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november 5, 2009 (0101us) 
penitence is uttermost ecology

Dépêche du Midi
Living as an eco-freak costs a lot
and won't save the world

Living as a penitent costs nothing

and will save the world

Tapping the 30 October issue of "La Dépêche du Midi" (The South's Dispatch) I remind myself of a discussion with a dyed-in-the-wool environmentalist: Salsifis (Black Salsify). This is not really her name, but I don't want to embarrass Salsifis.
     To start with she spoke with cocky humor,
     —  Your Revelation is just horseshit, said Salsifis! And they don't come any more outdated! God was away with the fairies when he wrote the message. Only ecology, but not religion, is planning the world's future.
     —  It's important, I replied, to cut down carbon and noxious quanta in the air, toxins in soils, rivers, in rivers and in food. This is as wise as washing your hands, brushing your teeth and streetsweeping the city, but the pollution you've just talked of is not fatal. THE ONLY POLLUTION FATAL TO MANKIND: SIN.
     Salsifis shrugged. I kept talking,
     — Did the word sin get you shrugging? Well, let's say evil instead! Or let's say lies, selfisness, individualism, contempt, greed, theft, etc., which together are definitely some of the causes of global pollution from an ecological standpoint.
    — Let's suppose you're right, said Salsifis! But don't go away thinking that law, police and the courts can prevent lies, selfishness, couldn't-care-less attitude, the polluters' every possible vice. Only law and courts can keep global pollution from spreading by heavily punishing and taxing the polluting manufactures.
     I cut off Salsifis,
     — And the polluting manufacturers get back the tax money by charging the retailers and consumers for it. Living as an eco-freak costs a lot (I anticipated the headline of "La Dépêche du Midi" by a few years). Laws and taxes can increase the cost of living, but can't depollute the earth, because pollution will forever develop faster then depollution. THE ONLY DEPOLLUTING FORCE AND ONLY PATH TO GOOD: SPIRITUAL LIFE.
    — Religion again?!
    — No! Living a spiritual life is just having a soul. Whether a soul is noble and beautiful or it is nonexistent. If a potent number of men have a soul, the world is to change (Rev of Arès 28/7).
    — I've got a soul just as all of people do, Salsifis retorted.
    — You may have a soul, but I can't assess this hypothesis. According to The Revelation of Arès the only way of being sure you've got a soul is giving up sin in all conscience and putting good into practice in all conscience, in other words, being a penitent. THE ONLY PROCESS OF GOOD IS PRIVATE; IT IS PENITENCE.
    Salsifis sniggered.
    — The word penitence, I added without approving of Salsifis's snigger, is usually misundertsood, because people can't help but seeing only what religion has left in it, that is, some force against evil through remorse and contrition, because it's death that religion mostly has in mind. But what spiritual life has in mind is life. Faith, not law, is the best telescope to sweep the happy earth's horizon and penitence is the best trekking toward happiness. I mean creative penitence, that The Revelation of Arès redeems. By this penitence man recovers beauty (Rev of Arès 12/3), joy and festive mood (30/11), happy change of private life (Rev of Arès 30/11) and of the world (Rev of Arès 28/7). Penitence gives back to the God that any good man is made (2/12) the image and likeness of his Creator (Genesis 1/27). In other words, penitence, but not environmentalism, enables man to save himself, save the world and even re-create the world.
    — Doing Good? That's the project of ecology. Therefore your penitence somehow is akin to ecology, said Salsifis.
    — No, it is not, I stated, because ecology doesn't believe in spiritual man, that is also a free man (Rev of Arès 10/10). Ecoly tells the citizen, "I Ecology have decided on the environment good for you and the environment bad for you and, as you might well decide on something different, I impose it on you by law and by tax..." Ecology is just politics. It sees only man as psycho-biological matter, which needs to be protected from its own immediate noxious demons (inasmuch as the noxious demons are indeed not the very demons of the authorities in place).
    — But law can't force any man to become spiritual. Ecology can force a man to be protected from industrial poisons.
    — By industry you mean man's industry, that is, mankind itself. You cannot keep mankind from inventing new things and having more and more outputs, because it's forever increasing in number, and you can't keep it from producing reasonably priced things for its poor people, therefore from polluting as production goes along. Not to mention the excessive cost of what little ecology realizes. There's no such thing as an absolute solution to global happiness through a special management of the processes of industry, farming, etc. The only solution consists in creating a new human society, a spiritual one, which contrary to popular opinion is possible with time: It will take more than four generations (Rev of Arès 24/2). After Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Joel, Zechariah, it was John the Baptist who relaunched the Penitence project: Be penitent so that the kingdom of Good, which is very close at hand (for it is in your own hearts) will come (and replace the system)! (Matthew 3/2). Sheer simplicity always short-circuits laws, controls, the screen of earthly complicated matters behind which the power, whatever, lives and thrives in Palestinia and elsewhere. The power had John the Baptist arrested and eliminated (Matthieu 14/1-11). A few months later Jesus, who was likewise preaching the direct return to Good through penitence, was also arrested and eliminated (Matthew 26/47-27/55, Mark 14/43-15/39, Luke 22/47-23/44). Now, you environmentalists would have sat in the councils of Herod, of the sanhedrin and of the Romans in those days.
    — This shows that law and its forces are instantly stronger than faith and love, said Salsifis, but what can really happen at times other than instant ones? How good is the bravery and sacrifice of a man of faith of love in distant prospects of salvation?
    — Faith is as valuable as life. Where there's life, there's hope; similarly where there's faith there's hope. But faith turns absolutely valuable when it keeps to an absolute, that is, conscious choice of good, which rectifies Adam's old choice of evil (Rev of Arès 2/1-5). There's no faith but faith in a distant invisible future. This is the grand and heroic (Rev of Arès xxxv/4-12) side of faith, for which we have to stir mens' consciences all over the world. Herod, the Sanhedrin, Pilatus...into those powers two prophets, whose weapon was nothing but Truth (Rev of Arès 28/7), threw a scare, which showed only the inability of religion and politics to be conscious of a anything beyond the surface of events, just as wolves are unable to consider life around them beyond their own hunger and impulses. Politicians and environmentalists behave likewise today. The earthly powers set their very brief time against the dimensionless time of spiritual Life that aims for the kingdom of Good (22/14) beyond time. This is why the Creator gives the good men, the ones with souls, an afterlife which keeps them, even when considered as dead in earthmen's eyes, capable of slowly helping change the world (Rev of Arès 28/7) until they rise from the dead (Rév d'Arès 31/11-13) on the Day when the Good wins against the Beast (22/14). Jesus, when he appeared in Arès in 1974, featured the brilliant demonstration of the aftherlife, of the souls' contribution to the world's ascent toward the Saint's Hights. To sum up, penitence is the uttermost ecology.


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