Genesis uses parables
to express itself.
In the parable of the prohibited fruittree (Genesis
3/4-5) the serpent tells the woman, "God has said
that you would die if you ate that fruit, because he is
afraid that your eyes might open and you might turn into
mastering the good and evil issue."
So Evil began with a lie.
A famous painting by
Sin is a collective noun,
whatever form sin may take, which refers
to all of man's behaviors incompatbible with the Creator's
Design.Good is the
Design. Man of the Design (Rev of Arès 28/27) is
the name given any human who strives to give up sin
(39/6) and restore the image and
likeness (Genesis 1/26-27) of Good in
himself or herself.
In the Arès Word the noun sin is sometimes used
to mean particular forms of sin like the sin
of idolization (39/4), the worst of sins (29/5), Adam's
sins (28/8) and so on., but this is just to
characterize sin, but not to organize it into a
hierarchy. So that the sin of sins (38/2) does
not mean sin having grown into the strongest
inhibitor of Good or the strongest stimulator of
Evil, but it means sin on the day when none of
men tries to rid himself of it anymore.
Untruthfulness therefore is not a form of sin more
dangerous than other forms, but it is a form of sin
more worrying currently.
The Father, who is out of time (Rev of
Arès 12/6), considers all forms of sin as
equally harmful to spiritual life, to Good
therefore. But man, the Adam who went into
time (12/6) by the means of the creativeness
and freedom he had been given by the Father, by rejecting
the Design, by creating his own values, his own
design with which he is so dizzy that he dies from it (2/5),
has sinned in varied ways and frequencies. It was a
time when material greed ruled life and the most frequent
forms of sin were theft, murder,
enslaving, conquest, in short barbarity, Today
intellectual greed rules life, so it seems that
untruthfulness is growing into the most frequent form of sin..
It is still barbarity, but in the form of a rose sometimes
fragrant with a delicious scent.
If falsehood is random or impassioned, it is just error.
If falsehood is lucid, it is lying, untruthfulness. If
falsehood is random or impassioned it is just error.
Before Jesus spoke to me in 1974, I used to live in error.
Afterwards my error would have become lying, if I had not
quit the Church and set about changing my life (Rev
of Arès 30/11). Even though I am not a flawless
man, because I was born in a very sinful generation, I
have never been a dishonest man who lives on in
gratification of undeserved self-esteem. None of
untruthfulness is more pernicious than being dishonest
with oneself.
The most sacred thing Good builds is Truth.
In the verse: Truth is that the world has to change
(Rev of Arès 28/7), Truth does not point to a
state, but it points to a slow continuous quest. So God
considers Truth as an action, something that
begins, and then develops from generation to
generation (24/2-4), and finally changes into the
marvelous Day of the Father (31/8),
when the world is the garden that never withers
(xvi/17): Eden again. This means that
untruthfulness currently is the most frequent killer of
the future.
I remember what Mr François Hollande stated in the course
of the 2012 election campaign, because his words amounted
to caricatured untruthfulness. In a face-to-face TV
debate, he voiced his deepest contempt for Nicolas
Sarkozy; he promised that he would turn things around
completely, eradicate unemployment and France's
national debt, and so on. No man on earth could more
falsely have established himself as a genius and pour out
more unworkable plans; but we have to acknowledge that the
the result would be perfectly happy for the deceiver. Such
en example speaks of untruthfulness as an accepted
official way of success. He was elected President of the
Republic. So would our missionnaries be unheeded, because
they are straightforward, inversely?
This makes us wonder if untruthfulness or lying is the
expression of the Truth today, which is a
terrible point.
Lying and charming have been as one a very long time,
because untruthfulness is highly workable and polishable;
it gives a ring truer than truth, while true truth is
often unpleasant, unlikely, improbable and even sounds
like sheer falseness. This is what Erasmus meant when in
"Stultitiæ Laus" (Praise of Folly) he wrote : "Man's mind
is cut out to be more easily enticed by untruthfulness
than it may be by the truth." In the nineties a pilgrim
passing through Arès said to me, "Your mission has had
meagre results. Why have you been telling that Jesus
and God appeared and spoke to you? These are incredible
facts. You should publish The Revelation of Arès
whithout specifying its supernatural origin. Just let
every one of the readers guess who is its author, who may
be you, or a dream you have had, or the fruit of continual
thoughts of yours, or God for a few people that have a
clear understanding of the situation. Being silent about
the truth is not lying, so your apostolate will be less
infertile." I replied, "Letting others tell lies to
themselves is sheer lying. Why, Jesus in his transfigured
body appeared and spoke to me and the Maker shrank to the
size of a big nail (Rec of Arès ii/21) to speak
to me and I should hide that extraordinary supernatural
events, that are Messages all on their own?"
If the is a problem of untruthfulness, I do not think that
it lies in the choice between distorted truth, lying made
likely, a lie which "says the truth". The problem lies in
the drowning of the mind by untruthfulness, which has
flooded the world. The mind drowning in untruthfulness has
lost insight and gone just capable of skepticism or its
utmost form which is absolute incredulity or pyrrhonism.
This has fathered numberless harms like in the spiritual
life people's indifference in front of The Revelation
of Arès and our mission, or like in the democratic
life electors' fatalism in front of the candidates they
elect, by whose lying they are not taken all the same. All
people, whether electors or newly elected members, think,
"Let things go on as a routine, just as they are, rather
than fall into a state of chaos!" And we all are going on
blindly so to speak, in a cowardly way. I am aware that
the chaos would be better, in order toenable man to
reexamine all from every angle, stop untruthfulness, start
from the truth again, but I can only move on by trial and
error in the world's dullness. I have let the lies of the
candidates I elected in 2012 fly like vultures after
I had just made sure that they would not harm our mission.
Now I an imperfect man beat my breast, but I can't help
but sort things out myself in the lying world.
We have no absolute alternative to untruthfulness but
silence, although inaccuracy happens to be a satisfactory
alternative. It is common knowledge, for example,
that I wrote "The witness's accounts, notes and thoughts"
about The Book (see the 1987 and 1995 editions
of The Revelation of Arès,
because my wife Christiane provided me with insistent
incentives for it, while I personally was quite willing to
remain silent about the supernatural, which I considered
as indescribable, a sort of physics we can't talk of with
words. Today I am only too pleased to have done it, even
though it is rather rough. At times inaccuracy is truth.
Which leads me to think that we are all liars by
inadequacy of the means to tell the truth and also by
fear, by scrupulousness, by lack of memory, etc. When
Isaiah related his spiritual calling (Isaiah 6/1-13),
he was obviously inaccurate or even inventive, because he
related an event impossible to depict. Whatever we relate,
we are always inaccurate, incomplete, because telling or
writing cannot give an account of acting or seeing. Every
day, when I tell sister Christiane, "I love you" I lie,
because no language can depict the emotion that she stirs
in my heart. I would need a thousand words to say "to
love". So I understand why hermits withdraw to the tops of
mountains in total silence, though I do not approve of
them, because they reprehensibly do not bother repeating
and repeating to human beings that they have to search
their spiritual deserts to find the Life
(Rev of Arès 24/4).
Nevertheless I find it regettable and harmful that learned
men say that "The fact of condemning lying without proper
judgment prevents us from studying it". Why study lying ?
It is as unnecessary as studying murder or theft.
Politicians and tradespeople are especially
untruthful, so much so that whatever they say has not been
considered as unquestionable a very long time. Deceitful
creativity is appalling. The possibility of lying that
only man among all of earthly living craatures has ever
had can't interest me and even it frightens me very often.
Man's propensity to tell lies makes a lot of people go
away from ideologists, advertising professionals,
religious men, in short glib talkers, but there are
talkers who talk to men without telling lies and even
speaking is their only way of warning people against
error. Such a talker I am.
For forty-two years persons have regularly said or written
to me, "You are a liar that experienced! You have ended up
believing in your own lies." I can only answer, "I tell
the Truth, which does not tally with your truth." Besides,
a lot of those who have had esteem for me have not
followed me. How many former friends of mine in the
seventies and eighties told me, "You sure enough have been
visited by Jesus and God in Arès, but this is no matter of
concern to me, at all"?
Then, every so often, I turn to the Father and tell him,
What a task terribly thankless you have given me! The Core
of my prophetic task is carpeted with implausibilities,
truths that culture casts out, because in the world there
are events with the label "Believe in it!" and events with
the label "Don't believe in it!", and because the real
liars have grown so skillful that untruthfulness is the
world's truth nowadays; all of the ears open to lying
trustfully, but they close to me suspiciously." Just as Dr
Freud observed it, I can only repeat relentlessly — without
flagging, says The Revelation of Arès (26/15)
— what I could not say once and for all, lest
silence should destroy the Father's Message to men since
1974. I repeat the Truth relentlessly, I never
fake it, I never tell it in paralipses. I live expecting
that I have to keep to my mission stubbornly until it is
successful with the help of my brothers and sisters.
15feb16 172USC1
Thank you Frere Michel for this very important post. I look forward
to your posts and comments with daily glee. They are a touch of
light in my life, a source of intelligence, inspiration and empathy.
I think the recourse to untruthfulness is linked to a resistance to
experience pain.
When I gave birth the second time without painkillers I discovered
that if I accepted and embraced the experience, it became a much
richer and enjoyable experience, a combination of both pain and
pleasure in a very raw way. My labour was quick and different to my
first birth which was more painful, self-conscious and slow wherein
I remember the 'ego' part of my brain wanted to escape which was
absurd because there I was midway through labour and that was
definitely not an option.
Another example is when I find myself in a conflictual argument with
my partner. I notice the ego part of my brain focusing too much on
my own woes and sufferings. If I choose to move my perception beyond
myself to his pain, in empathy, I gain a much greater and more
truthful perspective of a situation. The truth in every situation
requires us to grapple and search a little deeper inside ourselves
for it which can be painful.
In trying to elude looking at our own selves we have sought escape
in our material world building grotesque consumerist dreams which
only further stray us away from our calling and bury our heads under
the sand. Or we have chosen to transfer responsibility over
ourselves to politicians who could not possibly know or decide what
is best for our individual needs, and at each terribly juncture we
create more lies to cover up the truth that God has continually
reminded us of for over 4000 years that is 'the world must change'
and we must change ourselves.
The painful experiences of life are fruitful opportunities. God's
grace, means that is dealt to us in portions that we can digest.
Were we to receive it all in one go, I wonder if we would be able to
survive it. Were the world to be unmasked of its lies in one clean
swoop would are despondency and sadness be too great to bear? You,
beloved Nabi with the 'falcon's' eye must know things about our
current situation that I, so cowardly would not want to imagine, and
yet simultaneously I yearn for the spiritual transformation faster
and for the labour to come quicker so we can move beyond the
spiritual loneliness.
As you can see I also labour with language, as you must labour with
reading this post in English. Thank you for reading my laboured
words and for your continual work that is an inspiration.
Poppy S. London Great Britain
Reply :
Thank you sister Poppy for this comment.
No, I don't labour with reading your post, but it is about a form of
untruthfulness which tends to have us roam through a labyrinth of
nuances or hues and calls for an extensive reply. Unfortunately, I
do not have the time for it.
There is no doubt that the truth is much disturbed by pain and other
trying, disruptive experiences, because sin has very long
deteriorated our brains, which learned people say use about 10% or a
little more of their power. In pain like in conflicts we need some
time to realize the truth and even incomplete truth. So our
capabilities of perception are not always equal to situations.
This is why my entry #172 is rather about plain, simple,
indisputable lies rather than spheres of incertainties. On other
words, I am unsure as to whether the examples in your comment are or
are not untruthfulness.
The relation between truth and facts is a problem now more acute
than ever before. Faith in realities was devastated by the wars and
ideological revolutions in the 20th century particularly, because
they were based on untruthfulness in a lot of forms. Now people have
seen the fickleness of news, politics, religion, and have grown
skeptical. The transcendently trustworthy absolute truth has
disappeared except, just as The Revelation of Arès says
it has to be, in penitence, that is, in love,
forgiveness, peace, free spiritual intelligence. In
other domains there is a wide range of uncertainty. I think that the
examples you give, even if correctly thought through, can't make
disappear the possible uncertainty between untruthfulness and
truthfulness. Just be serene and confident, my sister.