september 2, 2006 (0040us)
the moral of new orleans' story
Orleans engulfed by the waves of sin (Rev of
Ares 33/22), drowned like Noah's sons (2/7). Every
one of us comes to the same end, no matter what sort of death, only
much less trumpeted, and that's it. Atlantis was not rebuilt and New
Orleans will be. It's no big deal! Just a question of era and
technics. But what man has to do is rebuild himself good.
Orleans is bound to live on dangerously under sea
level just as the whole world has lived dangerously under sin (Rév
d'Arès 30/2).
On August 29, New Orleans mayor rang the bell that commemorates last
year's leveebreach while Marlon Jordan blew the taps (photo) and then
played for the thousands who had lost everything. These as always are
the penniless who would have nothing to lose is they left and settled
elsewhere in a place safer and even more beautiful, but very few are
those that do not want to stay on.
This is what I set about mulling
over on August 29. Why the global reluctance to change home like to change
one's life
(Rev of Ares 30/11)? Because for thousands of generations
subjected to evil intelligence has dwindled to a dull
candle end (Rev of Ares 32/5), the head has filled
with the hot air from the system's bookish masters (doctors)
(23/4), reason has fallen asleep, mankind has sinned so
much and thereby grown so frail
that it has ended up believing that misery and death are inevitable and
the best life consists in living just as men have continuously lived.
We Arès Pilgrims have to remind men that the Maker came back to Earth
in 1974 and 1977 not to get incarnated and die on a cross, but to ask
men to let Him blow into their blood and let their blood
be running and running (Rev of Arès
XVI/12) with penitence so as to rebuild good
and happiness,
which are worth thousand times as much as the most beautiful big city.
Why does man, who holds himself to be free, but who is not, behave like
a big cat which at the time of going asleep turns around and around to
find the best place, which ends up being virtually the same every
night? That routine is like the cranky constancy of religion and of its
offshoot politics. Unlike what religion and politics claim to be they
are not the champions of the good
in a continuous fight against antagonistic powers (which for their part
claim to be so). They constitute nothing but a routine, but has anybody
noticed it ever?
Unaware of the fact that they should look for the Good
elsewhere, men fiercely maintain their religion—even atheists, counter
to what they claim, do have a religion, the religion of their own
ideas—, they maintain it so fiercely that our missionaries, who are
liberators, find it incredibly hard to remind them they are badly in
need of freeing themselves. Freeing themselves from evil, which has
originated all of routines, especially religious routines which people
regard as blocks to evil like secure strong citadels (Rev of Ares
13/7), whereas The
Revelation of Arès regards the action to be taken as
altogether different. It is not by taking up position, but it's by running
like blood (Rev of Ares XVI/12) or the nimble foal (Rev
of Ares 10/10) that men can set constructive faith and creative love
going, which will conquer evil and misfortune, if men additionally put intelligence
(32/5) into the action.
There is without question fodder for thought in the destruction of New
Orleans and its reconstruction pending another destruction by the sea
or any new fury of history or simply by time. New Orleans in which the
whole world is mirrored, which has to be convinced of a single
Truth: Change (Rev of Ares 28/7).

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