Exodus' greatest miracle is
not the crossing of the Red Sea,
which is just a metaphor.
It is deliverance, which resulted from man's action!
The Arès Pilgrims' action is penitence and
the Harvest
of penitents ; it will make a
great miracle too.
(Red Sea crossing, Chagall)
A great month of June, 2016 :
In Italy, the Movimento 5 Stelle (antirsystemic
antipolitical Five Stars Movement) is elected to the
mayoralty in Rome and Turin.
In the United Kingdom, the Brits by popular referendum set
themselves free from the political bureaucracy which has
so far imposed itself upon the masses regardless of local
aspirations and liberty.
Both events are forerunners of the wind of change
that The Revelation of Arès has been sweeping
through part of the world for forty-two years. They
foreshadow men's headless, non-religious, non-political, penitent
small units, within which love, forgiveness, peace,
intelligence free from prejudices can be common
societal practive, and without which the race
can't be as One in love, just as the Universe
couldn't be as One and well-balanced, if it were
not made of myriad stars.
There is no question that penitencechanges
life for the better (Rev of Arès 30/11)
and from generation to generation is going to change
the world (28/7),
society therefore, for
the better. The change in society will
not be made through politics in the sense given to
politics nowadays, but through the rising into view of a
new kind of citizens: penitents.
And yet the change process will sometimes look
or sound like politics, but in a meaning that has
vanished ever since politics, whatever ideology it has
claimed, has been a career for politicians, a quest for
power and the making of law. The penitents'
political path will not be anything else than
the public part beside the private part of life,
community running opposite any sort of government,
exercised with love, forgiveness, peace,
good-hearted intelligence free from all
A practice that is to require a will, honesty, and cool
thinking particularly in the current time of design,
because man's timorous emotional nature perverts reason.
I am now starting my own thinking on this point of
utmost importance that is to have the entry "Small human
units" as an apex later on
In October 2015 I was able to carry out a plan that I had
toyed with a long time : A journey through five historical
Cantons of Switzerland: Uri (William Tell's homeland,
35.000 inhabitants.), Schwitz (148.000 h.), Nidwald
(41.000 h.), Obwald (36.000 h.) and Zug (115.000 h.),
because those Cantons actually are small sovereign
independent nations similar to the small human units that
I hope will flourish on earth some day after the big
masses have broken up.
I was expecting to visit a pîcture-postcard Switzeland,
farmers with feathered hats and leather shorts on who
milked cows and made cheese. Unlike it I saw modern,
industrial, flourishing small nations proving that men's
very small groups can really well live in the midst of a
technological world, as selfmanaged societies in peace,
justice, affluence, unaware of political, ideological,
even spiritual conflictes, which are inevitably met in big
Don't have dreams! Uri people,Swchytz people, Obwald and
Nidwald people, Zug people are not Moseses, but they live
in small human units where they might well become Moseses.
We will have to work hard and long so that our current,
basic, spiritual mission may be coupled with a societal
mission to call on men to dispose of their inner cultures
with iron teeth (Psalm 57/4) as well as smash
the big masses politicized, to change what is nowadays
wrongly called nations into real nations, that will go
back under the Father's tutelage (Rev of Arès 28/21),
in the name of love, forgiveness, peace, intelligence
free from all prejudices. Currently the Arès
Pilgrims are insignificant in number, but — as the
unexpected Italian Movimento 5 Stelle gives proof of it —
they may some day show influential. The question that has
to be considered first is, "What kind of citizen is The
Revelation of Arès making its follower?" He will
be a complex citizen like every human on earth, but a free
one (Rev of Arès 10/10, 16/1), an intelligent
one (32/5), a brother (L/2),
a liberatorr (ix/8), someone fundamentally mosaic.
What meaning shall you give this term?
So much luster has Moses that I sound incongruous
whenever I say that a right penitent is a
The Word that Moses listens to, however, can't be
different from that which Mikal hears in Arès.
Moses is neither the commander (Rev of Arès 16/1,
36/19) depicted in the Bible, which books
written by men (35/12) have distorted, nor the
maker of laws which too much of a loving Father
(12/7) might never inspire.
As an Egyptian deeply upset by the Hebrews' misery
Moses hears (Exodus 3/4-21 4/1-17) that the Father
and His Offspring (13/5 = the whole human race
xii/5) should be as One like
the Universe (12/4) is One, so that
happiness (36/23) may arise.
Moses is a penitent of reference just as Jesus
is thirteen centuries later.
A mosaic citizen is a human being over whom the Breath
of endless reality blows, that has continually recurred
from the days of Noah, Abraham, Moses up to the days of The
Revelation of Arès.
Real mosaism rules out mythical Moses, who has been
biblicized as the rescuer of the only Hebrews. When the
Father on Mount Horeb tells Moses, I have indeed seen
the misery of My People... So I have come down to rescue
them (Exodus 3/7-8), he means by People
whole mankind having lived in the misery of sin
ever since Adam's time.
Real mosaism enables no one to open up a pass in
the Red Sea and gives no one the right to write up laws
and legends, which are but books by men (Rev of Arès
35/12). Moses like every prophet sets man
free until times are over and he sets only Hebrews free,
because his lifetime lasts only 120 years (Deutéronomy
34/1-9). Moses, after acting in a manner the
arduous reality of which we are unaware of — the "plagues
of Egypt", the "Red Sea crossing" are just a saga —,
starts setting mankind free with Hebrews from Egypt and
launches an Exodus, which has not yet stopped,
because it has repeatedly been interrupted by religion and
politics for 3,200 years.
The revival of the Exodus — the spiritual
deliverance of mankind — sounded to me straightaway like
the obvious core of The
Revelation of Arès ; this is
why I called Exodus the restart of the people got stuck in
their sin, their religions, their politics,
their ideas, theirs habits. In that sense the Arès
Pilgrims' faith is indeed mosaic.
Let's forget about the baby rescued from the Nile and then
raised in the Pharaoh's palace — a story that is just
a patch-up of Sargon of Akkad's legendary biography
— and quite simply let's regard Moses as an inhabitant of
Egypt whose mind and heart a Revelation enriches. Let's
not seek the reason why the Father choses Moses, a
murderer (Exodus 2/12), and why 3,200 years
later He chooses me a sinner as a prophet,
or why then I am followed by brothers and sisters devoid
of prophetical merit and ability just as pathetic Hebrews
never stopping moaning follow Moses.The Father
reveals Himself to His Children
(Rev of Arès 13/5) just as He creates the Universe,
that is, in the same way invariably. The relations between
God and Moses and then 3,200 years later between Him and Mikal
are necessarily the same. Just as The Revelation of
Arès exists today The Revelation of Mount
Horeb used to exist in the days of Moses, even
though very little of it is now extant. Let's consider it
as obvious that the talk between Moses and God revealing
Himself in the Burning Bush is not reduced to
what the Bible tells. Exodus, Leviticus, Nombers, Deuteronomey (Bible)
are legends that have developed around a few realities,
only a few things of which stick to my mind: the beginning
(Exodus 3/1-21-4/1-17) and the end (Deuteronomy
32/1-44) and a few facts and statements in
between. The profound meaning of The Revelation of
Mount Horeb is only found in the spirit of
deliverance that Moses gives to all the hardships of the
Hebrews in the Sinai.
The similarity between the Exodus Hebrews and
the penitents of The Revelation of Arès
is in the everyday heroism (Rev of Arès xxxv/4-12)
which that sort of emigration requires, whether geographic
or spiritual. It is the rocky path (25/5) of
penitence. Along this path both the inner
fight and the outer fight against sin is an
action more painful than the bondage of sin, but
it is a very hard effort which is vindicated by change,
which is transfiguration, as a result. The change
in question is that which is symbolized by the crossing of
the Red Sea , the manna and so on, the result of which is
attained thanks to a steadfast effort spurting up as a
powerful vitality, which is just temporary among the
Hebrews, who fall back into sin and religion
long before the Exodus is nearing its end (the
golden calf Exodus ch.32), but which among the Arès
Pilgrims is already in their inner self before shining out
in a defintive societal insurgence sooner or later.
Like Moses, who is slow of speech and tongue (Exodus
4/10), the Arès Pilgrims as missionnaries have
difficulties in speaking to the world, because very hard
is telling people in an old language about a new way of
life and awaking a life of unremitting creativity in a
society set rigidly in outdated generally received ideas.
Like Moses the Arès Pilgrims are becoming benevolent and
thoughtful. Like him the Arès Pilgrims make their abstract
longings concrete and transcendent, even though the
transcendence is not yet visible to a blind society. They
leave the earthly iron rule with politics just like Moses
leaves it with Aaron, but they are working out a new world
devoid of politics, because politics is law and the
institutions that impose it upon people: courts of
justice, police, army, religion, taxmen, whereas they want
to make the world free. Like Moses they don't
have any personal ambition and strive towards a sole goal,
which is Good on earth.
Moses like any prophet is an example,
he is not a commander.
Any penitent and harvester of penitents
is a Moses, the eldest brother (Rev of Arès 16/1)
that harvests the brothers capable of
freeing themselves from sin like him. Sin
standardizes, glues, concretes, but Good
scatters harmoniously like poppies over meadows or the
wheat. There is still for us to make poppies everlasting!
Everywhere on earth man has turned sinful and
got lost in the hard liquor of sin. He is
thirsting for himself, for his egoism, for his desires and
ambitions, he can only in scarce times achieve works
worthy of the Creator whose image and likeness
(Genesis 1/26-27) he has kept deep down like a
lifeless chrisalis. And yet a sinner
can detoxify himself from sin just as Moses
detoxifies himself from barbarity (Exodus 2/11-15). We
are aware that the world is not far from the point of non
return (the sin of sins, 38/2), but has not yet
reached it.
This entry 176 is not the right place to go through the
lowest depths of metaphysics. I confine myself, therefore,
to saying but not elaborating it that there is universal
analogy between sin and penitence.
Albeit a sinner ages and then dies in a short
time — an eighty year lifetime is not much! —, he can
freshen himself up, revive, in the course of an Exodus
which is to last long — four generations will
not be enough (Rev of Arès 24/2) —, but at the end
of which he is to enter into Eden again, drown the world's
cruel absurdity, and make up his absolute freedom
again (10/10). It is important to say again and
again that men will be unable to do that change,
as long as the world is not studded with myriad small
human units just as the Universe is studded with
myriad stars and is never at odds with the Creation's
infiniteness. Love and bliss do not
depend upon the politicized magnitude of the people, but
they depend upon the people's free diversity.