february 9,
2006 (0004us)
a penitent or miracle maker
Every morning I ask myself: Will you today
be better than
yesterday? In other words, have you got ahead with
your penitence?
Which does not mean that penitence is a
forbidding, austere,
sad action. Quite the contrary!
The Revelation of Ares has not reversed the
sense of penitence, which will forever
remain a path to good,
but this Word has reminded us of the
dynamic joyful prospects of selftransformation from a
mediocre sinful
state into a selfrecreated, reborn man or woman
gradually filling, day
after day, during his or her lifetime, with grace,
strength against
evil inner or outer.
The effort you every day make to grow better,
more loving,
more forgiving, more peaceful,
more intelligent
and freer (in a spiritual sense) makes you
recover part of
the image and likeness of the Maker (Genesis
1/27), that is
the image and likeness of grace, that is,
the image and
of a miraclemaker. A miraclemaker not as powerful as
the Father, but a
man or woman imperceptibly growing into a strong
self-redeemed soul
that's regaining its divine origin.
Whenever I'm asked: "Pray for me or for Mrs
So-and-So," I reply, "Just
do penitence,
that is, become better, don't tell lies, be
charitable, love even your
enemies, don't judge anybody, refrain from being
angry, so you'll get
much more favor for you or Mrs So-and-So from penitence
from prayer. You might even work a miracle!"

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