march 25, 2006 (0014us)
(=Contract of First Employment with a two-year probation period, a new
law that has filled the streets with an angry mob in France for weeks):
Who's going to cure the bubo (the swelling, the bulge, Rev of Ares
XXXIV/16-18)? The doctors that rule France or
the doctors that
are longing to rule it soon? I am bemoaning the latter, who in the hope
of evicting the former have rashly endangered France's peace to arouse
an uncontrollable monster racket Aren't French students easy to rouse
to a racket? They are . The former I am bemoaning as well, because
they hypocrites claim that only a dialogue will crack the nut. In fact,
as the affair is mere politics, it's just a dialogue around a poker
table. Reality lies elsewhere and is virtually irrelevant to the CPE.
Jobs = salaried employments, because these are easily
controlled and taxed, as long as the world does not
understand that it has to change (Rev of Ares 28/7),
so that man may have a destiny worthy of man, but the thing is, jobs
are not many enough for everybody, and there will even be less and less
Accordingly, any cure for joblessness is a cure for the bubo,
that is, it cures society of nothing much. How could the CPE persuade
employers to hire people they don't need, since they would have long
hired them, if they would need them, as they are profitthirsty
according to the leftists? But they are philanthropythirsthy, as well,
and eager to hire all of youth, the rightists think. Leftists and
rightists have it all wrong.
Then I tried to understand the pros and
cons with mathematics, dispassionately. I filled a file with curves,
graphs, ratings, statistics and (antithetical) conclusions by great
experts. It would take several pages of this website to show them. Just
believe the results of my study: There are as many pros as there are
many cons. Impossible to tell who is right from who is wrong. I can't
help but more and more bemoan the mess, which some adults, who have no
problems but the end of their political careers to secure, have
selfishly prompted among young people who have only basic problems of
careers to start up. In any case, if young people (unanimously, the
media say) do really not want the CPE? When hired, they each say, "I
sign up nothing but a CDI (Contract of Permanent Employment)." The
law to be is the will to be; no law that has been can
resist it (Rev of Ares 28/8).
The Maker through his Revelation of Ares is right: Just as
religion is, politics is to be replaced with love, intelligence and
freedom which, when it becomes real freedom,
is not the outburst of all sorts of passions, but a giant wave of
wisdom, which the world has lacked so far.

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