The Father did neither blow on me like on a
precious jasmine along the Taj Mahal nor like on a rose at the
foot of the Vezelay basilica, but He blew on me like on some
rustic ivy-leaved toadflax in the ruins of the world.
Since then, we as ruins blossom grow unnoticed, only noticed by
a few venturesome hikers across the rubble of Life
here below, that the world has already turned into without the
masses having an inkling of it.
the mission in
the world like
the ivy-leaved toadflax in ruins.
On a world unaware that it is in ruins as it
is, we as Arès Pilgrims are ruderal plants blossom of great
diversity, the start of a civilisation which has never been in
existence yet, the hardy metacivilisation where all opposites love
each other.
Whenever or wherever on a mission we are as badly off as
woodlouses under cobblestones. Very few people lift the cobbles up
to see them. But every hardship has its advantage: We thus remain
ignored by the white kings, the black kings (Rev
of Arès x/6, etc.) and their dogs (x/5-18), who
smooth over men's minds with their pumice apologues. We stay raw,
unpolishable, pure, ready for the great times ahead of us.
My eye is crude so much that I cannot see the point of going to
Mars miles from us while we do not even know what
lies 1250 miles under, and so much so that I cannot see the point
of putting in the 5G so as to download "Ben-Hur" twenty-seven
times in one second, while a minute virus makes a letter come from
Brest (Britain, France) to Bordeaux in two months. I am rustic so
much so that I will not believe the A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)
when it says to me that there is no such thing as God, Allah,
Brama, the Father-Mother,Life, Him who is
Wholly Other, etc. I may be held in contempt like a centipede
which shuns the world's lights, I am aware that Life,
Who has created me, is eternal and that I will go back to Her.
The other day I heard Mr Macron tell, "I'll put
in the 5G, because I don't want to return to candlelight times..."
and I immediately thought : "But didn't Plato, Aristotle, the
Evangelists, Bacon, Descartes, Spinoza, Kant, Dostoevsky, etc. use
to write by candlelight?" How boorish of me!
When it comes down to it, I am a lout who leads a life of penitence,
so that my soul (if I've had one) may begin becoming
what it will be in the hereafter, that is, the opposite of all
that endlessly brings back the bright human flesh to its
selfsatisfaction, its money, its successes like a firefly to its
horde. I as a rustic man believe that nothing but Good
in me which is correctly to prepare my death that is approaching,
because my soul is forever warming up by the Fire
(Rév of Arès xLi/7). I think that only my penitence
— wow ah ah ah! wow oh oh! the trendy people guffaw — will save
me, and that loving and forgiving all men
release me from sin, that I am inlaid with. This is my
antisuperstition — one does the best one can —. And to
add stupidity to rusticity, I am so rustic that I believe that I
am against all that makes man very satisfied to be his
self-destructor. If you answer the question, "What do you hope
for?" by "I hope to be just an atom of infinite Life", just
as I answer, you soon are to tumble from the world's exquisite
civility down to Life's immense rusticitys.
Yes, I would say quite happily that my expectations look rustic
and a bit basic, but what sort of cross do I let myself nail to?
None. Nothing in me requires theological analyses. I need only love,
forgive, make peace, have the heart's intelligence
freed up from all prejudices in short, be a penitent.
This enables me to fly to the Infinite.
I am rustic, because I go backwards across millennia searching for
the Light that used to spread over everything constantly,
while all the mighty and well updated people have already gone
forwards well ahead of me under the spotlights in stadiums or
along the exquisite highways to the sin of sins (Rev of Arès
38/2). The world judges me to be senseless, so that I under
the world's watchful eyes am "neither standing, nor seating, nor
even lying", has said Ionesco.
In USA a David Cope composes computational music made from lines
of code and an algorithm which generate musical works in John
Sebastian Bach's style. I is as weird as the mass that priests
think they celebrate in Jésus' way." Why such a useless
contrivance," I as a ruderal plantain ask myself, "since John
Sebastian Bach composed works the beauty of which give us all we
can wish for?" About everything in the world is contrived, I a
clumsy rustic man think, except love, because it is not
generated by me, but by Life (Rev of Arès 24/3-5)...
non-biological Life. Whenever I spark off that dormant
reality from the forgotten depths of the Creative Event, millions
of eyes, which look at me, turn pitying.
I as a rustic guy is aware that a confinement and masks do not
make men immortal, and that the seasonal influenza viruses make
people very sick too without decrees plunging citizens into fear
and throwing half the global population into economic
slumps, so I wonder why the useless political invention of
the covid-19 epidemic. Thus, ever since my heart has gotten a
toehold out of time (Rev of Arès 12/6) and the eyes of
my soul see things otherwise than the eyes of my head
see them, I consider too many things in the world as artificial. I
see the white of my skin as an artifice, I cannot see me as
different from a Pygmy, an Eskimo, an Indian, a Papuan, a Chinese,
a Khoikhoi. I endeavor to be a man of no stock or blood, of
no customs, of no way of thinking or building, of no hatred, of no
national pride... In short, I have given up existing in the
classifications, categories and statictics statistiques, for which
the world has a great fondness.
The audience of a basketball game have been asked not to keep
track of the baskets, but to keep track of the changes of hand. As
a basketball game is very fast, counting the changes of hand is
very difficult. While the audience were following the ball
movements carefully, a guy dressed up as a gorilla entered the
floor, drummed his chest, and then left. Once the game was over,
the audience were told that a gorilla had appeared on the parquet
floor. The audience protested that they had not seen anything like
it. The film of the game was then screened to them, so they were
forced to admit that a gorilla had actually been there. This is
called "unattentional blinding". I am present yet unnoticed like
the gorilla.
No one has seen the anthropized God, the religions' heavenly judge
and king, ever, the One in whom billions believe in, but those
beliefs are lent to mankind just as extralucidity is lent to
bishops, ash'arites, lamas, rabbis, gurus, presidents of nations,
and so on, because they have been made quintessential. As they
have long ceased to be natural wild plum trees, their laboratories
have made them complicated cultivars, which bear fruit of which
they make jams under a thousand marks. And one day, a Voice,
which I erroneously thought I had aleady heard in my Church,
called on me and spoke to me elsewhere, in Arès a God-forsaken
township in Gironde, France. Why in a poor village inhabited by
miscreant oyster fishers, encircled by huge pine forests through
which the oceanic wind used to rush, and why to an undeserving
clergyman exiled there? I have understood why. Any nobody on earth
is qualified to be whole mankind all by himself. Since then, I
claim that God is not the one of magi, priests, theologians, and
that He is neither a judge, nor a king, even nor a person, but the
Being ad infinitum, from the infinitesimal to the infinitely
great; He is the Power, a part of Which each man
conceals in the deep cellars of his or her own being. Religions
sort it out doing their best with their God(s) anthropized,
crowned, who record sins, just as republics sort it out
putting up with their presidents, lawmakers and courts of justice
who record misdemeanors. I have done nothing more than meet God,
Who has seemed very different from what religions tells about
Him — They burst out laughing at the face of the poor rustic
one who claims he has met That one Who can't be met.
Many people think that I'd better disappear; as a ruderal plant
clinging to debris I am not sweet-smelling. I am not more
impressive than a tuft of plantain in ruins. But I have long
spoken and I continue. This bothers many people. Bother forms the
opening bars of the opera that is going to be performed. I never
stop saying to every chance human being that God is within him or
her and even that he or she is God in some way, while he or she is
an atom of the Power That has never stopped creating the
Universe.The Revelation pf Arès and the event
of the Surnatural, which the fellow, that I am, has lived through,
have given us the standing to bet on unconditional Love
and find Salvation in penitence.