march 7, 2006 (0011us)
there is no absolute freedom
but freedom to love
great spiritual issues do not rest with faith, a word that
can't be found in The Revelation of Ares. They rest with all
that stands for the value of the son (any man, religious or
not) just as it stands for the Father's value: Love,
forgiveness, peace, spiritual intelligence and, of
course, spiritual freedom (or liberty). Sadly,
these instruments of Good
have not been discernible for millennia, because man, religious and/or
political, has replaced them by different "values": law, ideology,
force, customs and the much talked-about legitimity. What to do until
spiritual consciousness reappears?
Take liberty, for
example! I'm pondering a recent event when two "freedoms" confronted
each other. In February, 2006, José Bové, an altermondialist, a scourge
of American products and produces (in France he has vandalized a
McDonald fast-food restaurant and dug out fields of transgenic corn)
was turned back by the immigration police at Kennedy Airport, NY.
Officially expected to give a lecture at Cornell University, NY, he was
unofficially intended to take part in a few protests. José Bové was not
refused a right of speech, even anti-american speech, however, but a
right to leave part of his US immigration form blank. The US
immigration form aks any non-american visitor if he has ever been
sentenced to a penalty, whatever, in his own country. José Bové did not
tick off the box.
Which "liberty" should have prevailed? The
"legitimate liberty" of the USA to refuse a notorious anti-american
fire ship admittance? José Bové's no less "legitimate liberty" to
refuse to kneel in the US immigration police's confessional?
The liberty or freedom preached by The
Revelation of Arès is unquestionably absolute. It is the freedom
of the from the harness that doctors put on it (10/10,
doctors of the law, of ethics, of the order, etc.), but it can be
exerted in one tendendy of the heart, the tendendy to love, never
to violence. Now, Uncle Sam and José Bové are violent beings who each
claim to follow their "liberty" of violence. There's nothing spiritual,
nothing true therefore, in the confrontation between two
"liberties". The nimble foal may be free from the
doctor's harness, but it is not "free" to trample the doctors
underfoot. We are too much influenced by evil to be able to se the
I think that José Bové should have refrained from going to exert his
violence at the very source of his grievances, so that he could save
the USA from refusing him admittance on their territory, which is
violence likewise. Until it becomes always solvable, absolute freedom,
whenever it is unsolvable, that is, under most of circumstances, can
only have absolute substitutes. In this example, the substitute is
absolute wisdom to avoid an unsolvable encounter.

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