may 4, 2006 (0024us)
no new society plan ahead
a long time, particularly since the protest vote againt the European
Constitution, the suburbs riots and the protests against the CPE (jobs
law) in France, I have been watching out for a plan of new society,
which could be logically expected in days of political dimness. But no
plan. On Sunday I read an interview with Daniel Cohn-Bendit, figuring
that the man that had been a star of the May 1968 youth protest
movement might well have a plan of new society.
Cohn-Bendit says,
"The May 1968 movement was explosive and aggressive ideologically
speaking[, while the anti-CPE movement] has no ideology... [is just]
defensive. There was full-employment in 1968 France... there were no
more than 100,000 jobless... The point of the 1968 movement was
questioning all of institutions, unbuilding Gaullism and Communism. We
used to think that a different society could come into existence. All
those points of reference have vanished since then. Today youth feels
[just] scared." He points out, "There's been a culture of revolt in
France... The culture of negociation is starting, but very slowly.
Whatever the problem in France, the outcome hangs on power struggles.
Every situation develops in fits and starts... Once during a debate a
French lady in her forties leveled at me that she always felt the
existential need to say no!" He adds, "I was unable to reply to that."
You think Cohn-bendit is the sort of man expected to reply to the woman
with a plan of new society where she could say yes at last? But no, he
Cohn-Bendit goes on, "[I'd have liked] taking
part in the anti-CPE
(jobs law) protest... Under such a law it's the same ones, the
wage-earners, who run risks again and again... The young wage-earners
are laid off without knowing why, while they definitely need to know
why." This is true, but Cohn-Bendit once more is planless. As he puts
forward no plan in place of the CPRjobs law, he could suggest the youth
to consider it as an open invitation to employment, which is better
than nothing, but should demand that they would know why they do not
fill the job. He says only this, "The French need to be put at ease...
Society in France is being stuck so much so that reformers would need
more than to be right to succeed." Which is an admission of
powerlessness. He eventually adds, which is meager, "Employers' problem
is not freedom to lay employees off, but the cost of employment."
In short, Cohn-Bendit has no plan of new society. Whenever I listen to
the government and majority parties, I can't detect the least note of
new society project. Whenever I listen to the opposition politicians
and trade unionists, I hear social demands, but no plan of new society.
The religious leaders have no plan of new society, either.
The days of new society plans seem over. Arguably because history has
shown that no society politically and/or religiously structured has
ever really been suited to the idea man has always had about happiness.
It is man who so far has had to be suited to the idea that society,
whatever, has had about itself through the speeches of those who manage
The Revelation of Ares is right, therefore. If the
world changes (28/7), it will not change through changes in
societies, but through a change in the individual. It is the
individual who has to change his life (Rev of Ares 30/11),
for the happy man will be only the one who loves his neighbor,
forgives, makes peace, sets himself free from
prejudices and dependences, recover spiritual intelligence,
whatever society he lives in.

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