Patience is a
superposition of layers of forbearing efforts.
It means proceeding without moans that it's a long way to
putting up with a lot but never rebelling against time,
because the world is locked up in its haughty ideas and
will take a long time to admit that changing into
Good requires
man to recreate himself, die to himself and grow into
another man.
"Whenever the fundamental doctrine needs
to be modified or renewed, the generations, that the change is
applied for, stay essentially foreign to it and
even may stay straight adverse to it." Auguste Comte (Call to Conservatives)
"Modern art : Atmosphere of peace in the backyard, Tampered videos about the war in Lebanon And five Western hunks are talking humanities" Michel Houellebecq (poem, 1999)
In the meantime there does not seem
to be anything occurring, but we Arès Pilgrims are patiently
(Rev of Arès 39/3) preparing the change (30/11,
28/7), no matter if it is to start tomorrow, or the day
after, or even later on.
No matter who you are, apostle of The Revelation of Arès,
whether male or female, young or old, "be eager to present
yourself as acceptable to God, a workman who causes no disgrace,
imparting the Word of Truth without deviation, Avoid profane idle
talk, for such people will become more and more godless" (Paul of
Tarsus, 2Timothy 2/15). Paul of Tarsus' book is just a man's
book (Rev of Arès 16/12, 32/12), but it is the book of an
apostle, who learned on the mission area that courage and patience
are necessary for anybody who works at the Harvest that
The Revelation of Arès stipulates.
Real faith is prophetical, because the Father's pure Word, The
Revelation of Arès above all else, appeals to apostles'
hearts ; it does much more than crossing believers' minds as
transient religious episodes on days of church services according
to religious calendars. The evangelical school once founded by
Jesus, the one crucified and then arisen from the dead, made all
men and women disciples or apostles and set up the patient
mission for all. Jesus did not found any religion or clergy,
because every believer is an apostle, a fragment of God's Heart
and Voice on earth. Apostolate is no servility; it is an existence
highly and patiently creative of oneself and of the neighbor.
Apostolate is no passion either, because every earthly
passion has to come to an end, but it is a potentially neverending
life, because it goes past death, it goes by in the wake of Life,
which is the NameThe Revelation of Arès puts
to the Creator, Whose Children we are (Rev of Arès
13/5). Apostolical patience is perfectly in
accordance with intelligence (32/5).
Overall, religions, especially televangelists,
sell hopes. We do not sell anything. We preach penitence,which
is the effort to love, forgive, make peace, get
spiritual intelligence and grow free from all
prejudices, and we are in a position to be aware that preaching an
effort that does not get back any immediate reward or does not get
to any immediate result requires a great deal of patience.
God is the model Grand Patient and we men, God's Images
and Likenesses, owe our fellow men a patience as
forceful as possible. Should we lack patience, we could
not show the Light to men nowadays unable to see the
eternal Beacon that never goes dark over the world's husle and
busle. The nature of Love is to take risks, so
Love has made Its Child, the human being, free
(10/10) just as nature is free: the winds which at times
turn into cyclones, the volcanoes which at times spit fire, the
stellar turbulence. As long as man is impatient, he too is
cyclonic, volcanic, turbulent; man wants all right now, but his
standing haste can neither disturb, nor break the equlibrium of Life,
that spreads out (Rev of Arès ii/4) to infinity
following eternal Patience, nor discourage apostolical patience.
The coming centuries form the horse we get on; it is going to set
off at a gallop much earlier than people, whom we meet on
sidewalks, think it will.
Through the thunder of the big leaders, theorists,
legalists and condemners, whether political or religious, you can
just listen to a synthetic "God", however named he may be:
Progress or king of Heaven. Politics and religions cope with that
human-made "God" pretty well, but large human masses have given up
being gotten caught up in those legends for quite some time; as
these masses have been deprived from a pure Source, that
they could draw a credible Truth from, they have grown
into atheists. This is why the Father came back down in Arès in
1974-1977 and gave men The Revelation of Arès, thanks
to which we can rely on unconditional Love and hope for
a planet gone happy where even death is to be beaten. One by one
people are going to be penitent, one by one
they will be on their way to Salvation, Life (Rév
d'Arès 24/5), the real God Who is quite different from what
they used to call "God".
But you will need much patience to descramble the Core
of Cores (Rev of Arès xxxiv/6), for the humans that are
still believers still consider God as a king and judge, supposed
to live above them like a giraffe which grazes tree tops above
boatmen in pirogues on the Zambezi River. A great deal needs to be
done in order to make them understand that Life (24/6)
is a power pervasive from the least atom deep down within man to
the stellar infinite of space. Our lives and Life can be
knit together again as well as love and Love can be knit
together. In the world where everything has ended up
being sold, or bought, or stolen, or settled by law, rewards or
punishments, we have the thaumaturgical task of restoring the
awareness that deep down inside men gratuitous Love and
Good lie, which can be earned with no need of leaders,
law, qualification or glory, provided a small
remnant (24/1) of patient penitents change their lives
(30/11) before the sin of sins (38/2)