july 30, 2006 (0037us)
the soul is suffering; blogs
are blowing hope
I've been a penitent good enough to have made myself a soul,
my soul is suffering (Rev of Ares 4/5). This sail,
which will take and keep me away from the shores
of pain as long as my pounded bones (Rev of Ares
17/4, 18/4) are awaiting resurrection (Rév d'Arès 31/11),
like a skin gets scratched by grief. Now
I understand Jesus' feeling process better, every time that he looked
unwell in front of me in 1974. Even though he had been resurrected and
transfigured, his soul kept suffering, but it was suffering
from love and nobleness sickened by the grime and the stale smell given
off by my poor heart of a then selfsatisfied "christian".
That little soul of mine is much less gloriously suffering
from remorse for having failed to harvest (Rev of Ares 6/2, 31/6)
the number of penitents
it would take to spare 34 children fear and death today in Qana,
Lebanon. I too experienced fear during bombings in 1943 and 1944. I
know the sort of horrible anxiety felt by everybody, even kids, under
the roar of the unseen blind force just about to kill at random, kill
no-one knows whom or when or where.
I wanted this blog to be often,
say, every other entry, a joyful alternative to the sometimes too heavy
seriousness of faith and worries given us by hard earthly realities,
but what can I make it now? In the Middle East the compendium of pain
and death in Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, the
maelstrom of problems currently insolvable between mentalities still
culturally incompatible, are tormenting my soul.
When I created this blog I only sought to share my thoughts with my
sisters and brothers, but not be a pain in the neck with cause for
concern too much repeated, I just intended to stay ever present amid
the assembly while leaving a window opened for chance strangers
(Rev of Ares 25/3-4) to take a glance at me. I figured
that, as the world has to change (Rev of Ares 28/7), I ought
to let men take time to decide on that change, I should make
sure that I never put them off by repeatedly reproaching them for their
sins, I should feed their minds with moderation and gentleness (Rev
of Ares 25/9)
and should not forget to amuse them at times. Unfortunately, I can't.
Today, July 30, Israel has bombed Qana, Lebanon, and in minutes has
killed 54 fellow humans, 37 children among them. I have cried once
even if I am grieving, I am not in dispair. I mend my sail, my
soul, it swells with the wind of faith and reason.
My soul
will not grow three legs and three wings like the crane
that can no longer run or fly — religion and politics, in short,
Néro — (Rév d'Arès XXII/1-2). I've got a blog, a blog which
defies distance, haven't I? My blogger soul
flies and joins the bloggers who over there, in Lebanon and Israel,
send each other messages, but no bombs, no missiles. All of those
messages are not polite, but many of them are not negative, I'm told.
Yes, indeed, bloggers in their forums and chats exchange hopeful
messages all the way over the poor plastic-coasted cocoons that the
Qana children have been made into (see picture). Hundreds of bloggers
tell each other their expectation that they all will be some day living
together on the land that the religious and the politicians are
fighting over. Then, although I feel somewhat frustrated, because I
cannot talk in Arabic and Hebrew with my fellow bloggers in the Orient,
I am relieved to hear that they see the situation intelligently
unlike their leaders.

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01Aug06 37usC1
The Soul is Suffering, the Blogs are Blowing Hope!
Perhaps there is something that can be done to avert the crisis
unfolding in the Levant. It involves truthful and clear thinking. It
definitely will involve a shift in the consciousness of the world's
people. A wake-up call, what is the real agenda being played out here?
The three religious groups involved here, all peoples of
the Book, Moslem, Jewish and Christian (USA and West generally), have
lost all credibility to my mind. None of them seems ready, willing or
able to recognise the claims of the others. The Christian (USA)
mediating influence is blatantly supplying ammunition and armaments,
which can only be read by the Israeli recipients as support for their
offensive. The paranoid and militant Jews in the state of Israel have
grossly over-reacted to the kidnapping of their serviceman. Hizbollah
have also acted opportunistically in kidnapping servicemen, but again
Israel's reaction is way over the top.
One can only feel deeply for the peoples of Lebanon, their country once
again rendered to rubble, and approaching one million people forced
from their homes. Equally I sense the Palestinians have a legitimate
grievance. They appear now years, perhaps decades away from their much
needed Sovereign State. Their recent election was rendered invalid by
the International Community's rejection of the democratic outcome, the
election of the Hamas led Government. If Hamas are not to be allowed to
form Government in Palestine they ought to have been excluded from the
election from the start!
Now Condelezza Rice is sent to sort a ceasefire. By what stroke of
imagination can anyone suggest that she is a credible mediator? The
master she serves is busy arming the worst of the protagonists. What
peace or ceasefire is she likely to broker?
Who in the world believes that a settlement of the Middle East question
in the longer term can occur without both Israel and the Palestinians
having viable homelands, secure borders, functioning economies and
water for drinking, industry and food production? If these are not
afforded to each of the protagonists, the fight will continue. The
question of the (so-called illegal) settlements in the West Bank need
some hard thinking... I claim no profundity here. But the question of
the Holy City of Jerusalem must be opened up. Unless all three of the
groups of people who worship the God of the Book have equal and free
access to this place, man's intolerance of man stands.
No longer can the protagonists continue their bloody and reckless fight
and maintain credit with the world's peoples. We see that the issue has
festered for much too long already. Those inflaming the situation, or
obstructing either a ceasefire or a permanent solution are equally
culpable in this deadly game. May the souls of these children of Qana
be the last sacrificed to man's intolerance of his fellow man, for it
is not the women doing the fighting, they are busy burying their dead
little ones, and praying with us for an end to this horror.
Greg R., New Zealand, gregfullmoon@kelvin.net.nz |
03Aug00 37usC2
What can be done?
Before the war was started in Iraq, there were many protests.
This was the first time there were protests before the start of a war.
It went on and still is going on, anyway.
djd |
06Aug00 37usC3
Dear brother Michel,
Last year, during the Pilgrimage in Arès, we took par in a meeting of
which the question of the day was : "What can we do... to help brother
At the same time, we were all very anxious and sad because you were in
hospital, your life was in danger. Then a brother told us that when he
announced to you one year before that he had cancer, you told him that
you wouldn't pray for him, but you'd do something more useful, you'd
increase your penitence for him.
Isn't war like the cancer of the world ?
If so, there are little things we can do concerning the war in Lebanon
and all other wars. Our penitence
would take off some veils of sadness that cover the world to
let some
light shine out and veil after veil the darkness of humanity's choices
would disappear.
But many men (...) will show the way (Rev.of Arès 24/3) means
that all depends on our harvest, as you said. But
to get strength for that we need to pray, to put God's Breath
into our breath (Rev of Ares XII/9).
We believe that increasing penitence, harvest and prayer
here and now we are giving a chance for peace all over the world and
we'll find answers to that question : "What can we do ?"
We believe that with the Creator's help, your help and with the help of
all our sisters and brothers we will release the Light (Rev of
Ares IX/8) and re-create that famous Garden...and the Wind
will dry our tears for ever.
Peter and Rosie, New Zealand, theblue.island@yahoo.co.nz |
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