English Comments #229US
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April 9, 2021 (229US)
Job and Basil

Job lived at Hus in the Middle East. Where was Hus? When? No one knows, because Job is perpetual and universal. Job is a book in the Bible written in rough Hebrew marred with Aramaic, but a beautiful piece of spiritual inspiraton. It is the story of a rich man gone destitute and sick with painful ills, whose sole happiness is hope. The story of the just man destitute and exposed to suffering in the sinful world, which we have to change (Rev of Arès 28/7), has forever been rebounding from earlier antiquity to God's Day.
I dare to give up the standard analysis of the Book of Job and liken Job to Basil the Blessed, another poor bum, who lived nude in Russia in the early 16th century, and who is little known to Western people, and after whom a cathedral is named in Moscow. I may be opposed by some who see both of them as dissimilar. They are not dissimilar to me. The world will be rife with Jobs and Basils until the Day of God (Rev of Arès 31/8).


Job et ses amis

Sermonizerss Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar,
who take Job to task, and who scold him, are just specimens
among the perpetual sermonizers, whether religious,
or political, or moralistic, etc.

The verses 1/6-2/10 in the Book of Job mention Satan, whom God was supposed to allow to put Job to the test, but this is just an addition by man, a book by man (Rev of Arès 16/12, 35/12). Not only does not God put man to the test — man always puts himself to the test —, but also Satan has no existence. Humankind is the cause of their destiny, their own harm (2/1-5, vii/7-11) therefore.
It is not clear that Job is not a renouncer in times immemorial, just as Basil the Blessed is a renouncer between 1486 and 1551. Job is a man of heart and humbleness (Job 42/2-6), who I think might well renounce wealth, undergo or opt for poverty, so he might lay open to bad health.
It is not known whether Job is Hebrew, Arab, Babylonian, Persian and so on. He is just the man facing all contingencies or all choices possible of his sinful background, of which he develops awareness in the Book of Job. He does not lose faith or piety, and especially — as the pinnacle of the Book —  he finds out that 'justice', which each religion grants the divinity it venerates, or politics grants its law, is nothing to do with that which the Word calls Justice (Rev of Arès 1/5, 22/12, 35/9, etc.), which is only what is just in the meaning of true.

Whether a wise man turns or does not turn destitute, sick and/or anxious, it is not the world's problem. The world's problem is sin, the lack of love, revenge, lying, pride, greed, etc. Job protests his honesty. Four of his friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar and Elihu, try to bring him to their moralism and conformism, but they are just the presumptuous irksome people who have been fond of managing the world for millenia, those whom I can see reappearing in papers, on my television screen or on the radio every day.

Basile le

Basil the Blessed
forever nude on icons

In the Bible the Father or Life adresses Job out of the storm : Who is this that obscures divine plans with words of ignorance? Where were you when I founded the earth? (Job 38/1-4). Job, then, listens to the Life's Voice, maybe in the same way that I shall listen to It 3,000 years later in Arès — 3,000 years are nothing more than 3.000/92=32 lifetimes as my own lifetime! —. He does not perceive the Truth in its complete extent and depth, as well as I do not perceive it in Arès, because man has forgotten about it for too long, man has learned not to keep it by heredity and culture, which go together, but he catches a glimmer of it the True. The True of The Book in The Revelation of Arès (xxxiv/1-4, xxviii/21). Job understands that, even though his friends are quibblers who have reprimanded him unfairly, he is as unable as them to have any grasp of the ungraspable Love, Which handles everything, and confront Sanctity, Power and Light (Rév d'Arès 12/4). He'd better keep quiet in front of Life, he only behaves as a confident humble man.

The just man's sufferings are to remain mysterious and unconscionable as long as sinners miss the obvious, namely that man goes on rejecting the Maker's Design, although they still are capable, even poorly and by cringing under the Light, of reviving Divine roots deep inside themselves and regaining something of the Father's image and likeness (Genesis 1/26-27) at the cost of penitence or love, which they still can exercise on a human scale.

Today human beings, about 3,000 years or more after Job and his sermonizing friends were extinct, still cannot understand that the good or the evil of one human falls upon all of men, including the newborns and innocent, at random, because there is among human beings, however numerous and native they may be, an existentital kinship. Actually, there is just one man by the billion, just as there is one Life (Rev of Arès 24/3-5) in trillion trillion atoms. That string of good beads and evil beads, that follow each other, has lasted ever since Adam's days (Rev of Arès 2/1-5) and stretches on the total length of time (12/6).

The covidian flu has disposed of Job in Bordeaux, France, mysteriously. This colorlessly bodes ill for a long hard apostolate. Job is the key figure that shows his refusal of the current world, he is missed by hope, at least by my own hope. On Gambetta square, we miss the grimy ageless lady bum, who used to sit between her two bundles on the plinth of the Hermès boutique — a stark contrast between the cage of luxury and the female bird's freedom —. She used to shout abuse at the passers-by, "You twit, enfoiré, slut, and so on!" and then, as she saw us Christiane and me come near, a smile lit up her face  with joy as if by magic and she told us hello with sophisticated exquisite politeness... And we felt uncomfortable being too well clothed. We miss the old man skin and bone who used to sit on the curbstone of a bank, on Albret walk, another ageless bum who coughed up his lungs (youth sanatorium memories: I remembered the hollow echo of the phthisics who used to clear their ribcages minute piece by minute piece). We talked with him; he had the rasping great kindness of an old little child. As long as the world fails to change, there will be Jobs reminding us of becoming different. And when the world changes, the Day will break when the Jobs, who as beautiful sailships are cruising on the Sea of stars on high, come back down from the Saint's Heights (Rev of Arès 31/11) along with Life (24/3-5).

copyright 2021

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