On this point as on a lot of points I do
not ponder on anything of the utmost importance. The knowledge
of what God's Wrath(Rev of Arès 24/4, 30/6)
is or is not does not play a role in the economy of my salvation,
at all. Nothing but my penitence can save me.
But it would be well to recall that I am not a penitent
for fear of the Father's Wrath, but I am a penitent
to restore the reign of love.
Any religion is a prison with unchallengeable rules and
theological jailers. A theologian is quite cerebral, which sets
him a long distance from wisdom and makes him ready to believe
that expressing ideas and controlling people is the way to
salvation. He prays to the Breath to inspire him, so
that he cannot see the beautiful pollinating flowers of silence
and simplicity. He being too close to man not only gives God
man's defects, but also hypertrophies them, he considers God as
fussy, jealous and quick-tempered as well as
just and clement, so he fails to realize that
such an inconsistency is quite human and disguises God as a
substitute for ancient polytheism, which used to make Mount
Olympus the usual shoot-out on Earth, and which already ascribed
all of man's misfortunes and problems to the quick-tempered
We inevitably cannot understand the term God's Wrathin
the way theologians suggest. God's Wrath has everything to do with Love.
God's Wrath
painted by Domenichino (circa 1623, Italia)
The artitst sees God's Wrath as that of a boss surrounded
with his staff
of sychophant cherubs, irked by his unruly inferiors (Adam
& Eve
clumsily giving their reasons ), who dismisses
them (Genesis 3/23).
The significance of The Revelation of Arès is
immeasurable, because that Word lowers the Scripture
(Bible, Quran, Vedas and so on) to what the books by men(Rev of Arès 16/12, 35/12) have made it by using up too
much space in it and have shrouded the Incomparable one, the
Inscrutable one: the tale of a God seen as an eternal superman
with all of man's defcets and qualities. So the term God's Wrath
and many other terms have received the human meaning of outburst
of fury, loss of Love, extinguishing of Love,
Clemency, Peace, spiriual Smartness, respect for
freedom, As for The Revelation of Arès,
it induces people to read it every bit differently.
Anger, whether extinction of human reason or planetary storm, has
nothing to do with God's Wrath. God is the unchanged
lighthouse, that never goes dark, over the whole to-do among the
free worlds, whether material or living. Irritability never
disturbs or breaks the Love and Balance of Life
(another name of God, 24/5) who spreads out (ii/4) from
the infinity to us, but Love, which takes risks just as
all of loves take risks, has made its offspring
(13/8)free(10/10) likewise nature as
can be seen in volcanos and stellar turbulences.
But let us stay with man! Man is complex — flesh, mind and
soul(Rev of Arès 17/7) —, which has given him a
lot of tools, so man has freely engaged in all desires
and failings, notably bursts of anger brought about by his animal
nerve (xviii/7, xxv/8, xxxiv/9), which is not God's Nerve(xxxix/3).Adame and Haua (Adam and Eve) had
been made of the very spiritual fibers of Life and
linked to It by the same Breath (2/14-19, 4/10, 10/12, etc.),
but in animal bodies. God's Wrath and the Offsping's
wrath share nothing but the word wrath; they actually are
two quite different things.
Some of the Stoics of old, who had not abode by the deviances of
Western Christianity, considered God as a Being of Pure Reason,
Who was not quick-tempered, but was eternally quiet, albeit
sensitive. I agree with them, because The Revelation of
Arès has made me aware that God's Wrath is not
irritability, but moaning, that the wounds (30/4-7, 33/13,
35/9) opened by sinners in His Sensitvity drag out of God.
The unity between God and man is not dual; evil done by man falls
on himself and God at the same time. The Ancients named
circumstances near that situation apatheia. "Being apathès" meant
having set oneself free from the four passions of stoicism:
sadness (lypy), envy (epithymia), fear (phobos), la sensuality
(edony). Apatheia was the peace of spirit, once the spirit has
reached detachment, even while experiencing distress. God's Peace
is made of Love; His Peace is not impassive
or insensitive, but it is never punitive. Ancient father of
Christianity Origen wrote that people "have to consider the Wrath
as nothing but something worthy of God", something that The
Revelation of Arès calls the wounded Vine Shoots
In the conditional thunder from the great
legalist & condemner you can just see an invented God.
Religions cope with that humanized God; unbelievers no longer
fall for it; The Revelation of Arès enables us to bet
on unconditional Love again and resort to penitence
as the way to Salvation.
In the unconditional Love you can get back Life
(Rev of Arès 24/5), the real God.
But the inextricable Core of Cores (Rev of Arès xxxiv/6)
is that men just as giraffes have made their necks longer so as
to browse trees have got a sense of justice quite different from
that of the Too much Caring Father, Who would rather
suffer than keep man from being free to be evil and
unpunished, and Who loves man anyway. In the world,
where everything had ended up being bought and sold, earned by
scaring people or settled by law, awards or punishments,
we have the thaumaturgic task to resuscitate the interest in
gratuitous Love, gratuitous Good, change the
times before the sin of sins (Rev of Arès 38/2)
The fear (Rev of Arès 17/6) of God is not the fear
of his Wrath as a punishment, but the fear of
causing God or Life as the Mother of our life,
both being inextricably linked, a Sorrow which
inevitably reverberates into ourselves, as a sense of oneness (Rev
of Arès xxiv/1) is common to both divine Life and
human life. God'sWrath is a commotion that runs through
the Too-much-caring One (12/7) and extends limitlessly
all over the Universe, therefore over all men.I
give careful consideration to red poppies, because I can see their
fleetingness as the Curse that the Fathers turns down,
and that fortunately does not happen (36/11), but that
quite obviously He experiences because of our sins, and
I can see their red color as the blood of the Wounds (8/7,
10/5, 36/16) in Love when hurt. The Creator's Wrath was a point much debated for
the earlier centuries of the Christian era; the earlier
impassioned arguers include Marcion, Tertullian, Novatian,
Lactantius, etc. I do not refer to them. I keep limited to what I
consider as a liable source : The Revelation of Arès.
There is no alternative but the fact that God cannot be both good
and irritable.