Only forgiveness can set free both the
forgiver and the forgiven one
and make both of them one humanity
The endless vengeance (Rev of Arès
27/9) cycle has to be stopped, and the endless love
(7/5) cycle has to be started. Forgiveness is
the main bridge between both cycles.
People see the death penalty problem from many
points of view, but in the movie "Dead Man Walking", which I have
watched lately, I saw it from the most retrograde point of view,
that of love that refuses to give itself. Love
and forgiveness, however, is the key to the human
being's change and salvation. The movie
features the parents of the young that have been killed by the man
under sentence of death. They declare themselves Catholic, but
their attitude is clearly one of hatred and revenge.
"Dead Man Walking" is a movie about the failure of Church
"Christianity", because forgiving all offences, whatever, is the
very Core of love, the heart of real pure
Christianity, the base of the Sermon on the Moutain.
Forgiveness does not alter the past,it alters the future.
Forgiveness of offences is part and
parcel of love or Good. Consequently, it is an
ingredient of penitence, which is the sole way to
happiness and salvation, whether personal (30/11)
or global (28/7), says The Revelation of Arès.
Therefore, redemption does not depend on obedience to the demands
of a religion, but it depends on Good achieved (35/6).
It goes without saying that I mention The Revelation of Arès
over and over, but I never mention it like religions mention
their own sources, their Scriptures. I do not mention it to disarm
my brothers and sisters, make them docile shaking people, I want
to make them create their own destinies, follow close on the
Father's heels (Rev of Arès 2/12), instead, and thus make
them co-creators of the world and even the Universe,
because I am the Father's image and likeness (Genesis 1/26),
so I have a connection with the Universe. Within this framework, forgiveness
is existential in the most active and creative sense of the word.
A pilgrim (12/9) when making his ascent is conscious
that he is not confined to earthly life, which sin makes
a string of hardships, pains and sometimes follies, but he knows
that his life is short and like the rocky path where he
walks stumbling from the valley of sin up to the Heights
of the Day. While he climbs from life to Life
(24/5), every stumbling block he gets over is a
prejudice relinquished, a peace made, an offence forgiven.
It may be likely that the soul will come up against
other stumbling blocks during the time in the hereafter
awaiting the Day (31/8) when he will put his flesh
back on. On that Day each man will understand that what
he had formerly thought was detestable and punishable has been
nothing but life of sinful misery.
But the man busy working out his salvation, eternity,
may starting now feel earthly misery relative and short. The
prospect of salvation is given to all of human beings,
even evil-doers, at the low cost of penitence, which makes any
pious man light-hearted, and which is lighter than the yoke on
the neck of dominating rich people (Rev of Arès 28/25). So
any evil on earth is to be placed in perspective and may be
forgiven, because the aim is far beyond. It is not sin
that separates us from the Father, which is proved by the fact
that Jésus and the Father Himself spoke to me a sinner
in 1974 and 1977. We are sinners, but the Light is given
back and the paths (25/5) towards the Heights are shown
to us.
The polyvocal nature of forgiveness is well known. There is
trivial forgiveness: For instance, In the street car I say,
"Pardon!" to people I jostle against. There is crative
forgiveness. For instance, in days when we as a family used to
live isolated in Arès some people full of hatred might plague us
at times. If those "dispensers of real faith" had abducted one of
our daughters after school, and had threatened us that they were
likely to kill her if we refused to claim that The Revelation
of Arès was a canard, we Christiane and I has decided to
reply, "The Truth won't die if our daughter dies, and she will not
die either, because angels will take her in and bring her into Life.
We certainly would shout out our affliction, but we will
never fall into the trap of endless vengeance (Rev of
Arès 27/9). We will forgive you, because evil never
produces anything but woes, and because we hope that you'll find
the Light some day." We have to forgive any offence no matter what kind of offence.
Forgiving is neither forgetting nor giving oneself up to the bad.
Forgiving is giving any sinner, whether important or unimportant,
enough time to find serenity, which is the eye of the Light.
The return of Life on our planet depends on it.