God, Father, the Life, the
Eternal, I, the Outspread One spoke
to me, but I do not know Who or What He is.
He might be the flux of high energy atomic nuclei and particles,
which move about throughout the interstellar space, but which
are endowed with Intelligence and communication aid.
He might just be the cosmicStrong Wind (Rev of
Arès xxii/1) protons, helium nuclei, antiprotons,
electrons, positrons, gamma rays, neutrinos and neutrons,
albeit It is as capable of intelligence, vows and
wishes, emotion and word as the mass of human cells of the
mankind that He calls His Children (13/5). He too
might just be the cosmic radiation, the energy of which:
1020 eV (electronvolts) has never been explained by any
identified physics process, a radiation endowed with conscience
and reasoning just as my brain is, and so on.
The Life's(Rev of Arès 24/3-5) unknowable
nature makes It a Power (12/4)
extensible from the smallness of a nail (ii/21) to
infinity, a Strength as spread (ii/4) as the
Universe is, but which can go by a human mouth
Anyway, God is not the nearly human King or Judge, who are mere
fancies of religions. God is but an inconceivable entity.
Believers call Him Lord and believe that He has spoken
to some men, which makes Him intelligible, but which does not
make him conceivable or supposable. The Outspread One (Rev of Arès ii/4) — the
Creator, the Life, the Father, God, the Being, the
Eternal, thee Most High, Allah, Brahma, Rāma, the Great
Spirit, and so on — is the Unlimited One as well as the Infinitesimal
The galaxy GN-z11
is the farthest of the interstellar agglomerates
that are seen from the Earth. It is about 13,4 billion
light-years. It supersedes z8_GND_5296, but about
2 000 000 000 000 (2 trillions) galaxies are supposed
actually to fill the
Universe, which might well be unlimited. The Outspread
One (Rev of Arès ii/4) might well be the Unlimited
One, therefore.
All of pictures and descriptions of God are
inventions or caricatures. Whenever I am asked : "What is
God in reality?" I reply : "As regards God there is nothing that
man calls reality. God is God just as nothing is nothing. But God
is neither nonexistent nor fictitious all the same. The most
atheistic earthly living detect quirks of fate that cannot happen
unless another Life watches and at times helps, even
seldom. But that Life is absence of presence." I am eyed
scornfully then. I go on, "Just view the chair that you are
sitting on! Just imagine it being immeasurable, but benevolently
talking though. An immeasurable chair because it is to the extent
of both your hindquarters and the Universe, and
benevolently talking because some human beings happen to hear it."
They scoff at me, "It's nonsense..." I cut the questioner short,
"That's the conclusion! It's nonsense, it's God!"
I have mentioned God in the blog already (entry 65, August 6,
2007). I mentioned Him gingerly, though I was convinced
of what I am telling now, even then, but I was unaware of the
right way to broach the subject from a point of view less
widespread than that of the common patterns of speech and
thinking. The fairest thing I can tell is that God cannot be
subjected to man's concepts ever, and that no thought or writing
can convey Him.
Human languages are irremediably poor and inadequate and cannot
help but reduce God to an anthropoforming personalizing concept:
Zeus, Jupiter, the Self, Brahman, the Eternal, Yahveh, Baal, Seth,
Great Spririt, Izanagi, an so on. Man cannot name God as long as
he is restricted to human languages.
God is else than anything or anybody, anyway.
God is always a wrong topic simply because
1. He is inside man, even though man fails to detect Him — each
and every one of us is His image and likeness (Genesis
1/26-27), 2. He does not match the experience of God I had in 1977,
which has ever permitted me to claim, "Ever since God came forward
in Arès, I know what He says, but I do not know what or who He is.
He is as mysterious as life and the Universe; life is
the driving force in the least of my cells and emotions and the Universe
spreads up to the infinite."
At Arès (France, Gironde), in 1974, a supernatural being, the Most
High's Messenger, who was corporeal and moving,
long-haired and bearded, speaking my language, touching me with
his hands, dictated the first part of The Revelation of
Arès : The Gospel Given in Arès. He was not God, but
God's telegraphist, he was Jesus of Nazareth.
But at Arès, in 1977, it was the Power's Voice (Rev of Arès
vii/4-5, xxxiii/5, xLii/13-14), which was
making me one more Mensenger(26/7). That
Voice, God's (37/3), came forward in my attendance in the
guise of a light stick or antenna amid a cataclysmic commotion. He
dictated to me the second part of The Revelation of Arès: The
I have heard and seen all that. The conclusion is that we are not
the center of the Universe; we are not alone.
We are not alone, but what have I seen? Only that which I have
depicted and I am convinced that that is practically nothing of
all that goes along with the Earthlings throughout the endlessness
of the Universe. I have seen and heard no more than
what my human potential enables me to see and hear. I can just see
a beginning, because the flesh cannot see the end. The
end is someplace else.
Nothing is known about God, and nothing is unknown about Him. All
about Him is indefinable. Even though we are aware by His very
Revelation that The One Who has the Sanctity, Power and Light
(Rev of Arès 12/4) is in existence, and that He has created
us as free (10/10) beings, and that He lets us free
to go astray and destroy ourselves, if we wish, we do not have
about Him but blurred inexplicit notions, because those who are
unable or refuse to see are blind — all of men for
the time being — and those who are unable or refuse to hear are deaf
(Luke 8/13). We believe that another life is potential. It
is, but let's not be fooled by mytical or mystical views, which
all are anthropomorphic, and which all are kinds of
hagiographies related to fairy tales. Only metaphysics can help us
unravel the materiality that usually shuts our dreams of
Hereafter, which hides the fact that there is a deep gross
Even a human being who like me is convinced of his perpetuity
beyond death is aware that, no matter what he or she does, mankind
is not eight billions, but One. Therefore, we have to
work to hatch the ripe wheat ears. Our blindness and
deafness are such that nothing lasts in the material world, jus
as the Eternal will not last in synagogues, God will not
last in Churches, Allah will not last in mosques, and so on, and
that for the time being it is very hard to keep aware that there
is in existence something else, which for instance we come and get
on the Arès Pilgrimage, and which the Father calls the Life
(24/3-5) or the Fire (xLi/7) for
lack of a suitable human word. The Revelation of Arès in its full context asserts that
mankind needs a revival or a strain to become loving,
forgiving, pacifying, smart and free. To change
the world (Rev of Arès 28/7),Harvesters (5/2-5, 31/6,
35/1-2, 37/8) are needed to introduce the Aresian hopes.
For now so God starts with us. We are God before we know who or
what God is in His whole infinite Power, Sanctity and Light
Spinoza thought that "people when unable to understand aim at
moralizing". It was a right thought. Church Christianism, Mosque
Islamism, Synagogue Judaism do not understand that God is
indefinable, so as if to compensate for this shortcoming they have
developed rigorous moralities, which in the end have taken the
place of the development of conscience and cheerful faith. We Arès
Pilgrims are perfectly aware that we do not understand who and
what God may be, but we accept Him as such and our admission of
ignorance has the strength of honesty. We need no harsh morals. We
quite naturally have grown into the images and resemblances (Genesis
1/26-27) of the Great Unknown, the Outspread One.