is a shortish exile," said Plato,
but Life, the Other one, once it is
rediscovered (Revelation of Arès 24/5), will
give us infinite Bliss back.
Join the penitence and
harvest with me! Let's go together to the Shores of
(A paraphrase of The Revelation of Arès 25/4)
Christianity has generated a society
that is almost the opposite of the Sermon on the
Mount (Matthew ch.5 to 7); the
same can be asserted about judaism and islam. I dearly
express the wish that the faith based on The
Revelation of Arès will never be hijacked by the
system of Adam (Rev of Arès 2/1-5) just as the
three of them have been, so that the Arès Pilgrims' descendants
(39/10) may not be
criticized for committing errors, wrongs, murders, lies,
rules, that the Word has never laid down. None of men is unaware that pulling out of the Word
unachieved, that is, out of the contradiction between
the Word and societal life, will be a toil(Rev
of Arès 31/6)much
harder that the hard work to convince the masses of
the truthfulness of The Revelation of Arès. Let's remember that the Father has not sent us out
to sow (6/2), but to harvest
penitents, those that still hear the
call of the Creator's image and likeness (Genesis
1/26) within themselves, the eagle injured
but not dead, which lies (28/6) there deep
down, those that give up Evil and recreate Good
and never stray from it.
All depends on the practice of Good, on what The
Revelation of Arès calls the achieved Word
(35/6). Each Arès Pilgrim is aware that he or
she is not saved and the the World will not be saved
by dogmata, ideology, the law of rats (xix:24),
the law that prevails (28/8) whether
religious or political, but they are to be saved by
the achievement, experience in Good,
that is the coming law (28/7), that will be
neither devised nor written, but that will stay live
in man's heart, where we have to awake it.
Not the Eternal, or God, or the Father, or Allah achieves,
but man.
God's Arm certainly holds the hand that
holds the sword, the Iron (Rév d'Arès 35/14,
xLix/2), but man is the one that brings down
Evil and cuts out (xx/6)Good.
We will not make up Moses, Jesus or Muhammad in the
way religion has made them up. We will not make Jesus
or Muhammad a socialist or a monarchist, a proletarian
or a capitalist, tyrannical or rebellious, a crusader
or a hermit. There is just one Truth, that
of Good or that of the Father of the
Universe (Rev of Arès 12/4), so we never get Truth
as long as we fail to comply with Good.
Rebuilding Good calls for penitence. Being
a penitent means loving one's neighbor whoever,
forgiving all of offenses,making peace
with all men, showing intelligence
wholehearted and free from every prejudice,
and then later, after a long complete societal
overhaul, sharing everything with all people.
The whole process involves leaving the fat valley
(Rev of Arès 26/4),climbing the Heights
(7/1), reversing the direction of the
consciousnesses that the system has endowed us with,
but it likewise involves never disowning the past,
because you never disown your mother, even though you
do not comply with her views of things. You get beyond
them or else you may develop a loathing or even hatred
and then fall back into the system, which is dual. The
holy(Leviticus 19/2) man is
nondual, attached
to the destiny of mankind like the destiny of its
Maker, linked to the past as well as the present and
the future, to the local as well as the infinite. So
your task may be agonizing, but you cannot save
yourself from making it so, because you cannot love
the man of the present, if you do not love the man
of the past, whoever he may be. Let's reformulate
the world into the Whole ! We
will be for long in great need of keeping real
faith from returning to religion, ideology,
politics, ethics, which are always saturated with
the system and its categories always skillful at
having justifications. We cannot be like religion,
a plant pot pretty but blossoming into the
fashions and interest of the moment. Humanitarian aid and
social actions do not necessarily make us
truer to Good. We will look for
the Sublime that go beyond fashions, habits,
received ideas, differences, judgments, because
all of beings and things can live together,
provided Good is reigning.
The quest for Good, which we have started, is
not an easy path. This path
enables us to go from life to Life (Rev of Arès
24/5) on rocky grounds, but the Father
has promised to wash our chafed feet (25/5),
hasn't He?