july 8, 2006 (0034us)
the price of ideological vainglory
July 1st, the Britons remembered the enormous cost in human lives paid
over the Somme district on July 1st, 1916, and I found myself pondering
the exorbitant price of our sociopolitical struggles.
years ago, in the early hours, 13 British infantry divisions leapt over
their trench parapets to attack the German frontline. Out in the open.
They were to pay the heaviest cost ever paid by an army, all of wars
taken together, in a single daytime: 40.000 soldiers wounded and 20.000
dead among whom only 30 officers dead—A lot has been said about such a
disproportion—. But the damage brought about by our ideological
vainglories: patriotism here, socialism and capitalism there,
christianity, judaism and islamism, etc., does not only enlarge
graveyards, but it enlarges economic problems, legislative measures,
the hold every administration has over people, disappointments.
many vainglories, sources of pains and problems, in the name of
ideologies in -ism, are we going to contrive again? Even though the
"35-hour week law", the big French socialist attack on the "labour
front" has not caused any loss of lives, it has in a similar
ideological spirit damaged our production tool and the prospects of
creativity, of jobs, therefore— "to beat the employers" just as we
meant "to beat the huns" (1916), "to beat the aristos" (Russia, 1917),
"to beat the rich" (Paris, 1936 ), "to beat the jews" (Germany, 1937)
and "to beat the yanks" (New York, 2001). None of those vain displays
of glory, in the brutality of weapons and iron laws, whenever it has
not just induced misdeeds, has never had beneficial effects which could
not be brought about later in peace. The only real glory (Rev of
Ares 37/9) will be that of Eden revisited, but not
revisited through endless revenge (Rev of Ares 27/9), but
revisited through love, forgiveness, intelligence and, let's
never forget them, moderation, patience (Rev of Ares 35/7)
and work (37/8).
"Yes, but we don't want any free market economy planned between the
rich," some people, possibly altermondialists, said to me lately. I
answered, " If you're impatient, if you can't wait for the world
to change—necessarily at a slow pace: it'll take more than
four generations, 24/2 —and
thus doing to make free market planned between accomplices naturally
disappear, your struggles will keep costing much more than benefitting.
What did the rioting youth in Paris and other big cities suburbs gain
through violence in November, 2005? Nothing but a brief outlet given
them by a short while of madness (I when a youth experienced the same).
They could have got the CPE (job law, see #0014us & #0015us), which
was especially designed for them, but other youths, the students, who
have no need of the CPE to get jobs, had it abolished. Madness leads to
more madness." I added, "Just as the system was having all means of
killing 20,000 and send to hospital 40,000 British soldiers in a
daytime, on July 1st, 1916, not to mention the thousands of German
soldiers who died or were wounded on that day, the system (through the
street as well as bureaucracy) will continue having all means to break
every too bold-looking change. This is why the Father through
The Revelation of Ares
gives us unbreakable weapons. Weapons which are not forged in
steelworks, and which are never dealt with by arm dealers, and which
are never wielded by any riot police, and which no law can implement: love,
mercy, peace, intelligence, absolute spiritual freedom,
given to man only in return for efforts of penitence (Rev of Ares
28/25). The
happy future is forged in man's heart." Those who had been listening to
me looked at me like at an old baboon delousing itself, and then they
left to continue wandering about the empty world, all the spiritual and
even moral springs of which have been broken save their own springs,
they thought. As to me, I guess that they will be given an opportunity
of thinking over what I said to them.

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