july 23, 2006 (0036us)
if there's such a place on earth where man has to change
East: Acrid smells of gunpowder and distress! No hopes of enduring
solution as long as the enemies do not make the slightest change in
their perspectives.
Fights in Lebanon and Palestine will leave everything unresolved,
except (with no certainty, though,) Ehud Olmert's political position
and Mahmoud Amahdi-Najad's, because their respective electorates still
trust in violence.
On the Isreali side, Sharon, gone old and much
less spurred by political ambition, might have avoided launching such
an extensive attack. On the Muslim side, Ahmadi-Najad, whose letter
sent to Bush (see #0026us) demonstrated that he was open to a moral,
peaceful solution, provided the White House was willing to discuss it,
can't help but support Muslims.
So the situation has returned to the insoluble point of the problem,
that David Ben Gurion—who would be appointed prime minister in Israel
30 years later—was clearly aware of in 1919 while already campaigning
for Israel's revival, "There's no solution! There is a gulf and nobody
can bridge it... We jews as a nation want this country, and the
[muslim] Arabs as a nation want this country." We can't help but think
of the Father's words, the nations will move back to Me (Rev of
Ares 28/21),
that is, they will disappear as religious and political divisions and
then make up a one people, My People. We can't but think of the single
Path that the Father points to to all of men: penitence,
in order that they can reach love, forgiveness, peace, intelligent
solutions, which will drive evil out of the planet.
Evil originated from the personal project—the
system—which Adam's people as free creatures contrived and since then
have pitted against their Creator's plan (Rev of Ares 2/1-5). This is
why man originally immortal altered for mortality (the grave, 2/1),
although for a long time he was enjoying a remarkable life expectancy—Methuselah
(Mathusalem) lived for 969 years (Genesis 5/27)—. Unfortunately,
man did not take the opportunity of long life to return to Eden. His
life expectancy was dwindling away as evil was growing more rampant,
which resulted in man being unable to resolve in a single process the
terrible problems evil has brought about. Which explains why four
generation will not be sufficient (Rev of Ares 24/2) to find the
way to Eden, the Path, the
solution remaining possible notwithstanding. The near caricature of a
show which evil and the hardships that go with it are currently making
in the Middle East might help mankind to hear The Revelation of
Arès and begin achieving it.
In 1988, during a great public meeting in Cirque d'Hiver (Winter
Circus) in Paris, I launched the idea of fitting out a new "Exodus", a
potential ship bound to the Middle East, not to found a nation which
could raise big problems in the area, but quite the contrary to found
harmony or understanding there between the antagonistic dwellers of the
land. It was not yet completely hopeless calling on the Israeli and
Palestinians to take heed of The Revelation of Ares,
but the Ares Pilgrims did lack the means of undertaking the venture
then. In 2006, everywhere everyone seethe with rage in the Middle East,
madness it seems has turned overwhelming. From the sole of the
foot to the head there is nothing healthy (Isaiah 1/6) and only
extreme pain will make the enraged men see reason over there. If
there's such a place on earth where man has to change, but
has grown to the utmost unable to change, it's definitely
that one. I'm crying.

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