may 24, 2006 (0028us)
waiting for godot or waiting for salvation
afterlife salvation? In concrete terms, The Revelation
of Ares says little or nothing about it. In spiritual terms, it
is the strength to overcome darkness, fear (16/6),
powerlessness of existence devoid of its corporeal scaffolding
(17/2), while waiting for absolute salvation, which is
to occur on the Day of re-creation and
transfiguration of man pieced together again, flesh, mind and soul.
Among the whole Word that Abraham's
have been handed down only the Quran depicts the salvation of
the just Paradise, a word never found in The Revelation
of Ares , in a way past the stage of mere ideas like the idea
given by Luke 16/23 (Poor Lazarus in Abraham's bosom).
Nonetheless, the Quran's materiality of the depictions are allegories
rather than realities, unless they are related to absolute salvation,
that is, life after the resurrection Day (Rev of Ares
About the salvation
immediately after death The Revelation of Ares concretely
says almost nothing. It sets out death as the falling apart of man's
three constituents: the flesh, the mind and the soul (Rev of Ares
17/7). She warns, recommending that the living mortify
for the dead (Rev of Ares 33/32-34), that the time of death
is a trial to all men even to the virtuous (Rev of Ares
XL/15). Death is anomaly, since the flesh dies of the
congenital plague, sin, inherited from Adam (Rev of Ares
2/1-5), that mankind will recover from only by agreeing to do penitence
for generations (24/2).
When you die at the age of conscienceness (children
simple people do not have salvation problems, the Scripture
suggests) either you have only the mind or you have the mind
the soul left. The mind alone can act as nothing but
a freezing shroud for you (17/7), a metaphor for
spiritual sterility (the abyss) and suffering unconsciousness
(17/5) of the specter (4/6-7). On the other
hand, the soul, if you have made yourself a soul by
acting with goodness (Rev of Ares vigils 17 & 18), love,
forgiveness, peace, rejection of prejudices (freedom), with faith or
religion as well as without any, the soul drives you out of
the abyss like a sail driven by the spiritual wind,
which you used to blow while you were alive. What you bring along with
you is the strength you gave yourself on earth. The area the soul
moves to is not described, probably because afterlife salvation
is not the conclusion of spiritual life. The finality of spiritual life
is absolute salvation, the one salvation described
in The Revelation of Ares, the one bound to come later on
after the Day has occurred (Rev of Ares 17/7, 31/8-12,
33/9, etc).
Let's mention the 2d of October, however, when I was propelled out of
time and out of my own vulnerability throughout the universe. This
trial may well give a concrete idea of the soul's way of life
while waiting until the Day occurs.
"Why," some people ask me, "do you balk at telling about that
extraordinary trial?" I happen to reply, "Because on that day, like I
was one of the two misfits in Waiting for Godot, Vladimir and
Estragon, I learned for a few minutes that, as I was a man, I was
metaphysical animal—Ionesco used to say so about Samuel Becket's play—.
It was not me, it was the Maker who depicted my own trial in The
Revelation of Ares (VI/1-4),
because none of men can describe his reunion with his own spiritual
substance. That reunion can't be shared, it is as inconceivable as
Godot, God himself, pretty much!"
I happen to tell some visitors,
who are then disconcerted, "I don't know what God is, I have but
experienced him just as you've read from The Revelation of Ares.
From the experience no really informative description of him can be
drawn, but, though poor, it is honestly true. Likewise, my idea of
salvation is honestly true. I don't know much about it, but I'm aware
that we do not die, and that what a human brings along with him or her
is roughly all he or she has made good or bad, positive or negative,
when he or she was corporeal."
I've got few photos. I have not much thought of myself. Just the same,
here's a recent picture (April, 2006) together with my wife Christiane,
taken by our daughter Sara.

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