June 1st, 2006 (0029us)
the next edition of the revelation of arès in the making
further if you dislike the way Brother Michel has edited The
Revelation of Ares.
"Ugly... Too big... Too complicated...
Not an
easy-does-it approach of the Event of
Ares... Theological-looking (and even bigoted-looking and
preachy-style) comments, etc."
But to me it's a work of love!
I've begun preparing the next French edition of this Word of the
Father, and
please don't think that I overlook the plentiful feedback I've got for
years from a lot of people on my way of editing it. Unfortunatly, the
remarks and suggestions were miscellanious, many in contradiction to
each other, so much so that that I eventually felt neutralized,
mentally drained, for a good while. At last, lately, I came to decide
to excogitate and carry out the next edition by myself once again. I am
giving lengthy consideration of the project, however, with a view to
making the book clearer, more attractive and modern... Modern insofar
as a material related to the Maker's eternal Word can be modern.
hope that my brothers and sisters in faith as well as French-speaking
people as a whole will like, or at least will not too much complain
about, the edition currently in the making. In any case, it will once
more be an honest work, even though it will be a hard long-drawn-out
work, as I mean to edit it in a manner different from the previous
ones. The main Word will have a different paragraphing, spaced out with
short titles, so that the book will be both less big and less difficult
to sort out in concepts. The comments, no more comments than those
necessary for new readers, will be very short and bigger in font size.
Whatever form I've given the Father's Word, the work always has been an
epiphany to me. That's why I say "a work of love." Not that I witness
new appearances or manifestations of the Father or his messenger Jesus,
but I get from this work a renewed perception of the salvatory
essential nature of the Word, that is, Life.
As Sister Christiane had realized that the visitors to this blog would
be pleased to see new pictures, she shot me in my study yesterday, May
31st. Being a servant of the Father as well as a cook, housewife and
grand-mother much better than a photographer, her first shot was good
(the next nine shots were not so happy, but digital cameras are
marvels, you delete the pictures that haven't come out, so no waste of
film). You can see me working on the next edition of The
Revelation of Ares.

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01Jun06 29usC1
The idea of a bigger size of font for the Notes is very well taken!
The peace of the Lord be always with you!
Brian W. F.
thank you. We you and I have poor eyes now, failing
sights. But I'm only 77 while you are... Oh my! I dare not work out the
years behind you. I like better to look at the years ahead of you with
admiration. God has certainly blessed you, my brother and friend.
02Jun06 29usC2
You probably know the story of the man, the boy, and the donkey on
their way to market, the moral of which is "You can please some of the
people some of the time, but not all the people all the time."
A large print version would be a good idea for those who have vision
(I just noticed that that the post a comment element is only available
on the main page, and not on the page where one can read the other
I know a negative variant of the
apothegm: "You can deceive some
of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all the
time," but I don't know or I can't recall hearing the story of the man,
the boy and the donkey. Please tell it, if it is not too long, so I
could consider publishing it in very big font for Brian and me to be
able to read it.
Incidentally, I don't catch on to what you wrote between brackets,
hence the question marks... Please tell it too!e |
04Jun06 29usC3
I will try to write out the story as best as I remember it.
An old man and a young boy set off for the market with their donkey.
Soon they passed through a village. The people observed them and said,
"Why are you walking when that donkey could be carrying you, poor old
man?" So the old man mounted the donkey and they went on their way.
Soon they arrived in another village. The people here said, "Why are
you so selfish, old man, riding that donkey and making this little boy
walk?" So the man got off, the boy mounted the donkey, and they
continued on their way.
In the next village the people found it scandalous that the boy was
riding and the old man walking. The two explained what had happened in
the other villages. The people said, "Why don't you both ride the
donkey?" So that is what they did.
They came to another village (this must have been a big market, worth
the trip). The people said, "You people are horrible, both of you
riding that poor beast! You should be carrying the donkey, instead."
They devised a means with the donkey's feet tied to a stick which they
carried over their shoulders and continued on.
Now here, I am not sure of the original story, but I believe there was
a catastrophe, such as a bridge giving way due the weight of the three
of them. Did they all end up in the river? Were they saved? Did they
ever arrive at the market? I don't know. The moral of the story: You
can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please
all the people all the time.
[Postscript:] Concerning my remark on the functioning of the blog: I
arrive on your main page. I check the index to see if there is a new
article. If so, I click on the link in the index table. This takes me
to the individual article with its comments. If I wish to add a
comment, there is no link for that on this page; I must go to the main
blog to find that link, loading all the previous articles. This is just
a detail that I noticed because I like to read the other comments
before making one myself, even though it is not meant to be a
conversation between the readers.
you Dawnel very much. The pieces of advice heard by the old man
and the boy (and probably the donkey, for donkeys I've been told are as
good at understanding human languages as good at pretending not to
understand them) from village to village sound like a great deal of
advice I've been given whenever I've sought after some from my brothers.
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