april 16, 2006 (0020us)
Jesus is risen. We are to be risen alike
think, of all things, that we Ares Pilgrims do not believe in Jesus'
resurrection. But no, we believe in Jesus' resurrection, even
though it is not the cardinal point of our faith unlike Paul's faith
(catholic saint-Paul's).
Here's why we
believe in Jesus' resurrection:
First, Jesus who visited me in 1974 was not a ghost, but a man in the
flesh. He was a resurrected man, therefore, and could not be anything
Second, The Revelation of Ares
makes us perfectly understand the context of Jesus' resurrection. Not
the rising again to life of a God allegedly incarnate would an eternal
God's resurrection ever be miraculous? , but the big psychological
stimulant that the resurrection of a mortal, who had been eliminated
early on his prophetic mission by the religious and political
powers, would have produced to his disciples. As the disciples
had been inadequately trained and fear was getting the better of them,
they were going to make mistakes (Rev of Ares 5/1-5),
but all would have been even worse, if they had not witnessed
resurrected Jesus coming and going at will; then they would have lost
faith completely. Paul realized it: "Had he not been resurrected, we
would not have any message or faith (1Corinthians 15/4)."
But these
very words point out that Paul, and subsequently the Churches,
considered Jesus' message as worth believing and preaching only if
Jesus had resurrected, so that they placed Jesus' resurrection, or
rather faith in Jesus' resurrection, above the Message. Unlike this
doctrine, The Revelation of Ares restores the priority of the
Message and, accordingly, the deeds which the Message urges man to achieve:
Grow into penitents, that is to say, be
good, and harvest
more penitents, a lot of them, so that the world
may change! That's why the Father does not regard Paul as one
who conveys the Word (Rev of Ares 16/12, 3(/12).
as people think erroneously that we do not believe in Jesus'
resurrection, they think that we are not Christian. Admittedly, we are
no catholics, no protestants, no orthodoxes, but christians we are
unquestionably. We strive to follow the sermon on the hill (Matthew
ch.5 to 7).
Jesus has resurrected! We proclaim it today, on Easter Sunday, together
with whole Christendom. But what we see most of all in Jesus'
resurrection is the proof or demonstration that every one of us will
really be resurrected on the Maker's Day (Rev of Ares 31/8-13),
when penitence has adequately spread on earth, so that
mankind can resolutely be in favor of Good.
This is not Jesus' tomb, the site of which has kept unknown. This
is a double tomb of the time. Jesus was shrouded and laid and then rose
from the dead in a similar cave.

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