What is the True (Rev of Arès
xxxiv/1-4)? It is the Word or the Book
that speaks whenever the prophet speaks (i/12,
xxxvi/11-14). The True is the infinite echo of the Victory
or Triumph (Rev of Arès 10/7-8) of the Plan
(28/27, 36/8) and Life (24/5).
Even the most consecrated rats' law (Rev of Arès xix/24)
cannot express the Sanctity, Power and Light (12/4)
likely to create a thousand new suns on the day when
our sun goes out (xxii/12).
The True has no use for the minutiae, with which the
webs of religion, politics and other bodies are spinned, which
dissect, hull, detail, stipple. Sin is a wretched
The True can't be but fundamental, sublime, as
transcendent as Life that we have to find (Rev
of Arès 24/5).
Everything else is just books written by humans (16/12,
The point aimed at (Paul Klee, 1922)
The only point God aims at is the Triumph of Good
The Revelation of Arès has one meaning
straightforward and ultimate.
It says that man can still revive the Creator's image and
likeness (Genesis 1/26) in himself before the sin of
sins (Rev of Arès 38/2) or Evil, which is man's
institution, reaches its climax and exterminates all of men
wolfing themselves down, and by penitence (30/11) recover
the control of his destiny as freely (10/10) as God
controls His, and recovers Life (24/5), and makes the Breath
his own breath. Recovering Life does not require refraining from eating
pork or non-kosher non-hillal meat, or stoning to death the
man who gathers wood on the Sabbath day (Numbers 15/32-36),
or being a king like David or Solomon, or abiding by dogmae, or
praying in a way but not in another. Recovering Life is
not ending up lying on cushions or beds while being waited
on by ephebes and dark-eyed houris (Quran 56/12-22). Recovering
Life or the True is mastering love,
forgiveness, peace, spiritual intelligence (32/5)
free (10/10) from prejudices, in short having a soul
yielded by penitence (30/11), the redeeming force
of which persists eternally, because they join us to the One
with Whom man end up being one himself (xxiv/1).
The Father noticeably feels uncomfortable having no means but aflawed (2/12) human language devoid of
transcendence to speak. The Revelation of Arès mentions
prophets. It does not mention the books that they have
been credited with: the Bible, the Quran and so on, which have
been distorted by man's word (16/12) or man's books
After I had listened to the Messenger (1974) and then
the Father (1977) and I had compared the Arès Message and
the religions' holy Writ, I was aware that men, whenever they think
they are chosen (Rev of Arès 27/1), designated to screen
God's Word, change trivialities into laws, pretend to know the
absolute keys to salvation, or damnation, the clean and the
unclean, and they unfortunately lead people astray. The Revelation of Arès, which is the simplest True,
brings us back to the paths to Salvation.
Only the image and likeness of God, which is the
mirror of Love, is the mainspring of Life,
Whose reflection Good is on earth, as it is, love
that is recognizable by the fact that it is not associated with
outcomes, but it is associated with the sbsolute. Evangelical love
and Love are as one (Rev of Arès 32/3) ). The
absolute lies in each human potentially and regrows in a penitent,
because the Absolute is in God, who is One. A good man
or his soul is a divine fragment that can't come
unstruck from the One. Be one in yourself ! (Rev of Arès xxiv/1). The
Father's Children (13/5) have not been created as
societal beings, but as free ones (10/10).
Societal instinct originates in sin. Society as a human
machine with rulers and law — which the Father
ignores (16/1, 3/4, 28/8, xix/24) — was a fabrication of
Adam (2/1-5) when he fell in lions' and billygoats'
animality again (vii/7). The mechanical societal block in
the rationalist, which is uppermost nowadays, has forgotten that
each man individually is accountable for Good and Evil,
each man is answerable for and the causal part of his sins
or his penitence. Each man makes humanity, but humanity
does not make each man. This is why God says that the world
is going to change (28/7) thanks to a small
remnant of penitent individuals, because the
masses cannot be penitent. God tells, "Why do you say,'Fathers eat unripe grape,but
their sons' teeth are set on edge?' You will not say it again,
because each human being is in Me as an entire wholehearted
person (who is not dependent on others). Each human
being that sins sins against himself (Ezekiel 18/1-3).
Because he or she is just a small mass of the big societal masses
a sinner cannot evoke Mercy (Rev of Arès 16/15)
anymore. He or she is no more on Life's way; he
or she has entered the anteroom of the final tragedy, of
nonexistence, the warning sign of which death is. Man is not
descended from the apes ; he is descending to the apes. Oh he can
freely become en ape, if he wishes, but why wouldn't he be God
(12/13) instead? It is with this aim in view that God, who is
infinitely good, proposes a practical simple way: penitence,
that is, to live in achieving the Sermon on the Mount.
An appreciable number of people humbly have
with no prejudices or underlying cultural sway read The
Revelation of Arès, but have felt oppressive deep anxiety
because they failed to understand it. This is a reason among other
reasons why so many people read three or ten pages of The
Revelation of Arès and stop reading it. There is a sole way
of understanding It and it requires the reader to think the way
God thinks; but how many human beings still naturally think like
God thinks? Few people. We call them ripe wheatears,
that our harvesters have never stopped searching for
among the wild grasses and undergrowth (Rev of Arès
In the early stages of my prophetic job, I used to think it would
only take two or three readings of The Revelation of Arès
to understand It Gradually I would realize that only few men
and women could make the journey to the Elsewhere, to the
Differently-Told, the Light that myriad ordinary mortals
have long ceased to perceive, the meaning of which is very plain,
but which human beings cannot make out now, because they have been
wrecked by the Adamic culture long.
Reading the Word of Arès is travelling the length and breadth of a
Marvel (Rev of Arès 33/8), which the sinner
cannot discern. Magrelli, an Italian poet who
might be a bit of a prophet too, sang, "To speak I would rather
come from silence, carefully prepare the word so that it may reach
its shore gliding along in a whisper like a small boat the wake of
which shows off its curve. Script is serene death, the world when
lit up expands and forever burns one of its corners (Ora Serrata
Retinæ)" It is very subtle and if you lack that sort of
subtlety... and the greatest humbleness, you cannot merge into the
Word, when it is pure, free from additions by man (16/12,
35/12). I have annotated the Word, because the prophet
has the charisma to explain It, but I have neither added or
altered anything in It or denounced those who have interpreted It
differently from I or the small remnant who have taken
up my own exegesis.
The Father's language even made of French words is not ours. It
will not be really clear until our souls will be running
between the hourless worlds, the countless galaxies (Rev
of Arès vi/1-4).