French Terrestrial Network.
Radio France and France Télévision are inaccessible to us,
though they are financed by the taxes we pay.
For 45 years we have not been granted one minute on
Therefore we too are left-out people.
YouGov is an international Internet-based
market research and data analytics firm, that gave some results of
its surveys in France on November 30, 2018, 83 percent of the
French people and on January 11, 2019, 74 percent of them found
the Yellow Vests collective action as vindicated. So there are a
lot of sympathizers with the Yellow Vests movement, which is a
social dissatisfaction movement with many sorts of claim. I see
fit to launch our rafts in that current.
Yellow Vests generally claim a better financial lot, reject
politicians as people unable to bring it about, and, as a
result, their claims stay political and restricted. This is
not a criticism, but we wish they could have less narrow
views, cast out the civilisation of systems, strive to change
their lives (Rev of Arès 30/11), raise humanity above
materialism and the eye-for-an-eye and a tooth-for-a-tooth
principle, make man free again, give him his beneficient
creative talents back. We Arès Pilgrims are in a quandary
about all that, because we are unpolitical and we listen
to the Sermon on the Mount: You cannot serve God and
Materialism (Mammon)... Life
is more than food...
(Matthew 6/24-25).
However, we as brothers of the Yellow Vests cannot help but
act as if we would resort to Mammon, but
in such a way that we could some Day (Rev of Arès 31/8)
arrive at the ideal of Good by encouraging society
materially to go through the best gate liable to open onto the
ideal of Good: Reforming France to make it a lot of
small confederated sovereign regions, because putting into
practice Good (love, freedom, real democracy)
instead of law is especially feasible in small human units
where men know each other well.
Ever since the 19th century evolutionary
theories have considered all of peoples on earth as being on a
sole evolutionary path from individualism to state control, that
is, to the obedient mass nation under a sole political authority
and its law, a homogenization seen as inevitably global of
political institutions, legalism, economical infrastructures and
philosophical guidelines. This was stated as being the only
general blueprint likely to provid peace and happiness. Not at
all! Right now it is obvious that men have remained very different
from each other. An unconscious need for dignity, for one's
individuality, for freedom, which indeed is an instinctive
unformulated need, one which dares not be distinguished from the
ideas in fashion, and which puts on a yellow vest, and which
started from a protest against the overtaxing of fuel oils and
then has grown toward miscellaneous ethic philosophic outcries. No
more than it was in bygone days humane "to civilize the colonized
with rifles" (Camille Pelletan, member of Parliament 1881 to
1912), it is today humane to set people straight and control them
with law enforced on everybody "as a whole" as brother Eric D. has
written on a public poster.
Panneau préparé par soeur Rachel F.
pour la manif des Gilets Jaunes à Lyon.
It is implausible that the elected officials
with Jacobine, centralizing, legalistic plans turn alert to the
freed word of the Yellow Vests soon. The Yellow Vests are likely
to get crumbs to swell their daily bread, which is nice, but they
will get tired of it without further delay, because nothing
basically human can revive from a social movement which would stay
episodic and limited instead of growing lasting and extensive. An
exchange of views does not make sense as long as it happens
between a mankind "reflexive on itself", said Fenelon, and a
naturally inflexible power, even a revolutionary one, unless it
slowly gets a facelift and little by little softens a thought
stiffened like leather for a long time. The Cartesian "I think
therefore I am" has meaning only if the thinking is flexible,
lively, creative.
Deafness is the consequence of politics when the elected officials
who challenge the Yellow Vests are convinced that they alone make
right choices and that Republican usages should always be
followed. The serious shortcomings in views and the jingle of
politicians, whether stupid or smart, whether imperious or kind,
have from time immemorial made their marks on the regulators'
speeches. Emmanuel Macron, a young man though, does not realize
that his feet are caught in the fossil strata, so he does nothing
but stands up for the job that he has been given by the
electoral system; he objurgates the Yellow Vests calling them
"forces of the world of old", which has no meaning. World of old
may mean defeated outdated world or mean a world very distant past
but recoverable. What Emmanuel Macron thinks is evil is good in
reality, a noble dignified ancientness, that of the fundamental
man wise, free, patient, who resurfaces. It all starts here, the
abyss ; no one can say who will ever fill it except well-advised
people like the Arès Pilgrims, who are aware that penitence,
the slow recovery of Good laid down by The
Revelation of Arès, can make the filling. Four
generations will not be enough (Rev of Arès 24/2),
The French give their opinions on the ISF (wealth tax),
unemployment benefits, secularism, migration policy, and so on,
which apparently makes them claim that people's intelligence is
better than the technocrats', but these points are just
circumstantial, they are not about the Core. What a lot
of them mean but do not tell, because it is inexpressible with
administrative words or even scientific words, is happiness.
Under their yellow vests they feel the unpronounceable natural
commotion, that even poets lack right words about, that which
parents and children, husband and wife, lovers feel depp down
inside while they hug each other. Oh dear, if you say it to them,
they protest, because it is a point of pride to seem rational. But
I tell you that intense life is what they are looking for. This is
why they bustle about parading, waving placards, even rioting here
and there. The Yellow Vest's problem is like that of the
politician to whom he or she is opposed, that is inability to find
the profound reality of the being. However, unlike the poltician
he or she gets restless, shouts, sometimes riots to unearth
something buried, that only his or her heart like a pickax can dig
out, and that powers and their police cannot or will not see.
Not only, as expected, the government, the major political parties
and trade unions, in other words those who fabricate the opinion
have already stacked the Yellow Vests with their men and distorted
the early complaint of the left-out, but anyway no controversy
about the referendum on the IC (socially aware initiative) and no
social demands or wage claims will solve the question of happiness.
because — as The Revelation of Arès says fundamentally —
the solution will never come from a legislative political
decision, but it will come from the penitence of every
individual concerned. In short, there are a lot of reasons why the
French that move forward and want to change their lives (Rev
of Arès 30/11) and the French that sit enthroned on law and
authority will never agree on that point, as long as it applies to
67 million inhabitants. We have to make France and later the world
burst into small confederated sovereignties. In Mr Macron's
election speeches there was a promise of "revolution" and most
importantly he chose that word as the title of his program book,
but he will never go as far as to transform the Republic into a
Confederation. The way to reach this aim will be a long one, then.
Four generations will not be enough (24/2).
You are to ask me : If the Yellow Vests movement is likely to fall
through, what's the point of following it? I answer, Because the
Creator, therefore our Assembly, offers the most
significant solution to gain happiness, even if it is a
straightforward process. So for the time being mingling with
the Yellow Vests helps us to get a little known, as we are great
unknown people, and to do our bit in a movement that has sprung up
from the depths of the human element. We are going to make a
little progress then. We are the engine that will tow the world
out of sin and make it leave the tunnel, come to the Light,
but the track is very long. We are still in the tunnel darkness
and a bit of an advance will be particularly helpful. It is
necessary to start providing incentives to love and freedom,
and also spreading the idea of making France burst into small
sovereignties like the Cantons of the Helvetian Confederation. The
time of these ideas will slowly come. Never forget that small
societies are the only area where some day popular life of penitence
is likely to be lived and happiness likely to be
recovered in whole mankind.