July 3, 2022 (242 US)
The Word : plenary sense, typical sense, metaphysical sense
The Word reaches mankind in two ways :
First, it reaches men the way the prophet, that is its
ear witness or depository, got and transcribed it, the way any
man reads it therefore.
Next, it reaches men the way the prophet,
that is the first exigete, teaches it (Rev ofArès 28/10,
32/8, 35/4, 36/20, 39/1).
The prophet does not harp on and on; he knows.
The prophet has
got the Word as well as the sense of the Word
Sin(Rev of Arès 2/1-5) has shrunk human beings
to the extent that a vastness of mental breaches have pulled them
off from the Creator. The thread that still joins the short
anthropic life with eternal Life (Rev of Arès
24/3-5) is dim and flimsy.
From time immemorial Life has ceased to open his heart
to its Children (Rev of Arès 13/5) in heavenly language,
which they cannot understand anymore. Now Life
speaks in man's unfit language to express Calls,
Exordia, Prolegomena, but never developed rhetorics. Even Life
(24/3-5, 25/3, 38/5, 39/5, xix/26) has turned into a Mystery
(33/19) reduced to a Name (3/6, 28/4, 28/10, 31/1-2,
39/9, xv/5, xviii/2-4) among the uncountable inexpressible
Names given to Sanctity, Power and Light (12/4).Life is all One in itself along with the Universe
and everything available in it. Human beings cannot get to Him
anymore. Nowadays we cannot help but listening to the pure Logos
as to an imperceptible aria. Only a blurred transcoding
reaches the world.
Reading the Word has become inadequate. Believers should
be taught by the prophet.
Life, the Father, the Eternal, God,
the Creator, the Most High, and so forth — whatever you call
Him, He is the Source of Life — donates two
fundamentals to the prophet : His Word and the
charisma for revealing His Word's profound meaning. It
takes some time to read the Word or Scripture,
but it takes a whole lifetime to teach (Rev of Arès 39/1)
its sense, because the prophet lives within time —
only Life has instant full knowledge, because it is out
of time (12/6) —. Moreover, even if the prophet
is gifted with a charisma for teaching the Word, he
stays in his self as an individual dependent on earthly hazards: Jesus
is crucified before having the time to teach whatever he
has to teach; Muhammad is the subject of political
problems, and has to make war, and dies before having enough time
to be a complete teacher. It seems that Man Michel
(1/1, 2/20, 3/9, etc.) is the first one who has the decades
needed. In any case all the prophets are given the
masterful authority.
The Revelation of Arès' one Source is Life
(Rev of Arès 24/3-5), but it has flowed into me in two
separate floods:
First flood, 1974: The Gospel Given in Arès came in
through the lips of Messenger (32/2) Jesus, who
took on a human body. The natural noise of human
language came out of it. Like any human sound it was a
so-called literal language, that is, inescapably an incomplete,
partial, restricted one;
Second flood, 1977: The Book came to me through the
Voice that is not the noise (Rev of Arès vii/4). I was
complex semiotics, which entered me (vii/5) in the most
simultaneous fullest sense of the word enter: the sound
through my ears and waves through the total surface of my flesh.The Book as sounds and wavescame out of a
stick, I could call an antenna as well, of Light,
and which was no higher than a cane. I have tried to make people
understand it by writing in brackets all that entered me trough my
whole self and writing without brackets all that entered me
through my ears, although it was not always easy to draw a
distinction between both of them. The poverty of typographical
resources has prevented me from sharing the implex experience of
that "listening". I anyway claim that I was instantly well aware
of all that the Father told me in some way or other.
my unfailing perception of The Revelation of Arès
whether sensory or extra-sensory I have correctly found the
distinction between the plenary sense and the typical (typical
meaning symbolic) sense of the Word made by exegetes a
long time ago. I have added the metaphysical sense to them.
The Word, when seen as a string of
words on some paper is just a frail footbridge between Life
and the Child (Rév of Arès 13/5),in the middle of which the Child is sitting. The Word
is not completed in Itself; It is a crude footbridge, a
sequence of boards on a wire over a chasm, or a simple
bread: flour, water, salt, yeast mixed and baked. Plain in
itself, difficult to handle perfectly. The kingdom of Heaven
may be compared to the yeast a woman has mixed in three measures
of flour until it works all through the dough" (Matthew 13/33,
Luke 13/20-21). The Word encompasses the Creation
as a whole, but the reader is just a light thread within one of
the strands of the mooring that links up Truth or the Universe
with the sinful world, which we have to change (28/7). The
prophet is the footbridge-pontoneer and the baker.
Exegetes have referred to plenary sense as less rough
comprehension of the literal sense, wich is always slight. The
plenary sense brings some order into the scraps of Truth
in the literal sense; scraps because readers remain in the domain
of words. They have referred to typical sense in order to
understand more, leave the word domain. Beyond that, the
metaphysical sense is found.
Is Abraham going to sacrifice Isaac? A lot of
readers get no further than the literal sense: Abraham,
Isaac, the knife, the angel that tells Abraham not to do it, the
ram sacrificed instead (Genesis 22) and ethically they
commend Abraham's obedience to God, full
stop. As for the plenary sense, it does not leave the word field;
Abraham, Isaac, the knife, the angel and so on are still
leading, but they ask an important question, no trace of which
appears in the text, just an underlying question, "which is only Abraham,
Isaac, the knife, etc.: "Why not trust the Eternal
under all conditions?" The typical sense is much deeper: The
reader leaves the literary field, the historic stage outright, he
or she gets to the Bottom: There is no limit to penitence
efforts, because there starts the only possible
combination with Life(Rev of Arès 24/5).
Finally the metaphysical escape occurs, as the reader will anyway
die sooner or later and what he or she will live through then is
physically unknown, indescribable and yet is not unreal,
because whatever will be lived through is not less True
than whatever is imagined. Abraham is going to kill Isaac,
so death is already potential; metaphysics is reasonable
anticipation of a final end which outright escapes the current
substance. Will the soul be on an upward trajectory
throughout the sky up to the stars or spread out over the whole Universe?
Is it going to meet all other souls and form a whole
along with them, a one soul, the polone
(Rev of Arès xxxix/12-13? Will it become one
(xxiv/1) with Life ? Anything is conceivable
when there are no eyes, ears, conscience any more left, but it is
true nonetheless. The parentheses or brackets in The Book are
filled with métaphysics, undescribable Truth. Abraham on
the verge of killing Isaac is just a story
in parentheses or brackets in the Bible.