Men found religions, which The
Revelation of Arès calls superstitions (21/1). But absolute Life(Rev of Arès 24/3-5, 25/3,
38/5, xix/26), no matter you call it Father, or
El Shaddai, the Totally Other, the One, Elohim,
Yhwh, Brahman, the Dharma,Spirit
of Fire, God, etc., has never founded any religion. The Revelation of Arès does not found a
religion, therefore ; it is nothing but a Cry (ii/19,
28/11, 23/2) of agony from the Father to his Children
(13/5) lost in evil, an uneasy Call from
absolute Life to its derivative: Human life. Human
life, which The Revelation of Arès calls Adam as
well, has made the free (10/10) though unfortunate choice(
2/1-5)of the hazard of hazards, that
is, of linking its Divine genius to the base pleasure and
greed of its animality prior to its spiritual creation. The
explosive mixture of Divine genius with animality has
destroyed man's durability and made man mortal already, but
might well grow into the sin of sins' utmost
sufferings (38/2). The Father's Word
has never founded any religion, so The
Revelation of Arès founds no religion.
It reminds man of his ability to change the
shoddy fate he has chosen (2/1-5) into a sublime
destiny. It once more engages the fundamental foe, evil,
in a final existential struggle (Matthew 10/34)
between the sinful man and the man capable of being
sinless, between the evil world and the
world capable of changing (28/7) into good
(xxxiii/11, xxxviii/3), between the current
world where day and night (31/8) alternate and the
everlasting Day (31/5) when the inextinguishable Light
and Happiness are back.
With the advent of a new religion called Environmentalism we are
happy to realize that man has remained open to
metaphysical expectations. But environmentalists obviously
cannot see that preventing man from dying too early after almost
impracticable, tremendous, physico-chemical efforts does not go
very far, because man will still die again and again. The
environmentalist god: the fresh air, will just give men a short
surplus life. They cannot realize that there is another way: infinite
life (17/3), absolute Life, which has lain idle
within them so far, and which they can awake, so that it may
keep them from dying in the emptiness of a specter.
The soul, that penitence creates, will fly
away into limitless Life; the ssoul saves.
Le cycle
indéfiniment répété des vies courtes et des morts,
des actions toujours recommencées des hommes qui veulent un
meilleur, mais qui ne le rendent jamais meilleur, ont aussi
peu de
sens que l'effort sans fin de Sisyphe poussant son rocher
en haut d'une montagne d'où il retombe sans cesse.
Cette punition éternelle que s'inflige l'homme pécheur
peut cesser,
s'il prend conscience de la Vie éternelle logée dans
ses tréfonds.
A mass hallucination has seized the whole
mankind for millennia: The sinner has so far thought
that he is a finality, whereas he is nothing but a calamitous
nonlogical accident on the Creation line, which his mortality
owing to sin has broken off.
The Father has granted Attributes (Rev of Arès
21/4, 26/17) to man, which have made him a fellow creator.
The Revelation of Arès reminds him that he can go back to
the Genesic process, which has halted.
We admittedly are constanly on the move, but we should not think
that we forever go about between the past and the future.
Actually, we go up and down between good and evil. The way to the
future is blocked; the Day (31/8) will not occur and the
sin of sins will freeze and destroy the Child (13/5),
unless the Child (man) succeeds in reactivating the
Father's Attributes within himself by being penitent,
regaining the use of achieved love, word, honest
individuality, beneficial creativity, contstructive freedom
(10/10). The Revelation of Arès says in its own way that for the
time being we are just mere cogs in a more or less bad state in
the achievement of a future, which we imagine has already been
written in the stars. It's a major error! This is why we make no
strong efforts to make out reality actually and continuously, no
work to cobble the right road up to its end; Good is
just hinted at when it happens to be broached, through vague
desires. What looks important to the people that make History is
constantly more and more getting ahead of their progress towards
all that they consider as bound to be good like currency,
medicine, technology, pleasures, and getting rid of the shadows of
the past which is supposed to fade and be changed for lights.
People do not leave the lyrical mirage; they forget about the
mistake to dash into the dark, although the rulers and their
spying antennas pointed at the world dash into the dark. The
people supposed to be aware of everything are actually unaware of
anything. A few days before the Yellow Jackets appeared the French
government did not know anything about them and even then the
Yellow Jackets are unaware of their future outcomes, because they
as a matter of fact demand the return of their humanity, of which
they have been stripped, and because a the sheer size of the
stripping makes its analysis impossible, defies words, so it
defies thought. Proofs keep on piling up to confirm that the
future of the great absolutes is a complete unknown factor. 1968,
Chaban-Delmas promised the "new society"; 1974, Giscard d'Estaing
announced "the change without taking risks"; 1981, Mitterand told
he was going to "make a difference to peoples' lives"; 2007,
Sarkozy proclaimed "the breaking"; 2012, Hollande declared "Now
it's the change." What might be more impenetrable and dangerous
than the unknown? We Arès Pilgrims know a future that cannot but
be good, that penitence will provide.
Making evil disappear requires making lies, cynicism, religion,
politics, finance, exploitation of man by man, and so on,
disappear. The Revelation of Arès tells that there is
only one rationality, which is the refusal to be evil. The
sensible management of the world will just require serving only in
order to serve. Everything and everybody will have to change
into good through penitence and social life will
have only one ethics platform, which will be the exercise of
penitence. Hence the desirable cut of the large masses
into self-managed small human units, in which practicing penitence
in society will be much easier.
Something else in The Revelation of Arès has to be
well-understood: The one that will follow it will never meet the
fear of losing his or her identity. The one who changes
into a man or woman of virtue by being penitent
remains who and how he or she is socially as well as
fundamentally. A penitent never loses his or her
grounding and bearings. Human beings changed by law, contraints or
their own perversities are those who become different, although
not better, even if they are rebellious. We Arès Pilgrims are
"breakaways", but no rebels.
What sort of destiny do we want? We want the destiny that, by
practising good, love, forgiveness, peace, the human
heart's intelligencefree from all prejudices,
founds another world, a changed world (Rev of Arès 28/7).
The people who so far have been watching and studying us have well
understood our prospective outlook, but they reject it. So it will
come as no surprise if your mission is hard. It can't be but hard.
But never forget that your penitence is self-creative;
it is like the oak which starts from hardly anything, a very small
acorn, and which slowly grows into a beautiful huge tree.
Finally, we change in order to take up our task as
co-creators again, resume the course of our Creation, at the very
least the Creation of man, which was broken off millennia ago, to
be born again and be one with the Creator again, Whose reflections
we are (Genesis 1/26-27).