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august 24, 2006 (0039us)
a talk of faith under the belltower
The Saint's Word HouseOn one of the final Pilgrimage days, a pilgrim unknown to me approaches me under the belltower. I tell him in the nicest possible way: "I have to shun talking with brothers, except to meet service requirements. My cardiologist reckons that I can't help but talk passionately, so my heart is severely tested."
He nods, but he speaks, just the same, "We've never met... I'm just a temporary pilgrim. I wanted to see the place where The Revelation of Arès has awakened a very simple faith in the world. Faith in Good, the faith that leads you to God, even if you are not interested in God at the outset, like a simple bee ends up leading you to the the beehive. Also I wanted to pay my respects to you. You have thirty-two years without making concessions stood up for the simplicity that dissolves religion. What's more, what a hard sailing into the wind of dechristianization..."
I cut him off, "...and of despiritualization, which is even worse. I hope that by rediscovering the ideas that make up the Word in the very place quite simple where the Creator gave it again, you'll be more determined than ever to pursue the Good! This is a place where man like restores the children's capability and pleasure of unlimitedly listening to a tale he has already listened to a lot of times. "
He says, "The Revelation of Arès has an answer for everything. No need of disputable interpretations, no need for theology or dogmas. All you've got to do is read and achieve."
I say, "And yet I had to remind the readers of the true (Rev of Ares II/8-9, XX/2, XXXIV/1-4), that is, I had to write footnotes galore, because culture and thinking habits make the true cloudy or disguise it, but you might have been an atheist or agnostic, a man with no preconceived ideas. "
"No I was not. I'm a Jew." He looks up at the belltower. "For centuries the religions, those you call Abrahamic in your writings, have lived side by side with each other under a single belltower, or tabernacle, or minaret, oisinewithout ever worrying about what has got them dividednt or estranged. This I realized when I discovered The Revelation of Ares." He turns emphatic, "This is the murder, the deicide!" He widely gestures his weariness towards the East. He almost certainly thinks of Lebanon. His voice becomes softer, "However, the Quran is just an Arabic bible, just as the Christian bible is just the Jewish bible."
I reply, "The finality of faith doesn't lie in the Word. The Word is the Father's philosophy, the virtual. During the Pilgrimage pilgrims legitimately philosophize about salvation, happiness, the end of earthly worries and sufferings, life to be changed (Rev of Ares 30/11) and the world that has to change (28/7), but once the Pilgrimage is over, it's the real that has to be dealt with. You have to achieve it. This is really completing individuals' destiny by penitence and the world's destiny by multiplying the number of penitents. All of good men, even those who don't know the Father's Voice (Rev of Ares 28/12) and those who hate him (28/14) help change the world, help the final Truth to triumph (28/7). This belltower does not only conjure up the Abrahamic religions, it conjures up the whole world."

copyright 2006
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