sighted, crapulous Mass," had used
unflattering terms meaning much the same as the terms spoken by
bourgeois opponents of The Revelation of Ares, and that the
Federalists called TomPain "a loathsome reptile" , the same, but for
the words, as some conformist clergy and politicians describe me.
And the next thing was several books on Tom Paine were published during
2006, I don't know what they came out to commemorate. Now I can read
the very words by Tom Paine that Washington ordered his army nearly
paralyzed in the blizzard to listen to, "These are the times that try
men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this
crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it
now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny like hell is
not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the
harder ths conflict, the more glorious the triumph." The next morning
the Continentals crossed the Delaware River and fought to a stunning,
pivotal victory, after which the English army would be forever
retreating until they re-embarked. How could I not realize then, all of
a sudden, that the man in New York, in 1998, had drawn a parallel
between the 1776 American patriots and our missionaries, There
will be a time for their toil and eternity for their glory (Rev of Ares
have lately read that Tom Paine, whom I thought was an atheist, in
reality was a non-religious believer, a scathing critic of the churches
and clergy, just as The Revelation of Ares is. I was aware
that he had dreamt of society with no government, but now I find out
that he was vehemently critical of political power and law, just as The
Revelation of Ares is critical. This is why he would be hated by
the very men that had used his eloquence and ideas to become
As for Tom Paine, he vould keep on refusing to hold a leadership,
whatever, and would be contempted for that just as I am contempted by
the system's men, who see my own refusal to be a leader (Rev of
Ares 16/1) and give the Ares Pilgrims assembly a social
structure and a hierarchy as a detestable, dangerous model.
In conclusion, how deserving Tom Paine was! He did not have to be
bending like me under the Father's knee (Rev of Ares 12/9)
to be taught the Truth. He found it all by himself
through his own intelligence.
I most sincerely wonder why the Father came down and spoke to me, who
had not a quarter of Tom's capability.

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