December 14, US)
What shall I say that I have not said yet?
A few months ago I said to brother Jeff
and brother Nasser, who had made the video "Un prophète" (A
prophet), in either short or extended versions (,
together with other brothers and sisters, that I had something
more to teach, and that I might communicate on camera
again. But a few months mean a lot of time when a man is
aging. I realize that the twilight of years goes swift
once it has begun. I lose a small bit of me every day. I will be 92 in 2021. I can possibly act in a way other old
people cannot act any more, but I may need some frequent breaks,
because I get fatigued now and then unexpectedly.
I have to progress gingerly.
So I see to it that I prevent some errors, for I can no more
tell myself, "Had I misfired, I could do it again." This is why I seek advice from my readers this time: What
can I say that I have not said yet?
Brother Michel
recording "Un Prophète" (a prophet), Paris 2018
What do my brothers and sisters want me to tell
Please, don't ask me about modalities! Never mind that one is a
Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, a Buddhist, a Shintoist, an Agnostic,
a Atheist, etc. Never mind that one prays this way or that way.
Never mind that God is the Mother or the Father.
And so on...
Don't raise queries of mere curiosity, either! Never mind that
Adam was white, black or asian. Never mind that God is called
Father, Allah, Brahma, Great Spirit, the Eternal. None of those
items is vital or important. Salvation is not granted a man from Heaven, but is it
given from the very man's depths. This is the focus of The
Revelation of Arès.
Just one topic is vital: All that is related to the action, which
may sometimes be quite an achievement, by which man accomplishes
his own salvation. How to create in one's heart and
help others create in their hearts the real body, which is as light as a pure steam, and which is not born of the mother's womb, but which is born to living man that's already born, and that begets himself as another infinite living one, whom he builds like a ship to put out into the deep sea (Revelation of Arès 17/3),
which the Word calls the soul (4/5-8, 17/4, 20/4,
etc.) or the ha (xxxix/5-11).
Here we have it all. Each human is the maker of his or her own soul,
which he or she creates through penitence (Rev of Arès
30/11). Penitence is neither remorse, nor penalty, nor
selfpunishment, but it is outpouring of love,
forgiveness,peace, heartfelt intelligencefree from all prejudices.
Evading sin and becoming good is that hard,
that I am unaware if my penitence(Rev of Arès
30/11) will be completed when I die, albeit I get down
to it (35/6) every day zealouly. When I die, I will be saved
when I die, I presumably will need the complement of the
Love That Life (24/3-5, 25/3, 38/5, etc.) gives
out even to His or Her or Its problem Children (Matthew
5/45-46), but I will have aimed at it with my entire being.
Only aiming at one's change of life (30/11) is to be
considered, because changing one's life is concomitantly
contributing towards changing the world (28/7).
The path right up to the changed world is
called goat path (Rév of Arès 25/5), because it is
craggy and exhausting. The Revelation of Arès
substitutes the Heights (25/5) or the Day (31/8)
as similarities for the changed world. It will take generations
and generations (24/2) for men to get there, so we are
on the correct line, mapped out by the Word of Arès, which
considers individual salvation as nothing but a link in
the long chain on the race's (25/4, xii/5) salvation. We
have to to erase Adam's unrighteous choice(2/1-5). The
concepts connected with sublimity, which is the wood of the scaffolding
put up at the human's real body or soul, have
already broken through, no doubt: The Revelation of Arès
and my teaching, but they are still far from having
grown to the necessary size and reliability essential to complete
the task we have been entrusted with. I have cultivated those
concepts for slighty fewer than fourty-seven years; I have drawn
the Garden (xxviii/21), I have hoed it (xxx/7),
re-sown it (5/1, 6/2), the grazing has come up,
but my brothers and sisters have to take over the job (xxxvii/12),
grow the Garden into beauty (12/3), food
(4/10, 12/4, etc.) and largeness (32/3),
until the Victoiry day, whatever time the task may
What stands in our way is less the wold's ignorance of Truth
than the world's dearth of love. The obstacles
to reaching Salvation (Rev of Arès 30/10) and Happiness
(36/23, xxvi/12) are merged into the dearth of love,forgiveness peace, heartfelt intelligence,freedom,
because salvation is not owed to beliefs, but to Good,
when man is capable of achieving it. Goodness has fallen
flat and has to inflate and rise to man's surface. The Revelation of Arès does not call man for orientation
to personal spirituality or for nurturing individual tendency
towards faith, but it calls for nothing less than a brotherly
collective work on changing the world (28/7) through
every changemaker's penitence (30/11).
Our mission is a very serious matter, which requires each
missionary to forget about himself or herself in order to link his
or her own efforts to all missionaries' efforts and put the more intelligence
possible (32/5) in the task.
Our faith is inseparable from reason. We cannot move forward
without using the former as our left foot and the latter as our
right foot or, otherwise, we limp; if we limp we grow weaker, we
will get nowhere.
This entry is special. It does not ask for comments, but
requests. Readers can expresse requests by giving concise
summaries (a few lines at most). I will not answer them, almost
without exception, but I will think them over.
The question is: What essential topic concerning personal salvation
as well as global salvation do you want me to tell
about in a video, which I might record next year ?