april 2, 2006 (0015us)
CPE (continued)
tell me, "Just wait until the CPE (jobs law) crisis is over to comment
on it!" Why wait? The pros and the cons have already lost out on it and
are aware of that. They will nevertheless have lived the event
like the only sort of adventure the modern man has left, now that a
drabber and drabber system confines him in more and more laws.
the CPE, that new jobs law, brings about jobs insecurity? Is it a
condemnation of the labor law, as trade unions warn? If the labor law
is ever threatened, demonstrations will be appropriate then. As for the
lack of job security, it has long been the result of the shortage of
jobs, so that the government shouldn't be reproached for trying to
induce employers to create some non-essential paid jobs, which might
well be a plus for their firms, for their customers, for the quality of
life. If my plumber had one more workman, I wouldn't have to wait for a
month until my sink U-bend is fixed and meanwhile to empty the bucket
under it twice a day. But I know we are faced with a crisis of a much
wider scale: We should save the French industry, which has for years
been delocalizing and making the French lose long accumulated practical
skills and expertness by training far less costly manpower abroad.
Industry is not faced with competing plumbers in the neighbourhood, but
it is in competition with the world trade dynamics.
Why have the
media featured only the anti-CPE youth? Because a newsman does not
regard the pro-CPE youth worth a news. These however make up most of
French youth. What's more, a lot of them go as far as to declare: "That
jobs law, CPE, may give us the opportunity to prove that we are able to
work and bring creative benefits, which could restart and secure the
industrial engine, force bosses to review their misgivings about their
business…" Why are a great many media inclined to make us think that
most of French youth want a sovietized regime, which guarantees jobs
and retirement, as if such a regime could never end up in France in the
disastrous way it ended up in USSR? As to the trade union rulers, they
draw from the CPE an opportunity of restoring their importance long
lost, as the five of them represent less than 9% of the paid jobs in
France. As to the Left, they forget that they too have brought about
riots like the well-famed riot against the law of Allegre, a socialist
minister of education under premier Lionel Jospin. It is not talking
politics merely to observe those facts and remind that The
Revelation of Ares quite rightly says that Truth is that the
world has to change (28/7). Let's strive to urge men to restore
the spiritual intelligence they have long lost (32/5).

a comment |
08Apr06 15usC1
When a lieutenant is killed, who takes command, a captain, or a
Because the men know the sergeant. What does this prove? That you get
your status, your security, from your comrades, not from some remote
few — least of all from the Black King! (Rev of Ares x/6, XXIX/9,
It is those who know you who respect you, who will stand with you when
you are wronged, who will carry your coffin to the grave and offer your
spouse a pension. Thus we recall that in the "workers' paradise," the
old Soviet Union, there was not only collective bargaining, but also
collective remuneration: The unions actually knew who was doing more
than their share and who was falling short. What was lacking in the
collective state was competition among labour unions offering to run
the factory, i.e. the system of putting it out to the lowest bidder —
what you I believe, would call MARCHANDAGE.
The peace of the Lord be always with you!
Brian |
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